5 attractions of Spain. The most beautiful places in Spain

5 attractions of Spain. Do you dream of visiting the most unusual Spanish attractions in Spain? Then look at the top 5 unusual places in Spain. Spain can

5 attractions of Spain. The most beautiful places in Spain

Do you dream of visiting the most unusual Spanish attractions? Then look at the top 5 unusual places in Spain.

Spain boasts of the oldest culture and history, picturesque beaches, the highest mountains in Europe, buzzing cosmopolitan cities and remote tiny villages.

Rio-Tinto River, Welva

This unusual red river is the birthplace of iron, copper, gold and silver. Located in South Andalusia, in the province of Welva, Rio-Tinto boasts a 5,000-year history. Early notes prove that the Iberians and Tartuesens first discovered this area, and later the Phoenicians, the Greeks, the Romans, the Westgotes and the Morah settled here.

This river is a favorite among NASA scientists who come to study such extreme conditions for the survival of water animals.

Setenil de Las-Bodegas, Cadiz

This village, located in the province of Kadis, rightfully occupies an honorable place in the list of unusual places for visiting in Spain. 3000 people in the setnil de las-Bodegas live one on one with nature: their houses literally support the mountain. Not the best place of residence for people with claustrophobia, but it is worth looking at this miracle at least once in their lives. In addition, this is the birthplace of the best olive oils in Spain!

Temple Debod, Madrid

A few meters from Spain Square, in one of Madrid's most beautiful parks – Montagnia, the ancient Egyptian temple rises.

This temple of the 4th century BC originally stood in Egypt in the Nile Valley, but in 1968 he was sent in parts to Spain, as a gift. This is the gift of the Egyptian government, as a sign of recognition for help in the construction of the Asian dam and salvation from flooding of the most important historical places.

The lake, which reflects the temple of Mobod, is perhaps the best place where you can observe the sunset in Madrid.

Desert Tabernas

Torcal, Antecter

The mountain ridge Torcal, striking all tourists, is outside the city of Antequer, in the heart of Andalusia.

Karst formations are one of the most spectacular in Europe, they were formed for millions of years, and some breeds even found dinosaurs. Torkalsky limestone was part of the seabed more than 150 million years ago, and the entire region was located under the aunt's sea.

Around the park there are several pedestrian routes – this is a great way to see and feel the power and antiquity of nature. Children will remain delighted with this exciting journey, because they have to go through the tunnels, make their way through the caves and admire the bizarre fossils, in the end, this is a country of dinosaurs!

All of the country, without exception, are proud of their achievements in the field of science and culture. The Spaniards do it skillfully and for show. Gaudi architecture, unsolved secrets of flamenco rhythms, traditional bulls, exotic islands and well -known resorts – this is not a complete list of what is offered to an enthusiastic tourist in this temperamental country. We will conduct a tour of the 15 best places in Spain.

Travel map of attractions of Spain

In total, in Spain there are 17 regions, including the Canary and Balearian islands. Outside of large Spanish cities there are many interesting places telling about the versatility of the nature and art of Spain. A visit to each of these amazing places will make a busy and colorful trip.

Video: TOP-10 attractions of Spain

1. Temple of Sagrade Surname (Barcelona)

Sagrada Surname (Barcelona)- the temple is the most grandiose long-term construction, which has been erected 132 years old. Initially, the construction (1882) was entrusted to the architect Francisco del Villar, who soon abandoned the project. In 1883, Antonio Gaudi continued work. The famous architect managed to complete only one tower of an unusual building. To date, only 8 towers of the planned 18 have been erected. It is assumed that the project will be completed in 2026.

Cape Marroki is the extreme southern point of the European continent. It is an artificial dam built in the 19th century. From here you can see the coast of Morocco with the naked eye.

Arena Las Ventas (Madrid) is an arena for Corrida, built in the neo -Mavritan style (neumdeehar). Accommodates 23,798 spectators. In the room of the complex you can visit the Corrida Museum.

