English numbers and numbers for children

English account – numbers and numbers in English

Foreign languages ​​accompany a modern child all his life, starting with a kindergarten. It is desirable to know the English account to ten well to any first -grader. You will learn the most effective ways to teach an account in English.

Score in English

English numbers and numbers for children

Foreign languages ​​accompany a modern child all his life, starting with a kindergarten. At preschool age, the first acquaintance occurs with simple words that are everywhere used in everyday life. It is desirable to know the English account to ten well to any first -grader. Then the question arises: how is it easy and exciting to teach the baby to count in another language? In this article, we have selected the most effective ways to teach an account in a foreign language.

Peppy and fundamental start: numbers from one to nineteen

The numbers in English from one to a hundred will not be difficult to learn if you approach the learning process wisely. To form a new mathematical structure in the child’s head, it is necessary to explain to him the logic of the origin of the names of numbers. For the successful development of the entire grammatical series, only the first 12 numbers should be remembered. This sequence of numbers is most likely familiar to almost any parent, so it remains only to call it the baby correctly.

To begin with, we will use the number of numbers in English.

Please note that the pronunciation of English numbers in Russian letters in the table is indicated only for introductory purposes – for completely beginners in English. In no case do not remember the pronunciation of numbers according to Russian transcription, because This pronunciation is far from English.

It is better to watch the video below and repeat with the children for the carrier of English.

Number Name in English Transcription Russian pronunciation
0 Zero [‘Ziərəu] Ziro
1 One [wʌn] Uan
2 Two [tuː] That
3 Three [θriː] Fri
4 Four [fɔː] Ph
5 Five [faɪv] Fayf
6 Six [sɪks] Six
7 Seven [‘Sev (ə) n] Seven
8 Eight [eɪt] Eit
9 Nine [naɪn] Nine
10 Ten [ten] Ten
11 Eleven [ɪ’lev (ə) n] Ileven
12 Twelve [Twelv] Twelv

The first twelve numbers most often try to memorize in the form of a poem. Thanks to rhyme, the child will be easier to remember the pronunciation.

Logic for building numbers from 13 to 19

The score in English from 13 to 19 for children is the most difficult to remember. Parents will need to explain the special principle of building the name. But if the child understands the logic once, the remaining numbers up to 100 he will “click like nuts”.

How to make all the numbers up to nineteen:

  1. To remember how “thirteen” is pronounced and written in English, you need to add three (Three) to add the suffix “Teen”. Then we get free + teen = Fetin.
  2. We use the same formula for fourteen. We take the original number four (Four) and add the suffix: FO + tin = fotin
  3. With the number fifteen, you will have to “sweat”, because if the number five is read as “FIV”, then in the word “FIFTEEN” – fifteen, the letter “V” in “Five” changes to “F”. As a result, we get “FIV + TIN = FIFTIN”.
  4. For all other numbers up to 19, the formula acts impeccably: “Six + Tin = Sistin” -16, “Seven + Tin = Seventin” -17, “Ait + Tin = Eitin” -18, “Nine + Tin = Nintin” -19.
Number Name in English Transcription Russian pronunciation
13 Thirteen [θɜː’Tiːn] Förtin
14 Fourteen [ˌFɔː’Tiːn] Fortin
15 Fifteen [ˌFɪf’Tiːn] Fifin
16 Sixteen [ˌSɪK’SSTIːN] Sistin
17 Seventeen [ˌSev (ə) n’Tiːn] Seventin
18 Eighteen [ˌEɪ’Tiːn] Eitin
19 Nineteen [ˌNaɪn’Tiːn] Nintin

In such a simple way, you can show the baby that English is a very logical and understandable language, and, possibly, instill love for foreign languages ​​for life.

Fighting with dozens

Dozens are as easy to memorize as well as numbers in English. The scheme of their formation is slightly different from the second ten. When compiling numbers from 20 and above, we replace the suffix “teen” with “ty”. So, we will consider with concrete examples how to compose, read and pronounce dozens from 20 to 90 correctly:

  1. The number twenty – Two + TY = TWENTY (Twinita).
  2. Thirty – Three + Ty = Thirty (Feti).
  3. Forty – Four + TY = Forty (Foti).
  4. Fifty – Five + TY = FIFTY (FITHI).
  5. Sixty – Six + TY = SIXTY.
  6. Seventy – Seven + TY = Seventy (Seventi).
  7. Eighty – Eight + TY = EIITY (EITH).
  8. Ninety – Nine + TY = NINETY (Ninti).

The numbers are twenty, thirty, forty and fifty in English are exceptions. When they are formed, the root changes, and the child needs to just remember this.

The remaining numbers are compiled according to a simple scheme: the name of a dozen in English + the name of the number, which costs the second number. For example, we need to make several numbers: 77, 23, 62.

  1. 77 consists of seventy and seven, so in English it will sound in this way: “Seventy (70) + Seven (7) = Seventy-SEven (77);
  2. 23 includes twenty (Twenty) and three (Three). Accordingly, 23 looks like “Twenty-Three”.
  3. 62 consists of sixty and two, therefore, the formula is as follows: Sixty (60) + Two (2) = Sixty-Two (62).

Perhaps you have already traced a certain similarity of building numbers in Russian and English – 30 (thirty) + 6 (six) = 36 (thirty -six). In our native language, numbers are also read, so mastering the English account is so easy.

Number Name in English Transcription Russian pronunciation
20 Twenty [‘Twentɪ] Twinita
30 Thirty [‘Θɜːtɪ] Fege
40 Forty [‘Fɔːtɪ] Forti
50 Fifty [‘FɪFTɪ] Fifty
60 Sixty [fɔː] Siksti
70 Seventy [faɪv] Seventi
80 eighty [sɪks] Eita
90 Ninety [‘Sev (ə) n] Ninti
100 Hundred [‘Hʌndrəd] Handred

Absolutely any child will easily understand the patterns of the formation of any numbers from 1 to 100, if adults can find the right approach and direct thoughts in the right direction. About the second grade of the baby, a complex program awaits the study of British or American pronunciation. In many schools, already in the first grade, children undergo transcription and a foreign alphabet. It is for this reason that it is necessary to teach the child the account perfectly before joining the ranks of schoolchildren.