5 reasons why I would like to come to Aiova again

5 reasons why I would like to come to Aiova again

5 of the reasons why I would like to come to Aiova again is my first time when I really far from home, in almost another world. I ended up in the state of Iowa in the Middle West of the United States. Yes this

5 reasons why I would like to come to Aiova again

5 reasons why I would like to come to Aiova again

This is my first time that I am really far from home, in almost another world. I ended up in the state of Iowa in the Middle West of the United States. Yes, this is one of the coldest states in the United States. I really don't like cold frosty weather, but I like other things in this one similar to the countryside. Perhaps I do not really like Aiva, but let me contradict myself by telling you 5 reasons why I still would like to return someday in the future.

Let's start with the fifth reason – the African feeling that I experience on huge agricultural lands in Ayov. I don’t know who knows this, but, like many African countries, Iowa is known for agriculture and agricultural products. The world famous Quaker Oats is produced in Aiova along with other agricultural products, such as corn, soy, rye, wheat and fruits, such as apples. Well, I would love to return to the place because it looks like a house, and it made me think that some part of America is somewhat similar to Africa.

The next reason will be my school, Kirkwood Community College (KCC). I love Kirkwood. Wait, and who does not like their school? You do not? Well, very often. Kirkwood is the largest public college in Iowa with many campuses throughout the state. He is a home for hundreds and thousands of foreign students, such as me, with various courses, faculties, clubs, halls, scholarship programs, etc. Its main campus is located on Sidar Rapids. I would gladly return to Kirkwood to study if I want another member of AA. Kirkwood has excellent resources for students, starting from consulting services, a written center, financial services, technical support, practicing studios, etc. Lecturers are open for communication, clarification, assistance, additional training. The atmosphere in the campus is pleasant and soothing. This makes me think: Now it is a learning environment.

Enough Kirkwood, let's talk about the beautiful historical cities of Ayov. Sidar-Rapids-my beloved-Dubuk, Iowa-City, De-Moin (although he has not yet been there), Kalon, colony of Aman, Coral Ridge, etc. I love these cities, I mean everything except the capital De-Moin, for their beautiful and amazing buildings. The historical atmosphere reigns in them, and the buildings create a feeling of antiquity. Very beautiful architectural buildings with detailed brick lines and bright colors. Dubuque is my favorite place in Aiova because of his buildings and another thing that I will mention later. The admiration of the buildings gives me the feeling that someday I will build my own house with the same design, if possible.

This reason contributes to the fact that I survived during my stay here in nature. When I am talking about nature, I mean the sky, rivers, animals, unpredictable weather, trees, flowers, bird sounds, bright green grass, not very scorching the sun – all this makes this place quiet and calm. Yes, I love a quiet environment, in my house very calmly, serene and cool, which helps me restore strength when I am suppressed. I love rivers because I love water, so I love Dubuque more. Why? Because he led me to a meeting with Mississippi on the way to Chicago. The sky is great with its super cool pigeon, the trees bright green, pink, white, lavender, wine, etc. Animals, I can be afraid, but I love a couple, such as the dimensions in the zoo, camels, giraffes, cocadia, deer, proteins , lynxes, etc. I think nature is beautiful, wherever you are, so I love Aiov even more.

Now let's move on to the most important reason why I would like to visit Aiov again and again – my family / mentor family. Lauri and Richard, aka Butch, is the best that happened to me here in Aiov. These guys took me into their homes, into a family, in their lives, then in their hearts and since then treated me as their own. Who said that the Americans are not oriented to the family, well, not all? They make me get bored, but I do not miss the house, they made Aiova their house away from home. Hugs, dinners, trips, time spent, trips with Butch (my beloved) and all other unknown plans that they have for me. I have always come to Aiova, if only for them.

Well, I think these reasons are only subjective to me, so what are your reasons to visit the place where you were before? And, if possible, why not go to Ayov and find your own reasons as mine.

Hamdiata Yakuba from Ghana, West Africa, is currently studying journalism in Public College of Kirkwood to Sidar Rapids, Iowo. She loves nature, cook, watch films, languages, write and photograph.