On the round table they talked about the prospects of the building materials market

Experts advised the Russians to quickly make the planned repair – MK

The crisis of 2022 confused the Russians many plans. However, to those who were going to make repairs or build a house this year, it is better not to delay the implementation of plans. European building materials disappear, and, according to experts, it makes no sense to wait for Chinese analogues – it is better to have time to buy everything you need now, while there are remains of European goods in warehouses. Otherwise, you have to choose not what you like, but what is available. Experts talked about the prospects of this business as part of a round table as amended by MK.

Experts advised Russians to quickly make planned repairs

The crisis of 2022 confused the Russians many plans. However, to those who were going to make repairs or build a house this year, it is better not to delay the implementation of plans. European building materials disappear, and, according to experts, it makes no sense to wait for Chinese analogues – it is better to have time to buy everything you need now, while there are remains of European goods in warehouses. Otherwise, you have to choose not what you like, but what is available. Experts talked about the prospects of this business as part of a round table as amended by MK.

On the round table they talked about the prospects of the building materials market

According to Andrey Khovorov, the general director of Sukhanovo Estit, the problems began not today, but even during the pandemic period. Today they have only worsened.

-Last year, we have already noticed a sharp jerk of the cost of materials: metal and wood have risen in price by 2-3 times, and we had a “golden tree” saying. These are the main materials, you can’t do without them in capital construction. Therefore, many people simply disappeared the desire to build at home, they were faced with a shortage and dropped their hands, ”Medorov explained,“ however, to those who have already bought the land, you need to make a decision: whatever the price you need to be built. Reasonable way out – to reconsider the construction technology. The most expensive parts are the foundation and roof, and they must be optimized. For example, this solution is possible: if you wanted to make a house with an area of ​​150 square meters. m, you can make 75 squares, but in two floors, so that the area of ​​the foundation and roof is smaller.

Experts emphasize: in the spring, the price of building materials always rises. The proposal determines demand, and demand is now very high. At the same time, you need to understand: in the foreseeable future, we will not return to past prices, especially in the field of capital construction.

The dynamics of prices (unpleasant for the consumer) is noticeable now: plywood has risen in price by 300%. According to experts, today it can be much more profitable to build a house of ceramic brick. In addition, you need to understand the scale of imports – so far the construction industry only calculates losses and is trying to understand how to organize the work further. Suppose there is a domestic tree and production in Russia, but there are related materials – tools that saw this tree, on which devices are processed, etc.Plus, now colossal problems with logistics, and in order to establish it through alternative paths, it takes time.

If we are not talking about capital construction, but about the repair of a city apartment, then various scenarios are possible here. As Oleg Shcherbinin, the head of the designer repairs company, said at MK round table,, regardless of the crisis, people will continue to equip their homes, they will simply spend less.

– It all depends on the budget. To make a quality design for modest money is a goal for the majority. And to those who firmly decided to take up the repair, I would recommend to make at least an economy option. Then, if there is an opportunity, everything can be improved, but you will have at least the most large -scale and expensive work like a screed for walls. So far, work prices (not for materials!) Raised only by 10%, but the market is very competitive, so the increase in prices is not so rapidly, ”explains Shcherbinin.

According to him, the demand for design repair has now fallen because of the blocking of social networks in which the companies were advertised. Many simply do not know where to look for a client.

The specialist called the building materials that should be stock up: video

Watch the video on the topic

Those who plan to repair, the expert suggests: first of all, you need to purchase plumbing components, switches and sockets, materials for finishing. It is also better to buy new plumbing in advance-there is something else in warehouses, but when it ends, it is unknown.

– Say, you need to buy 50 identical outlets for the apartment. It may turn out that they simply will not be available, and you will have to collect the remains in various warehouses and shops, ”Shcherbinin explains. He recommends those who want to save, give preference to wallpaper: for painting walls you need to carefully level the walls, it is expensive and long, but non -woven wallpaper can be glued even on their own.