5 heavy youth films of the USSR, which in the 90s looked easy | Femmie

The nineties were nicknamed dashing times. The embryos of a new culture were manifested in bright, acutely social films, most often shot on the verge of a foul in the drama genre or

5 heavy youth films of the USSR, which in the 90s looked easy

The nineties cinema can be different in different ways: someone considers these films too heavy, and someone likes to revise.

Sergey Bodrov/Film company STV

The nineties were nicknamed dashing times. The embryos of a new culture were manifested in bright, acutely social films, most often shot on the verge of a foul in the genre of drama or criminal action movie. There was a full house in the cinemas, and each viewer wanted to live life with the screen hero, mentally participate in dizzying adventures.

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Many of these films subsequently became cult – quotes from there went to the people, and the audience is still revising them. Let's talk about five such paintings.

Presenting the film “Brother” to a wide viewer is an ungrateful lesson. Fans of the tragically killed in the mountains during the avalanche of actor Sergei Bodrov no, no, and they review this film to see Danila alive again.

The vicissitudes of the script allow you to enjoy the criminal showdowns, dashing fights, real fraternal feelings, strong friendship without catch and betrayal and an ambiguous love story. Behind the scenes and in the frame are the hits of the rock musician Vyacheslav Butusov and the Nautilus Pompilius group.

Together with Sergey Pepodrov Jr., Viktor Sukhorukov (the very older brother of the hero), Svetlana Polumichenko (the main character’s passion), Maria Zhukova (a cheerful girl Kat), Yuri Kuznetsov (an unexpected associate on Hoffmann) lit up in the frame. In the galaxy of the performers of diverse roles, Sergey Murzin, Irina Rakshin, Andrei Krasko, Anatoly Zhuravlev, Igor Lifanov, Andrey Fedortsov also met here.

The main scenery for the film was St. Petersburg. And the filming platforms for the heroes often became personal country houses and apartments of the project participants.

The budget of the films was scanty and constantly cracking at the seams from expenses. It was at this moment that the famous external image of Daniily Bagrov was born in a stretched sweater purchased for 35 rubles in one of the stores of the northern capital. Fans of the cinema remained inherited the fashionable style “A la Danila Bagrov”, later it will be complemented by the unknown where the windbreak mined for filming.

For Sergey Bodrov Jr., the film “Brother” became a ticket to the kingdom of screen crime. There he quickly got used to it and became a kind of Robin Hood, fighting for the rights of characters offended by bandits. The career of a courageous hero in the cinema was no longer prevented by the lack of acting education, nor a passion for the history of Venetian painting, which Sergei planned to write a dissertation about.

If before starting work on the project Balabanov, there was still doubt whether Bodrov would be suitable for the role of the protagonist, then when creating the continuation of the painting “Brother 2”, the script was already being prepared only for Bodrov.

Balabanov later recalled that not a single central channel wanted to give money to shoot a “brother”, fearing the political coloring of the script. According to the director, they shot on the knee, often not knowing whether there would be shooting tomorrow or not.

In addition to Sergei Bodrov, Balabanov was remembered by Viktor Sukhorukov and Svetlana Polimichenko, under them the screenwriter created “portraits” of roles in the film in advance. But the criminal “lads” was imbued with a special love for actor Sergei Murzin, who played the bandit round.

Brothers of the 90s immediately unconditionally recognized Murzin as their boyfriend, giving him a Buik Lesbr car. After all, do not ride criminal authority on the old five, after all!

Svetlana Polimichenko learned to drive a tram to participate in the film to look in the frame as natural as possible. But the concert of the rock band Nautilus Pompilius actually depicted Chizh Co.

It is interesting that after the film released on the screens, Sergey Bodrov was filled with letters from all cities of Russia. The audience, turning to Danila, asked to put things in order in their cities, described personal stories of acquaintance with crime and demanded protection.


Another picture of the guys who returned from the fronts of the Afghan and Chechen war, after the brother was shot by director Vladimir Khotinenko.

According to the plot, the protagonist once accepted religion alien to him when he was captured by enemies. The newly -fed Muslim, who miraculously returned home after seven years, unexpectedly understands for himself that the religious canons of this faith are close to him in spirit, and the sacred rituals do not cause rejection.

The side with Evgeny Mironov, the already famous Russian actors Alexander Baluev, Ivan Bortnik, Nina Usatova, Ivan Agafonov, Vladimir Ilyin, Leonid Okunov, Alexander Peskov, were shot in the film.

In the role of the village – representatives of the Russian outback, the settlement of Urdovo acted, which is located in the Kasimovsky district of the Ryazan region. Somehow it turned out that all mass scenes were shot without the participation of professional actors. And the second -plan roles were also distributed between local residents.

Director Vladimir Khotinenko in an interview about the filming of the film Muslim more than once mentioned that the settlement of Urdovo attracted him completely fantastic nature.

Only a hundred kilometers from the noisy capital, and around the quiet and surface. This was the reason that the crew members after work on the project acquired suburban houses for themselves. Shepherd General (actor Vladimir Ilyin) and film artist Alexander Popov and today try to spend all his free time on the lands of the Kasimov's hinterland.