The Seville Cathedral is the largest Gothic temple of Europe, built in 1401-1519. It is a treasury of old relics and works of painting by famous artists, such as Goya, Velazquez, Murillo, etc.

Magic fountains of Montzhuika (Barcelona) are one of the most visited places in the capital of Catalonia. A unique show invites tourists to enjoy the magical combination of music, water and light.

The Sibeles Fountain (Madrid) – a sculptural composition erected in 1782, represents the goddess Kibel sitting on a chariot drawn by lions.

Mount Tibidabo is one of the most popular tourist places in Barcelona and all of Spain. From here beautiful views of the capital of Catalonia are opening. On the slopes of the mountain is the same amusement park with attractions and a viewing tower.

Monerrat monastery – Benedictine monastery, religious center of Catalonia and the place of pilgrimage of Catholics from around the world.

The Guggenheim Museum (Bilbao) – the Museum of Modern Art is a spectacular structure made in the style of deconstructivism. Exhibitions of modern Spanish and foreign artists are held here.

The Barcelona Zoo – in the Zoo collection, there are 400 species of plants and 319 species of animals.

Prado Museum (Madrid) is one of the most famous and most visited museums of fine art. The museum stores the works of Velazquez, Goya, Bosch, El Greco and other representatives of European painting.

The Royal Palace (Madrid) is the residence of the kings of Spain, located on the shore of the river. Mansanares. The interior of the palace is famous for the frescoes of Caravaggio, Jordano, Velazquez, Goya, unique Flemish tapestries and others.

Port Agentura is the most visited amusement park and the largest resort in Spain. The park is divided into 6 thematic zones.

The city of arts and sciences (Valencia) is represented by a unique complex of samples of modern architecture. Surrounded by pools and parks.

The theater -museum Dali (Figuras, Catalonia) is a museum dedicated to the work of S. Dali. The interior is represented by unique compositions from paintings, scenery, sculptures, etc.

Spain is a paradise for travelers. This is a country with ancient history, with many well -preserved medieval quarters and squares. The magnificent architecture of Antonio Gaudi and the kilometers of the luxurious beaches of the Atlantic coast and the Mediterranean. Spain is rich in natural attractions, Sierra de Dramontan and Garakhonai Park are guarded by UNESCO. In total, there are 48 objects in the country (2019) included in the World Heritage List.

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What to see and where to go in Spain?

The most interesting and beautiful places, photos and a brief description.

1. The temple of the Holy Family

This is the most famous structure of the great Antonio Gaudi. Also known as Sagrad-Family. It is noteworthy that the construction of the temple, begun in 1882, has not yet been completed. The grandiose building is a symbol of all and Catalonia. The majestic and impressive building began to be built in the Gothic style, but Gaudi introduced the originality of modernity into its appearance, adding lightness and delicateness to the temple.

2. Ballo's house and house Mila

The house is Mila is an architectural monument and a residential building that is included in the UNESCO heritage list. The house with an extravagant form facade was erected according to the project of Antonio Gaudi. Part of the facade are forged lattices of balconies of an unusual shape. Now in the building there is a museum of work of Gaudi. An unusual facade is interesting for another Gaudi creation – Ballo's House. The facade is called dancing because of curved lines in its design.

3. Gothic quarter (Barcelona)

In the maze of narrow streets of the quarter, many ancient buildings of the Middle Ages and the Roman Empire have been preserved. In the chaotic layout of the quarter, it is easy to get lost or at a dead end, but this does not bother tourists from all over the world coming here to evaluate the beauty of historical architecture monuments. In this incredibly beautiful place, Gothic harmoniously combines with renaissance and neoclassic.

4. Plaza of Spain (Seville)

The semicircular square is located near the Marie-Louise Park and is one of the brightest in. It is separated by a channel through which graceful bridges are thrown. The area is surrounded by an architectural ensemble of buildings in the neo-Moorish style. A large fountain decorates the center of the square. The pavilion on the edge of the square often hosts interesting exhibitions, and its design features art deco features.

