Bakaeva E.P. IP |

Welcome to your new site on Drupal! Take a few steps to set up and start the work of your site: setting your site by going to the site, visit the administrator

Welcome to your new site on Drupal!

Take a few steps to configure and start the work of your site:

  1. Setting up your site By going to the site, visit the administrator section where you can set up and configuration of all the parameters of your site.
  2. Connecting additional functions Then go to the page of the module list and turn on the opportunities that you need. You can find additional modules in the Module load section on the website.
  3. Site design setup To change the appearance of your site, go to the design topics section. In this section, you can choose from one of the existing ones or upload an additional theme of design from the pages of downloading the site of the site
  4. The beginning of the publication of materials Finally, you can create materials from your site. And this instruction will disappear as soon as you place your first material on the main page of the site.

For More Information, Please Refer to the Help Section, Or the Online Drupal Handbooks. You May Also Post at the Drupal Forum, Or View the Wide Range of OFER SUPPORT OPTIONS AVAILABLE.

Weighing on electronic scales
Mettler Toledo

Two bases with specially equipped warehouses allow you to store over one million kilograms of products.

In our warehouses, we use only high -quality foreign – German and French – refrigeration equipment, which reliably guarantees the safety of products throughout the entire storage period. IP Bakaeva E.P. One of the first began to work with automatic weighing of goods, which helps to avoid inaccuracies, and save, first of all, the time of the client; excludes the human factor when weighing the goods. For the same purpose, we use modern data collection terminals to form orders.