Critics-kinomans, analyzing the Kicks tape, found out that the funny word, which became the name of the film, passed to Russia from American street slang. It means intravenous drug dose.

In the world of art, the concept of “KIX” is used in a completely different context: obvious falsehood, tasteless fake, inept plagiarism. The manner of presenting the material in the film is decadence using anxious music behind the scenes, mystical images on the verge of half -Semi/semi -beloved, too bright color shades, the games of the actors on the verge of a grotesque, an ominous finale.

Behind the combination of the letters “KIX” is hidden the life of a popular singer who does not think of existence without a stupefying “friend”. Each new portion is a bright cascade of emotions and extracts on stage. But how much does Jeanne have the strength to hold out of captivity of illusions and not let down colleagues and fans of her talent?

The vocalist has neither the strength nor the desire to part with the kix, and it is increasingly beginning to seem to others that it is time to find a worthy shift to the star. On the agenda, the only question is: where, in fact, then put the herself to Jeanne?

The director and screenwriter of the project was Sergey Livnev, the producer – Valery Todorovsky. The list of actors employed in the film is solid celebrities: Evdokia and Lyubov Germanova, Alexander Pankratov-Black, Alika Smekhova, Olga Anokhina, Alexander Sirin.

The directors did not finally decide on the genre of the picture, so it can be found both in the catalogs of thrillers and in the section “Detectives”. The joint work of the team brought this project a lot of significant awards. But most of all, Evdokia Germanov, who gathered many prizes for the “best female role”, including international competitions in Karlovy Vary, struck the public.

Country of the Deaf

The joint film adaptation of Russian and French filmmakers in the footsteps of the novel by Renata Litvin “possess and belong” is a bold story about the life of Moscow at the turn of the twentieth century.

The mysterious thread follows the plot a mythical idea that somewhere in this world there is a magical island in the ocean for those who have limited physical capabilities. There, in the glorious kingdom of people without problems, there is no meanness and lies, and all people are happy and rich.

A deep debt pit makes Rita who is not knowing previously, accustomed to luxury and comfort, seek support from a deaf dancer named Yaya. Both heroines are waiting for a series of adventures against the backdrop of Moscow streets, nightlines and other people's apartments with an unusual situation.

The reality of all the vicissitudes lies in the fact that Rita has to find out that hearing impaired people live in completely different human laws full of sincere warmth and friendliness. The characters deprived of fate are ready to help the one who suddenly ended up in trouble.

An unconditional brightness of the project gives the participation of wonderful Russian actresses Chulpan Khamatova and Dina Korzun in an excellent ensemble with Nikita Tunin, Maxim Sukhanov, Alexander Yatsko, Sergey Yushkevich, Alexei Gorbunov, Pavel Poimalov, Oleg Khatyushenko.

The producers of the fashion film were Sergey Livnev and Ilya Neretin. The French charm to separate scenes was helped by the director Valery Todorovsky, who also performed the author of the script in tandem with Yuri Korotkov. For 20 years, the film has been occupied by an honorable 25th place in the list of hundreds of the main Russian films.

“The film acquired feminist paints, which was not included in the initial plans of the creators, but I did not fight this,” Valery Todorovsky described the “country of the deaf” in his interview.

An interesting fact is that the deaf -mute criminal authority nicknamed the pig had a real prototype. This is the uncorgected king of the gang of deaf Levoni Jikia, who died on the eve of the release of the tape on the screens.

Before the filming, the director of the picture received a favorable resolution from “respected people”. The deaf mafia, although it did not oppose the creation of the film, made it clear that it should be aware of the events taking place on the set.

Who if not us

The creation of this film was surprisingly long. The first frames were shot back in 1993, but then the project was frozen for five years due to lack of funding. Then no one assumed that the picture was waiting for a warm welcome from the public and the fireworks of bonuses and awards.

The plot center is growing up and the formation of two friends, missed through the thorns of a colony for minors and an orphanage. Suddenly, a retired policeman living in the company of alcohol and loneliness becomes a senior mentor for a young duet. An unnecessary meeting coolly changes the fate of the whole Trinity and contributes to the birth of real friendship, which does not know the difference in age.

The film Who, if not We was created by professional groups of real cinema gurus. Director, screenwriter and performer of one of the key roles of a spinning pensioner from police officers – Valery Poymykhov. Together with him, Evgeny Kraynov, Arthur Smolyaninov, Lyanka Gryu, Albert Filozov, Tatyana Dogilev, Ivan Okhlobystin, Ekaterina Vasilieva, Nikolai Chindyaykin were shot in the film. Many scenes in the picture are accompanied by the music of the rock group DDT.

The acting fate of the two main teenage heroes performed by Evgeny Krainov and Arthur Smolyaninov was successful. Kraynov subsequently managed to take part in 20 film projects.The audience especially remembered the work in the ribbons: “Boomer”, “Spartak and Kalashnikov”, the multi -part saga “Taxist”, “Plot”, “Women in the game without rules”, “Enchanted plot”.

Arthur Smolyaninov (Volotsky) starred from above in 70 films. The actor serves in the contemporary theater, and is currently actively working in several projects at once: “An hour before dawn”, “Shaman”, “Survivors”.