Abnormally hot and rainy. Detailed weather forecast for the week

July in Moscow will be hot and rainy. Yury Varakin, head of the Situation Center of Roshydromet, told a MIR 24 correspondent about this. The weatherman also

Abnormally hot and rainy. Detailed weather forecast for the week

July in Moscow will be hot and rainy. Yury Varakin, head of the Situation Center of Roshydromet, told a MIR 24 correspondent about this. The forecaster also told what the weather will be in the European part of Russia next week.

“In Moscow on the night of July 8-9, heavy rains with cooling will come. Up to a third of the normal rainfall is expected. And already in the second half of the week, especially on July 9 and 10, the air temperature will drop significantly. If tomorrow in Moscow the air warms up to 32 degrees, then on Thursday and Friday the temperature will not be higher than 22-24 degrees during the day, ”Yuri Varakin shared his forecast.

Forecasters are confident that after a temporary cold snap, the temperature background will recover by the weekend: both in the Moscow region and in neighboring regions – Tver, Kaluga, Vladimir, Ryazan and Tula regions – will again be 27-29 degrees during the day. At the same time, meteorologists predict local rains. It will still be dry in the first two days of the week, but from tomorrow thunderstorms and showers are possible in Moscow, the heaviest precipitation will come from Wednesday to Thursday, and then only short-term rains are expected. July as a whole will be rainy, experts assure.

“We now have abnormally hot weather: the average daily temperature is 4-5 degrees higher than the climatic norms. Until Wednesday, these values ​​will hold out to the north-west of the capital, in the Novgorod and Tver regions, as well as in Central Russia,” said Yuri Varakin.

He said that it would be especially hot, up to +40-42 degrees, in the Caspian region – the Astrakhan and Volgograd regions and the Republic of Kalmykia. Such temperatures will also last until July 8 in the afternoon. Up to +35-39 degrees, and in some places up to +40 will be in certain areas of the Kuban, the Kuban basin and the Krasnodar Territory, on the Black Sea coast of the Krasnodar Territory.

In the steppe regions of the Republic of Crimea, in the north and northeast, it is also up to + 30-35 degrees, with local thunderstorms on the Black Sea coast. From Anapa to Sochi and in the republics of the North Caucasus, it is also hot and there will also be local showers and thunderstorms in the coming week, especially on Tuesday and Wednesday. In the mountain rivers of Kabardino-Balkaria, Karachay-Cherkessia and North Ossetia, after rains, the water level will rise to unfavorable levels.

Difficult weather with a complex of dangerous meteorological phenomena will be observed starting tomorrow evening in the Vologda and Kostroma regions. And in the Republic of Karelia there will be an atmospheric front, showers with a thunderstorm. The atmospheric front will come to Moscow just on July 8th. In the Northwest, the Scandinavian cyclone will determine the weather: there will also be rains on July 8 and 9.But in the Central Black Earth region, this is Tambov, Lipetsk, Voronezh, Kursk, Oryol, Kaluga, Tula regions, showers and thunderstorms will come a little earlier, already on the night of the 8th.

And if we talk about Western Siberia and the Urals, especially the border areas, there is an abnormally hot weather there. In Omsk and Novosibirsk, in the Kemerovo region, in the south of the Irkutsk, in the Altai Territory and in the Republic of Gorny Altai, the temperature will reach from +28 to +33 degrees. There, too, on July 8 and 9, storm precipitation will be held, especially in the Eastern Sayan.

“All of July in European territory it will be significantly warmer compared to last year. In 2019, July was very cold, the average monthly temperatures were then even lower than the June norms. And this year, July on the European Plain will be at least a degree in a degree higher than normal. This month will also beat records for precipitation, it will be the wet period of summer. In Moscow, this is more than 90 mm per month. Already now, even before the end of the decade, a third of the monthly rainfall has fallen. And the precipitation, which we expect on the 8th and 9th, will compose half of the norm, ”comments Yuri Varakin.