Dan F. I. | Lenin

Dan F.I. Article by V.I. Lenin The End of Slander about the campaign in the Liquidation press on the case of the former chairman of the Russian Social Democratic Fraction of the State Duma IV R.V.

Dan F.I.

Article by V.I. Lenin The End of Slander about the campaign in the Liquidation press on the case of the former chairman of the Russian Social Democratic Fraction of the State Duma IV R.V. Malinovsky (with an envelope attached).

Script. Autograph V.I. Lenin, editorial revision and inscription on the envelope – L.B. Kamenev.

Letter to V.I. Lenin to the editorial office of the newspaper Trudovaya Pravda More about the case of R. Malinovsky about the slander spread by Yu.O. Martov, F.I. Dan and other liquidators.

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