Vitaly Mutko, photo - Alexander Podgorchuk/Kommersant

Goodlac, Vitaly Leontyevich! The city is the news of St. Petersburg.

Goodlac, Vitaly Leontyevich! Vitaly Mutko must revive the construction industry. Judging by the words of Prime Minister Medvedev, great hopes are imposed on this appointment. Despite his apparent

Goodlac, Vitaly Leontyevich!

Vitaly Mutko must revive the construction industry. Judging by the words of Prime Minister Medvedev, great hopes are imposed on this appointment. Despite his apparent jokes. Oddly enough, the builders also do not mind. A man with connections is always a trump card.

Vitaly Mutko, photo - Alexander Podgorchuk/Kommersant

Vitaly Mutko, photo – Alexander Podgarchuk/Kommersant

Vitaly Leontyevich Mutko – not so far from the construction of a person, as you might think. And maybe his managerial experience is exactly what the lobbying opportunities will give developers that they are trying in vain for many years. The builders are mostly careful in the comments, but many speak just like that. And some directly say that he is a “real fighter” and the right comrade. In any case, Mutko is the necessary connections, and this is precisely what Stroybusiness is needed, which is depressed due to radical changes in the shares of the shade, the prospects for its complete abolition and unprecedented pressure of the authorities in relation to social infrastructure-schools and kindergartens, which are actually obliged to build business.

On the sidelines, of course, they giggle, recall well -known quotes about “SPIC FROMA HART” and say that “this is a guard”. Some interlocutors only on the terms of anonymity are freely thought: such a purpose, if it takes place, is just an anecdote. Others are not shy aloud. “Are you kidding me? -I was indignant in response to the question of the Fontanka Nikolai Pashkov, head of Knight Frank Saint-Petersburg. – How can one relate to a person by the name of Mutko? It is difficult to take this purpose seriously. ”

“We have a government as an acting body in fact. The Kremlin administration – this is the government, what is happening there is important, and the government. I can say that the reaction of people to this is from a smile to a feeling of inconvenience for what is happening, ”says Alexander Batushansky, general director of the Consulting Group“ Resolution ”. “This will not affect the fate of the construction industry in any way.”

There are more calm reactions. So, the director of the construction company Petropol, Mark Lerner, believes that in fact, the figure of Deputy Prime Minister is not important, but the post of head of the Ministry of Construction. “The figure of the minister has a much more influence on the activity of the industry than the supervising Deputy Prime Minister. The position of the minister is “Closer to the Earth” – you can see further, the levers more, ”he explains. -Well, we had Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Kozak-I would not say that we saw him much and felt. The design is such that this post is not so relevant. And you can treat this except with irony.Although with a sad irony. It may also happen that Vitaly Leontyevich, with his loud statements – perhaps in English – will draw attention to the problems … I do not expect any other results from this appointment. It is in the spirit of many of the same appointments – on the principle of loyalty, not professionalism.

The head of the Association of Builders of St. Petersburg Alexei Belousov, on the contrary, is sure that Vitaly Leontyevich is an exceptionally talented person. “Wherever he has worked – in various industries. He headed the vice-mayor and the social policy committee, led the sports club, and was responsible for sports in general … A versatile person, ”the expert notes. And he adds that he hopes for the indisputable hardware skills of the new appointee: “The burden on the shoulders of developers every year is becoming more and more exorbitant. Social obligations must be fulfilled by the budget. This is a problem that, I hope, the relevant Deputy Prime Minister will solve using the levers that he has – by attracting funding, regional subsidies, if the subjects of the Federation do not have enough money for social programs. His experience would be very useful to us. Especially since the president in his speech said that by 2021 it is necessary to solve the problems with kindergartens. This can only be done with public funds.”

Those who have been watching him as a sports official for a long time are also sure that Mutko is more of a godsend for the construction industry. “Mutko should be involved in regions and construction,” journalist Vasily Utkin writes on his Telegram channel. – Why? Yes, because he has been doing this for the last six years! Preparations for the Sochi Games and the World Cup are a colossal undertaking. Moreover, both very non-standard objects, such as a ski jump, and large-scale infrastructure projects – any roads, except country roads, airports, and so on. Precisely because he had to supervise, coordinate and direct all this, he rose to the rank of Deputy Prime Minister. You can treat his work as you like, but in the Putin-Medvedev government, he just goes to his home as a construction deputy prime minister. The same is true for regional politics. In connection with the Olympics and the World Cup, it has been worn all over the country for quite a long time. So you may not like Mutko, but from the point of view of the authorities, he will now just do his direct business.

Vyacheslav Semenenko, General Director of JSC Master Development, also believes that Mutko is a “resourceful” person, and this is always a plus. “Everything will be fine,” the head of the company is sure. – You understand that the problems of construction – they are not at the construction site. Builders are engineers. And in order for them to work effectively, conditions must be created. To change the systems of pricing, state orders, technical regulation – a hundred years, it's time to synchronize with Eurocodes and other international systems.Clean out crooks, among other things. And for all this you need an experienced and, by and large, a resource person. And Mutko was preparing for the Olympics, the World Cup. And all these sores – they got out there too. They are the same everywhere, so he must understand this from the inside. To cope with them, administrative resources and influence are needed.”

“It seems to me that he has already become adept at the stadiums, and he is a strong guy – Arkady Skorov, the head of Dalpiterstroy, joins. What about attacks on him? well, he survived. So, a normal fighter. Builders are also constantly unfairly attacked.”

“Vitaly Mutko is a well-known person, a decent person. Confidant of our president. He has a huge experience, a professional, I know him personally, he is a contact person. I look positively at his appointment. What our president is doing, I fully approve of everything. We have never had such a president and never will, so what he does – I look at everything positively, ”says Vagif Mamishev, a billionaire and head of the Azerbaijani diaspora in St. Petersburg.

“Construction projects, you see, it will help,” sums up Utkin. And if not, then nothing will help them. Goodluck, Vitaly Leontievich!