Dynamo; beat; Tambov; In the FNL.

In the 11th round of the Championship, the FNL Dynamo retained leadership, defeating the Tambov, Tosno defeated the Baltic, Volgar in a difficult duel defeated “Ru-Energy”, and “Kuban” and “torch” did not score goals each other. The decoration of the tour was the match “Spartak-2” and “Zenit-2”.

Dynamo beat the Tambov in FNL

The losing series of Dynamo lasted only one match. The leader of the FNL went to Tambov, where he met with a local team, living for almost two weeks living without the head coach. “Citizens” have not known victories since July, and therefore no one could have doubts about the outcome of the fight.

The blue and white suffered a significant loss in this transfer window-Igor Denisov went to Lokomotiv.

But on the strength of the team in comparison with other clubs of the first division, this did not affect. From the first minutes, the Dynamo captured the field, and by the 26th minute two goals visited Tambov-both after simple combinations were scored by Kirill Panchenko.

The impression of the results of the first half ruined only the penalty remaining on the conscience of Alexander Sapeta. “Tambov” this goal gave hope for a draw, but the landlords could not distinguish themselves in the game. Dynamo won another meeting and remained two points ahead of Tosno.

Tosno – Baltika – 4: 1

“Foresters”, in turn, met with the Baltic. It is painful to look at Kaliningraders now – the lack of victories from the second round promises the local stadium under the world championship, the game of the second division. The Balticites of Glory did not wake up in the match with one of the leaders of the FNL, who was always lost in the past.

The best scorer “Tosno” Anton Zabolotny, who has five goals, opened the score. It could have been more, but in the 28th minute he was injured and was forced to give up his position to Eugene Markov. He took advantage of his chance to gain a foothold in full and designed a double.

For the honor of the Baltic, Semyon Ukliyaev stood, who played the first match after the transition from the Urals. But his goal did not save the team from defeat – literally a minute later Pavel Kireenko put an end to, making an account 4: 1. The Tosno holds on the second line, with which he will try to storm the Premier League in the spring.


The central game of the tour was held by the second teams of Spartak and Zenit. True, they fought more from the principle than for high places, they still do not face an increase in the class. Gazeta.ru led an online broadcast of the meeting, which you can watch here.

Volgar-Luch-Energy-3: 2

“Luch-Energia” did not intensify anyone in this transfer window, and now it is not clear how the team from Vladivostok hopes to get up from the last place in the standings. According to the results of 11 rounds, the lag of “power engineers” from the “falcon” even increased, and the fault of this was the away defeat from the Volgar.

As part of the Astrakhan, as in the recent match with Neftekhimik, Roman Akbashev was noted with two exact blows.Only the third goal was now designed by Alexei Sutorsmin.

The motivation of “Luch-Energia” is now affected by the desire to leave the team in winter, and especially Vadim Minich and Alexei Gritsenko hoped for this. They did not allow Volgar to win a major victory and forced to be content with the difference of one ball.

Kuban – torch – 0: 0

In the last days of August, the victorious tread of the Kuban in the last days of August was barely granted by the “torch”. This time the Dana’s team was silent and did not hit other people's gates, but did not miss herself, this must have been influenced by the uncertain game of the Voronezh people on the road, which is very difficult to play without the hot -standing by the standards of the FNL home support.

The match ended with a zero draw, which can be called profitable for the Krasnodar, they are already three lines above the departure zone. But the “torch” missed the chance to rise to third place and was forced to be content with the fifth position.

Other matches:

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