Why is open source software better than TOWER? Kama Social Institute

Why is open source software better than TOWER?

Perm Humanitarian and Technological College

In recent years, there has been a trend – the higher the level of education, the better. But on the other hand, secondary vocational education has always been considered more practice-oriented.

The Perm Humanitarian and Technological College at PSI was created as a bridge for a successful transition from school to university. On the one hand we we prepare our students for serious university requirements, and on the other we find an approach to everyone and pay individual school attention. Therefore, students do not experience stress, adapting to new learning conditions. The requirements for general education subjects are lower than those of universities, and educational materials are easier to understand. Teachers are more loyal and attentive.

The main argument for choosing a college is admission without exams and USE results. The exception is creative specialties, where as an entrance test you need to pass a drawing or essay. SPO graduates enter the university without passing the exam.

In college given more specific knowledge, and in the university more theoretical. Many students, having a diploma of secondary vocational education, get a job and continue their studies at the university in absentia. The basic knowledge gained support training at the institute and perception of university theory.

Total for a couple of years learning can understand how chose correctly future profession and get a diplomawithout losing a few extra years and money. With a vocational diploma, you can enter the highest level on shortened terms of study.

We ensure that the quality of specialist training meets the requirements of the labor market. We form students' basic personality functions, such as responsibility, the ability to work independently and in a team, make decisions and plan their activities, and most importantly, the acquisition of practical work skills.

In a crisis, the solvency of the population falls. Therefore, it is equally important that college education will cost much cheaper top level. In addition, you will receive a diploma in a shorter period of study.

40.02.01 Law and organization of social security
Qualification: LAWYER
The term of study on the basis of 9 classes:
Full-time education – 2 years 10 months
Part-time education – 3 years 10 months
The term of study on the basis of 11 classes:
Full-time study – 1 year 10 months
Part-time education – 2 years 10 months

Admission without exams.

38.02.01 Economics and accounting (by industry)
Qualification: ACCOUNTANT
The term of study on the basis of 9 classes:
Full-time education – 2 years 10 months
Part-time education – 3 years 10 months
The term of study on the basis of 11 classes:
Full-time study – 1 year 10 months
Part-time education – 2 years 10 months

Reception without exams.

Qualification: designer
The term of study on the basis of 9 classes:
Full -time education – 3 years 10 months
The term of study on the basis of 11 classes:
Full -time education – 2 years 10 months

In the specialty Design is an entrance exam in drawing.

40.02.01 Advertising
Qualification: Advertising Specialist
The term of study on the basis of 9 classes:
Full -time education – 3 years 10 months
Correspondence form of training – 4 years 10 months
The term of study on the basis of 11 classes:
Full -time education – 2 years 10 months
Correspondence form of training – 3 years 10 months

An entrance exam on the drawing is passed.

Qualification: technician-programmist
The term of study on the basis of 9 classes:
Full -time education – 3 years 10 months
The term of study on the basis of 11 classes:
Full -time education – 2 years 10 months

Reception without exams.

Depending on the chosen specialty in college, training on full-time, chin-and-part forms. It may be relevant for individual entrepreneurs who do not have enough knowledge in the field of accounting or law for success.

For working people This is a good prospect to master the necessary knowledge In a short time And get a diploma, continuing to work.

In just a few years, you will become a certified specialist who is well versed in his profession. And he understands why he needs knowledge, whether he wants to continue his studies in the chosen specialty, or to get an education from another field.

We are waiting for you in the selection committee of Perm, st. Kuibysheva, 98a. If there are questions, call +7 (342) 214 26 16. Read the details and conditions of training on the site.