5. Park Guell (Barcelona)

Located on the outskirts of Barcelona. Its construction began in 1901. Antoni Gaudí also designed the park. The park's most famous attraction is a huge, winding bench made from pottery shards, broken glass, and other colorful construction debris. The park is also decorated with other intricate compositions – fabulous houses at the entrance to the park, a mosaic Salamander and the Hall of 100 Columns.

6. Rambla (Barcelona)

Pedestrian street with a length of just over a kilometer. It has a special soulful atmosphere of real Spain. The colorful Pla del Os with a Joan Miro mosaic on the sidewalk, the Boqueria market, the Canaletes fountain with drinking water, churches, palaces and monuments – the street is full of many attractions. For the Olympic Games in 1992, the modern Sea Boulevard was added to the street.

7. Prado National Museum (Madrid)

8. Royal Palace (Madrid)

Despite the fact that the palace is officially the residence of the kings of Spain, it is open to tourists. You can see 50 rooms out of 2000. Visitors will not be indifferent to the interior of the halls and rooms. Marble, mahogany, stucco are used in their decoration. Several frescoes were painted by Caravaggio and Rubens. Unique collections have been collected – from weapons and armor to Stradivari instruments.

9. City of Arts and Sciences (Valencia)

An architectural complex of five structures for various purposes in the city. Modern buildings house a cinema, a planetarium, a theater, a greenhouse, a science museum, a concert hall, and an open-air oceanographic park. The grandiose suspension bridge completes the composition. Its length is 180 meters, and the height of the mast is 125 meters. The area around the complex has a beautiful park with streams and pools.

10. Guggenheim Museum Bilbao

Museum of Modern Art in . It houses exhibitions of both local and foreign artists. The main theme of the work is the avant-garde. There are more installations and electronic works in the museum than traditional paintings and sculptures. There are works by Gerhard Richter and Andy Warhol. The futuristic building of the museum on the banks of the Nervion River, with its abstract form, evokes many associations among visitors – a spaceship, an airplane or a rosebud.

11. Reina Sofia Art Center (Madrid)

A museum that houses modern art paintings and about 40,000 books.Most of the collections of paintings are the work of Spanish surrealists and avant -garde artists from the 20th century to the present. The pearl of the Center for Arts is the picture of Pablo Picasso Gertika. One of the areas of work of the Center is research. For students, lectures on art history are given.

12. Palace of Catalan music (Barcelona)

Modern -style concert hall. A feature of his architecture is the natural light of the hall. A glass ceiling made of multi -colored mosaics looks like a dome. The combination of blue and gold colors prevails, which resembles a real sky with the sun. The facade is decorated with frescoes. There are many sculptures inside the hall – Valkyrie from Wagner's opera and Greek muse. World -class performances are held in the palace.

13. Seville Alkasar

Built on the site of the ruins of the Arab fortress. The construction of the palace began in the XIV century. This is one of the few well -preserved palaces in the style of Mudehar. For a long time the palace was the residence of the Spanish kings. The grace and luxury of interior design can best be evaluated in the embassy hall of the palace and in the room of Charles V. Lepnin and decorative compositions are represented in a girlish patio.

14. Alkasar in Segovia

One of the most popular places in Spain. Located on a high rock at the confluence of small rivers. The construction was built in the 9th century as a fortress, later it was rebuilt into the palace. Now there is a museum in the palace. Old interiors are recreated, collections of weapons, furniture and portraits of kings are exhibited. The throne room, a stone hall and a hall with Venetian stained glass windows are especially popular among tourists.

15. Algambra (Granada)

The grandiose architectural ensemble B, the main buildings were erected in the XII-XV centuries during the reign of the Muslim dynasty. Behind the fortress walls are mosques, baths, residential buildings. Beautiful gardens in their design harmonize with the buildings of Islamic architecture. Among the cypresses and orange trees there are several small reservoirs and fountains. Worming water creates a special mood.

