Evgenia Solntsev-(43) photos, St. Petersburg, profile in VKontakte

Evgenia Solntsev in VKontakte from the city of St. Petersburg, a list of friends and subscribers of Eugene, open photos of the user

Evgenia Solntsev

Elizabeth Glinka (Dr. Lisa) in the response to the president at the presentation of the State Prize in the field of human rights activities.

– Wedding photo shoots
– portrait and studio photo shoots
– Cemeted photo shoots
– Photography for blog and advertising

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Evgenia Solntseva VKontakte

What is included in the processing of photographs?

– selection of the best personnel from all points of photography, on average from 50 photos from an hour of work

– color correction in a graphic editor (white balance, light, tinting, trucking)

– retouching skin, extra elements in the frame

– Author's finalization of photos in Adobe Photoshop

– Conclusion of photos in JPG format ready for large -format printing and the Internet

A wise parable to Easter.
The parable of forgiveness.

A woman dies, and death comes to her. The woman, seeing death, smiled and said that she was ready.
– What are you ready for? – asked death.
“I am ready for God to take me to my paradise!” – answered the woman.
“Why did you decide that God will take you to Himself?” – asked death.
– Well, how? I suffered so much that I earned peace and love of God – the woman answered.
– What exactly did you suffer from? – asked death.
– When I was little, my parents always punished me unfairly. They beat me, put me in a corner, shouted at me, as if I had done something terrible. When I studied at school, my classmates mocked me and also beat and humiliated. When I got married, my husband drank all the time and cheated on me. My children exhausted my whole soul to me, but in the end they didn’t even come to my funeral. When I worked, my boss shouted at me all the time, delayed my salary left me on weekends, and then he had a fired at all without paying me. The neighbors gossiped about me behind me, slandered that I was a walking woman. And once a robber attacked me and stole my bag and raped me.
– I was always to all good, I went to church, prayed, cared for everyone, pulled everything on myself. I experienced as much pain from this world as Christ that I deserved paradise …
“Well …” Death answered, “I understood you.” There was a small formality. Sign one contract and straight to paradise.
Death handed her a sheet with one proposal under which it was necessary to put a checkmark. The woman looked at death and, as if she had been doused with icy water, said that she could not put a box under this proposal.
On the sheet it was written: I forgive all my offenders and I apologize to everyone I offended.
Evgeniya_solntseva _ -_ (43 _) _ foto, _sankt-Peterburg, _profil_v_vkontakte
Evgenia Solntsev-(43) photos, St. Petersburg, profile in VKontakte
Evgenia Solntsev in VKontakte from the city of St. Petersburg, a list of friends and subscribers of Eugene, open photos of the user
Evgenia Solntsev
Elizabeth Glinka (Dr. Lisa) in the response to the president at the presentation of the State Prize in the field of human rights activities.
– Wedding photo shoots
– portrait and studio photo shoots
– Cemeted photo shoots
– Photography for blog and advertising
Subscribe to the community:
After changing the privacy and editing of the VKontakte profile, it is recommended to re -check the page for compliance with the desired requirements.
Evgenia Solntseva VKontakte
What is included in the processing of photographs?
– selection of the best personnel from all points of photography, on average from 50 photos from an hour of work
– color correction in a graphic editor (white balance, light, tinting, trucking)
– retouching skin, extra elements in the frame
– Author's finalization of photos in Adobe Photoshop
– Conclusion of photos in JPG format ready for large -format printing and the Internet
A wise parable to Easter.
The parable of forgiveness.

A woman dies, and death comes to her. The woman, seeing death, smiled and said that she was ready.

– What are you ready for? – asked death.

“I am ready for God to take me to my paradise!” – answered the woman.

“Why did you decide that God will take you to Himself?” – asked death.

– Well, how? I suffered so much that I earned peace and love of God – the woman answered.
– What exactly did you suffer from? – asked death.
– When I was little, my parents always punished me unfairly. They beat me, put me in a corner, shouted at me, as if I had done something terrible. When I studied at school, my classmates mocked me and also beat and humiliated. When I got married, my husband drank all the time and cheated on me. My children exhausted my whole soul to me, but in the end they didn’t even come to my funeral. When I worked, my boss shouted at me all the time, delayed my salary left me on weekends, and then he had a fired at all without paying me. The neighbors gossiped about me behind me, slandered that I was a walking woman. And once a robber attacked me and stole my bag and raped me.
– I was always to all good, I went to church, prayed, cared for everyone, pulled everything on myself. I experienced as much pain from this world as Christ that I deserved paradise …
“Well …” Death answered, “I understood you.” There was a small formality. Sign one contract and straight to paradise.
Death handed her a sheet with one proposal under which it was necessary to put a checkmark. The woman looked at death and, as if she had been doused with icy water, said that she could not put a box under this proposal.

On the sheet it was written: I forgive all my offenders and I apologize to everyone I offended.

“Why can't you forgive them all and ask for forgiveness?” – asked death.