
Express Primorye published a new schedule of electric trains from Vladivostok to the airport | eating

The new train schedule from Vladivostok to Knevichi Airport, which will begin to operate on March 1, 2015, was published by Express Primorye.

Express Primorye published a new schedule of trains from Vladivostok to the airport


A new schedule of electric trains from Vladivostok to Knevichi Airport, which will begin to operate on March 1, 2015, published by Express Primorye. The carrier tuned the schedule in such a way as to provide passengers of Moscow flights with transport, RIA PrimaMedia reports with reference to the company's press service.

The current schedule has been agreed with the administration of the Primorsky Territory. The time of departure of morning flights takes into account the time of arrival and departure of the main flights, the report said.

According to the schedule, the company leaves five flights in each direction. They will be sent from Vladivostok at 6.50, 10.30 (10.10 after March 30), 11.30 (10.50 after March 30), 16.00 and 18.00. The estimated travel time is as before for about 50 minutes.

The electric trains from Knevichi airport will be released at 8.00, 9.00, 11.45 (11.25 after March 30), 12.45 (11.55 after March 30) and at 17.45.

Recall that in early February, the regional administration reached an agreement with Aeroexpress that the company will carry passengers on February 28 inclusive. Initially, Aeroexpress intended to stop the transportation on February 15th. By the end of the month, the regional administration will complete the necessary procedures to transfer the route to the local carrier – OJSC Express Primorye.

As previously reported by RIA PrimaMedia, the route will remain the same, with stops at the Vladivostok railway station, the second river, on the coal, in Artem and at the airport, but the cost of the trip will increase.