16. Toledo Alkasar

The first defense structures at this place began to be built by the ancient Romans. The fortress repeatedly passed from hand to hand until Pedro I decided to rebuild the castle in 1486, and Charles V completed its re -equipment, making the palace out of the fortress. Tourists love to visit a historical monument. Walks are allowed along the thick walls of the fortress. A military museum and a large library are located in the walls of Alcasara.

17. Burgos Cathedral

Catalonia Cathedral. Built in the Gothic style. Catalan elegant motifs give him an elaborate outlet above the main entrance, turrets directed into the sky and columns. It was founded in 1221, but within 200 years the construction of the cathedral was not carried out. It ended only in 1567. It is an architectural monument and is included in the UNESCO heritage list.There is a lush garden in the courtyard of the cathedral.

18. Seville Cathedral

One of the largest cathedrals in Europe in the Gothic style. The length is 116 meters and the width is 76 meters. Its construction was completed in the 16th century. It is believed that it houses the burial place of Christopher Columbus, and the cathedral cross is cast from gold, which the navigator brought from America. Among the many treasures of the cathedral there are paintings by great painters – Goya, Velazquez, Murillo. The cathedral is famous for its organ concerts.

19. Mesquita (Cordoba)

In the past it was a mosque – the most magnificent in the city. Thousands of tourists travel to to see the masterpiece of architecture with their own eyes. Giant double arches inside the building, connected by hundreds of columns. For the manufacture of columns used marble, onyx, granite, jasper. The blue dome is decorated with golden tiles in the form of stars. The prayer hall consists of five zones, each with its own architectural features.

20. Escorial Monastery

Built in the 16th century by King Philip II. Construction lasted over 20 years. The result was an architectural complex in the Renaissance style, consisting of churches, a palace and cozy courtyards. The monastery has museums that tell about the history of Escorial and keep a collection of works by artists of the XV-XVII centuries. Members of the royal family of Spain are buried in the pantheon at the church.

21. Nuestra Senora del Pilar (Zaragoza)

In translation, the name of the cathedral means the Cathedral of the Virgin Pilar. It is an ancient basilica built in the Baroque style. The first Christian chapel was built on this site in the 2nd century BC, the domes of the modern church were completed in 1961. The church has 11 domes in total. In the center of the church there is a jasper column topped with a 15th-century statue of Mary. The dome frescoes were made in the 18th century. Several vaults were painted by the great Goya.

22. Cathedral of Saint James (Santiago de Compostela)

The relics of the holy Apostle James are buried in the cathedral in the north of the country. Considered one of the great shrines of Spain. Another shrine is a thorn thorn from the crown of Jesus. The construction of the cathedral began in 1211, and it took another 400 years to build. The cathedral does not have a single architectural style, but an imposing baroque façade stands out. Inside is one of the largest censers in the world – the size of a man and weighing 80 kg.

23. City of Cuenca

A small beautiful city, the historical center of which is included in the UNESCO list. It is located on a rocky picturesque cliff above the gorge. Old houses from the side seem to be growing out of the rocks, they are called hanging houses. The atmosphere of antiquity is created by architectural monuments – a Gothic cathedral, monasteries and churches, an episcopal palace, many museums. In September, the feast of St. Mateo takes place here, which is celebrated by the whole city.

24. Aqueduct in Segovia

Ground section of the ancient Roman aqueduct. The exact date of foundation is not known, but most scholars tend to believe that it was built in the 1st century.It is included in the UNESCO heritage list. Its length is 728 meters, the height above the ground is 28 meters. A construction of granite blocks was erected, not fastened to each other. It is a stone bridge with many arched spans.

25. Roman theater (Merida)

Theater of ancient times, built before AD It is included in the architectural ensemble of the city of Merida, which are the object of the UNESCO heritage. Several fragments have survived to this day, which many tourists come to inspect. The theater is decorated in the form of a semicircular amphitheater, part of the auditorium is located on a hill slope. On the stage of the theater, the Classical Theater festival is held annually.

