Cherchesov – Stupid bottom | Author: Sudjiro | Page 2

Miracolo said: ↑ only this position is bothering me (Doctor of Distribution) click me to reveal … if you do not take human indicators, but simply sports … | Author: Sudjiro

Cherchesov – Stupid bottom

It is as objective as possible and I can explain for the words, for each word.

I watch football, I look at all the young compositions of the FNL, I look at RPL, I look at who can shoot in the national team, who deserves to be there.

Okay, youth, they will have there soon, they need all their strength.

But in composition youth will soon be stronger than the main team

While watching football can be written that Girkov levels of the FNL. Throughout his career, he showed an outstanding level that reached its peak in Chelsea. And now he simply leads a rustle in the entire defense of the opponent with one canopy, with one action he is able to aggravate the situation, shows good dribbling, passages, the people soon 40, and he plays in the very running position. How can we talk about FNL I will not know.

25 Aug 2020 at 21:31 #28


PF, I rummage, let's check.

Huscord very often gives dumb assessments (7.1 Neuer for the final of the Champions League, I will never forget them)

According to Skopintsev XZ, 4 matches, before that he played little and showed a special one.

xs like right now Zhirkov, but I remember how he was at 35 in a row for the national team in the TOP-2 for two years in a kilometer for the match

Karoche xs what Cherchesov is thinking about, I have the absence of Sobolev from the obvious claims, but as I understand it, the conflict with Dzyubinho

I don’t rummage through the goalkeepers, but a friend who follows, says that the best option for a frame is Belenov.

Like it is obvious that we have too strong a composition in the youth, where a bunch of guys worthy of a chance in the main team, but Cherchesov shit, he is interested in the result, because He is a selfish mustachioed schmuck, thinking only about how not to crap, and not about building a normal team with a back for the future. But on the other hand, it is stupid to blame him, because Such rules are dictated to him by the finished system of Russian football.

If you do not take human indicators, but simply a sports principle – Dziuba is the person who made Zenit the champion

Miller finally

25 Aug 2020 at 22:32 #29

VSUCHOPRET OPERATION AND A few more thematic sites and you can pick up so many information, but I'm too lazy.

The bottom line is that the coach is wrong, but the most right in the conflict of Sobolev and Dziuba.

Dziuba now with us like Messi, can affect the choice of the composition. Cherchesov is not a coach – but a Shavka RFU, what they say, he will do. The coach must first invite according to the sports principle, namely, Sobolev is stronger than all three except Dziuba combined. And Kokorin is even a raasted better than resin in the form

you can throw at least 10 Diza, you can't hide the truth)

The same national team of Ukraine conducted a change in generations and has a bunch of young stars already in its main team)

) Rashka has a bunch of young players

26 Aug 2020 at 09:37 #30

While watching football can be written that Girkov levels of the FNL.Throughout his career, he showed an outstanding level that reached its peak in Chelsea. And now he simply leads a rustle in the entire defense of the opponent with one canopy, with one action he is able to aggravate the situation, shows good dribbling, passages, the people soon 40, and he plays in the very running position. How can we talk about FNL I will not know.

He has experience from the norms of qualities. He has long been not the level of the national team, maybe about the FNL and bent, but the same merculi from Rubin or Skopintsy from Dynamo is clearly no worse, and physics is much better.

What was before is cool, but inviting for old merits is complete nonsense. The national team calls the strongest right now, they call Zhirkova because he was the strongest once there.

I don’t rummage through the goalkeepers, but a friend who follows, says that the best option for a frame is Belenov.

They also told me about this, but firstly, he has no experience in big matches, secondly there is no experience in the national team, thirdly, he is better than the same Shunin or Dzhanaev? And also heaps of medium goalkeepers like Kerzhakov or Dupine.

Like it is obvious that we have too strong a composition in the youth, where a bunch of guys worthy of a chance in the main team, but Cherchesov shit, he is interested in the result, because He is a selfish mustachioed schmuck, thinking only about how not to crap, and not about building a normal team with a back for the future. But on the other hand, it is stupid to blame him, because Such rules are dictated to him by the finished system of Russian football.

Here, here I completely agree, instead of investing in young people, we invest in the elderly, we create a limit and kill competition, where conditional Kokorin or Dziuba receives as a top club in Europe.

And the young people look at them and do not leave to conquer Europe. Only Sanya Golovin handsome

26 Aug 2020 at 09:50 #31

26 Aug 2020 at 10:01 #32

Dzhanaev will cook barbecue, Shunin will pickle meat, and the pavement has a way out for cheap high -quality wine.
Sobolev Ramit with Dziuba, and in the Caucasus it is not customary to dare to be senior.
All this is very funny only because nobody needs this league of nations.

26 Aug 2020 at 13:49 #33

Dzhanaev will cook barbecue, Shunin will pickle meat, and the pavement has a way out for cheap high -quality wine.
Sobolev Ramit with Dziuba, and in the Caucasus it is not customary to dare to be senior.
All this is very funny only because nobody needs this league of nations.

It will be 2021, the European Championship will begin, so what?

Do you think the youth will call ??

Frive will call and we will look at the endlessly earned Zhirkov, we will look at the Dziuba unicellular football, we will watch how Sanya Golovin alone will try to solve all the problems of the national team, how Cheryshev will once again break, how the TOP defenders of the level of Semenov or Belyaev will bring , which are already about 30, and there is no experience in the Champions League or in le even.

We will watch how the next bottom on the gate complains that he is shaken on the Internet by a monkey and only because he is a foreigner

I will root for the Serbs of BTV, MB will change something in the mustache.

@Kremennik can be closed. It makes no sense to hurt with such unicellular thinking.

Comments only confirmed my confidence that the average fans do not even closely understand the level of kapets in the national team.

Until there are Chalov, Kuchaev, Utkin, Safonov, Maksimenko, Fomina, Suleimanov, Lesovo, Glushenkov, Diveev, Evgeniev, Primyarov, Skopintsev – nothing will ever succeed in this bottom team. We must rejuvenate the composition, we were already at the World Cup the oldest team, and 2 years have passed, the faces are the same.

I have no words

26 Aug 2020 at 13:58 #34

It will be 2021, the European Championship will begin, so what?

Do you think the youth will call ??

Frive will call and we will look at the endlessly earned Zhirkov, we will look at the Dziuba unicellular football, we will watch how Sanya Golovin alone will try to solve all the problems of the national team, how Cheryshev will once again break, how the TOP defenders of the level of Semenov or Belyaev will bring , which are already about 30, and there is no experience in the Champions League or in le even.

We will watch how the next bottom on the gate complains that he is shaken on the Internet by a monkey and only because he is a foreigner

I will root for the Serbs of BTV, MB will change something in the mustache.

@Kremennik can be closed. It makes no sense to hurt with such unicellular thinking.

Comments only confirmed my confidence that the average fans do not even closely understand the level of kapets in the national team.

Until there are Chalov, Kuchaev, Utkin, Safonov, Maksimenko, Fomina, Suleimanov, Lesovo, Glushenkov, Diveev, Evgeniev, Primyarov, Skopintsev – nothing will ever succeed in this bottom team. We must rejuvenate the composition, we were already at the World Cup the oldest team, and 2 years have passed, the faces are the same.

I have no words

I agree with the previous speaker. But the Salamych team is the team of his friends, not the national team.
I cannot explain the call of Shunin and Dzhanaev and the Neva of Kerzhakov.