Grandmothers now dashingly twist the ball and extinguish the opponent's feed; Teacher newspaper

Grandmothers now dashingly twist the ball and extinguish the rival of the opponent Table Tennis tournaments, the video about the most popular park of New Moscow, a master class on weaving pigtails is a small

Grandmothers now dashingly twist the ball and extinguish the rival feeding

Table tennis tournaments, a video about the most popular park of New Moscow, a master class on weaving pigtails is a small share of what the activists of the school No. 2120 from the Creation association do. They discuss their ideas at the meetings of the Governing Council of the School and themselves bring to life.

The most initiative high school students gathered in the Laboratory of Creation. Thanks to them, life at school is in full swing: environmental promotions, master classes on origami and braids of pigtails, cinemas … The guys plan to come up with the design of the new building of the school No. 2120 and conduct e-sports competitions so that experienced players share life hacks with newcomers.

For young enthusiasts, everything is interested in: ecology, sports, leisure. Say, on the day of the elderly man, the Laboratory Creation held a table tennis tournament between schoolchildren and athletes and retirees. The guys admired the virtuoso game of representatives of the older generation, who, in turn, were happy with the pupils of the table tennis section. Schoolchildren taught their age opponents to new techniques. Grandmothers now dashingly twist the ball and extinguish the opponent’s feed. This game was important both. Children learn to communicate respectfully with older people, and for grandparents this is an opportunity to leave home and feel interest in life.

Next to the native school there is a landscape park Filatov Meadow – a favorite place for the inhabitants of not only Moscow. For the action of the Moscow Center “Patriot Sport” “Moscow – Youth” activists from “Creation” shot a video about what you can do in the park. Young operators from the school media center helped with the shooting. Filmed from a bird's eye view with a quadrocopter. It turned out an interesting video with a description of various attractions of the park, which was placed on an online map as one of the places in the capital, where young people can have a benefit in the fresh air.

The Laboratory Creation reached the final of the contest Successful Youth. Our work was noted. We want the same associations to appear in other schools. The students saw that they were listening to their opinion, and began to understand that the future of the school also depends on them.

Elena Savelyeva, teacher, curator of youth associations of school No. 2120

Co -government

Vera bar, teacher-organizer of school No. 2120:

– The rarest phenomenon – the students themselves offer ideas, which then successfully implement. As a result, the life of the school becomes bright and interesting primarily for themselves, because quests, festivals, volunteer actions are now held regularly.It all started when a certain state seized the initiative.

Very active guys came to the student council. They wanted to create, to make school life interesting. This is how “STEP into RHYTHM” appeared: the school activist state of romance, seekers, creators, dreamers.

Then we thought: if we are a school state, then our structure will be the same. We divided into ministries: press center, RDSh (Russian movement of schoolchildren), sports, science and education. And we also have a ministry Cult. Hooray!. Each of them is headed by a minister who has his own deputies. Our state is led by an elected president. School classes are cities, each headed by a mayor. Once a week, a meeting of the mayor's office is held, where the president comes to talk about plans and upcoming events.

And there are many of them, because the initiative comes from the guys themselves! City-wide festivals, competitions, the school volunteer group “Thanks”, which is part of the “Kind” volunteer movement system… Our Shag students try to be in time everywhere. And they succeed! And the guys talk in detail about all their affairs and events in social networks. Each class has its own page. The ninth grader Karina Krasnyanskaya, an exceptionally talented and energetic girl, is responsible for the overall content of the school content. At the “Academy of Positive Content” bloggers’ gathering, the school’s video “Our strength is in love for the Motherland” was included in the top five social videos recommended for viewing. Previously, the bloggers learned the basics of directing, dramaturgy and acting skills, created positive content and promoted it on social networks. “STEP INTO RHYTHM” immediately took the lead: in six hours of filming, the guys created a three-minute video about social inequality for the competition. They spoke about the problem of bullying of people with disabilities and urged them not to allow this. A student of our school from a hard of hearing family starred in one of the main roles. She is healthy, her parents have serious hearing problems. The girl is well aware of the difficulties they have to face. She wrote the script. The video has received almost 10 thousand views. As a result, our team was recognized as the best community in social networks. The jury awarded the guys with a special prize For the chosen topic, and I was included in the Top 5 best leaders of the rally.

Not only the problems of people with disabilities are of concern to the Shag people. Our activists entered the Children's Public Council under the Commissioner for Children's Rights. Working at DOS takes a lot of time: meetings, psychological trainings, online conferences, trips to orphanages and family centers. The Children's Public Council consists of five people from our school, all of them are STEP to RHYTHM activists.

Shagovtsy cooperate a lot with museums. A lot of work is going on with the Victory Museum on Poklonnaya Hill. Now they are participating in the Victory Cranes festival, which is taking place there.On our account, a large action Big Walk. The children were invited to conduct an excursion and take a 10 -minute video about it. They chose the capital's museum Garage. During the spring holidays, we visited Mamaev Kurgan. They brought with them portraits of their fighting grandfathers and great -grandfathers, shot a video about our journey.

What is especially pleasing in our guys? If problems arise, the steps do not run from them, but try to solve. If necessary, they are ready to contact even the school principal Dmitry Lanshchikov, with whom they had amazing contact. They write to the director of the SSMES: “We have a question. Can I meet you? Dmitry Nikolaevich accepts them, listens. They conduct discussions, speak hearts, discuss projects. The guys know that they will be heard. It is very important! Recently, they had the idea to make a 3×4 m banner with our logo to create a photo zone for filming, and the branded T -shirts “Step in the Rhythm”. The director supported this initiative. And in turn, he proposed to conduct a joint tea party. It should be noted that Dmitry Lanshchikov is an excellent confectioner. He himself baked a mating roll with a cranberry and air-beza “Anna Pavlova”. Such meetings in an informal setting are simply priceless!

“Step in the rhythm” is an exceptionally useful school undertaking. And the statesmen of our “step” will undoubtedly become in demand by specialists and successful people: they know how to correctly raise questions and find answers to them.