26. Hercules Tower (La Corunia)

The ancient Roman lighthouse, located on a rock with a height of more than 50 meters in La-Korunet. The height of the tower itself is 55 meters. The lighthouse is an object guarded by UNESCO. Tentatively built in the II century and is still used. The walls of the tower are made of granite and have a thickness of 2 meters. The name was obtained in honor of one of the exploits of Hercules. According to legend, Hercules himself built a tower after the victory over the giant Gerion.

27. Biscay bridge (Portigalum)

Bridge-transporter, which is called a flying ferry. Two towers 60 meters high are installed on the banks of the river. A gondola moves between them through the central span. Up to 6 cars and several dozen people are placed in it. The gondola sets off every 8 minutes, and the road from one shore to the other takes 1.5 minutes. The bridge was built in 1893 and for that time was a great engineering achievement.

28. Puente-Nuevo (Ronda)

Built in the XVIII century through the gorge of the Guadalevin River. The depth of the El Taho gorge is 120 meters. The trekal bridge 98 meters high was erected from stone. Built instead of a collapsed single -blue bridge. More than 50 people died in that disaster. The observation deck on the bridge is a popular place among tourists. It opens up with a magnificent view of the river valley and almost the entire city of Ronda – its historical and new part.

29. Cave of Altamy

The cave is formed naturally. Its length is 270 meters. The height of the main halls reaches 6 meters. In the caves, the stone painting of the Paleolithic era has been preserved – experts in paleontology from around the world come to explore them. They believe that the cave was used by people about 35,000 years ago. A unique painting of the arches amazes many scientists. Many call the painting of the cave Sistine Chapel of Primitive Art.

30. National Park Teide

Located on the island of Tenerife, popular among tourists. Its territory is located on a volcanic basis. The height of volcanic education is 7500 meters. The base of the volcano is at the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean. The highest point in the park is the same Mount Teide – 3718 meters. The desert landscape of the park is interesting for cliffs from frozen lava of a bizarre shape.A third of the flora of the park grows only in this place.

31. Garajonay National Park

The name is connected with the tragic story of Prince Honai and the girl Gara. The princes' parents were against their wedding, and the lovers took their own lives. The territory of the park is included in the UNESCO heritage list. Most of it is covered with subtropical evergreen forest. Many plant species grow only in this national park. The park is open to visitors and has trails for hikers.

32. Sierra de Tramontana

Mountain range 90 km long in Mallorca. It stretches from Cape Sa-Mola to Cape Formentor. There are many cultural and ethnic values ​​in this area. The territory of the mountains and historical monuments on them is a UNESCO site. The natural landscape is harmoniously complemented by man-made buildings – stone terraces for growing olives, snow houses for storing blocks of snow and ice. Excursions to mountain gorges and peaks are interesting.

33. Dunes of Maspalomas

Sand dunes on the ocean. With their appearance, many travelers are reminded of a corner of the Sahara desert. Under the influence of the east wind, the dunes are constantly in motion. The protected area occupies 404 hectares. The park's ecosystem also includes the La Charca sea lagoon. It is separated from the ocean by a sand bar. The flora and fauna of the territory is unique. Some types of insects are found only here or in.

34. La Concha Beach (San Sebastian)

The name of the beach is translated as shell – this is the shape of the bay near this beach. The length of the beach is about one and a half kilometers. It consists of sand dunes with golden soft sand. The bay of the beach is protected from the wind. There are practically no waves, so La Concha beach is ideal for families with children. The beach infrastructure is excellent. Not far from the beach area there are interesting sights – palaces and fortresses.

35. Loro Park

Zoo located on the island of Tenerife. Since opening in 1972, more than 40 million people have visited it. Popular with an extensive collection of parrots. The number of individuals reaches 4000. Other inhabitants include different types of primates, reptiles, fish and birds. The show of sea lions and killer whales takes place in one of the largest dolphinariums in Europe. An interesting place is the Thai Village at the entrance to the park.

The best places to stay in Spain

Costa Brava

A picturesque natural area on the coast of Catalonia is popular with tourists and local residents. It has many beach resorts and active recreation areas. Popular walks along the gorges and spurs of the Pyrenees among the dense coniferous forest, overlooking the bays and bays. There are many monuments of ancient culture in the city. In the evening, entertainment parties are held on the beaches.

Ibiza island

Known throughout the world for parties and discos, which are attended by thousands of people from all over the world.Many clubs with electronic music are open on the island and in the summer they are never empty. In the north there are secluded resorts, more suitable for calm pleasure by the sea and the sun. There are historical attractions on Ibiza – the castle of the XII century and the construction of the Renaissance era.

Canary Islands

Archipelago beloved by tourists for a soft climate all year round and a picturesque nature. 7 Islands conquer the hearts of vacationers with tropical landscape, rich blue waves of the ocean and an excellent tourist service. Snow White, golden and even black volcanic – on each island, sand of different colors. Of the entertainment, diving is popular – the underwater world near the islands is incredibly interesting.

Spain is a pleasant surprise for those who love the scorching rays of the sun, huge beaches, Corrida and flamenco. There are many castles, unique villages in the country, and Barcelona and Madrid can be called the country's main tourist magnets. I suggest you an overview of the most interesting attractions of Spain. If you have already visited any of these places, share your impressions, reviews and photos in the comments, participate in the discussion. You can also add other places to the list that you consider more interesting and worthy of attention.

The magnificent palaces, the Mediterranean beaches flooded with the sun, the passionate flamenco in the squares, the shining faces of the pilgrims in the Cathedral of Santiago de Compulsion-in the sights of Spain there is something that you will not meet anywhere else in the world. They personify the country's stormy history, a rich culture and the charming natural beauty of Spanish nature. From sunlight in the halls of the Guggenheim Museum, to the pulsating street life of Larambla and the Moorish arches in the large mosque of Cordoba, Spain exudes the vibrating energy and charming mixing of the past with the present.

Cathedral of Santiago de Compostel

The magnificent Cathedral of Santiago de Compostel was created to be the goal of pilgrims starting from the Middle Ages, as the climax of their famous Camino de Santiago. One of the outstanding monuments of early Romanesque architecture was created between 1060 and 1211 years. Despite the baroque transformation of the facade in the 16-18 centuries, the inside was preserved in the purest early Romanesque style. You can appreciate the beauty of both periods, approaching from the western side to one of the most impressive church facades of Spain. Having stepped inside, you will pass through the thoroughly la Gloria – this triple doorway is one of the largest and most magnificent samples of the Romanesque sculpture in the world. In the center of the main throne of the 13th century from Jashma, Alabaster and silver is the wooden figure of the apostle, richly decorated in noble metals and precious stones. Narrow stairs lead on both sides so that the pilgrims can kiss the cloak of the apostle, as the main achievement of the highest point of their pilgrimage. In the crypt under the altar there is a silver coffin with the remains of the Apostle.

Guggenheim Museum, Bilbao

You really should see this building live, because no photo will never convey that symphony of forms so alive, as if they were about to fly up. The American architect Frank Gory used the limestone blocks and wavy sheets of titanium to turn the foundations of modern architecture back. He managed to create a miracle, causing the so -called Bilbao effect – the ability of the city to become famous thanks to the only world -class building. Thanks to Frank Geri, the so -called Architurism was born, a whole segment of the tourism industry based on monuments of modern architecture. The Huggenheim Museum presents numerous exhibitions on the subject of contemporary art. This is one of those attractions of Spain that you need to visit at all costs.

Seville Cathedral and Fortress

The Seville Cathedral and the fortress are united together to become one of the most outstanding objects of the UNESCO World Heritage in Spain. According to UNESCO, the tower – the minaret is a masterpiece of architecture of Almohad. The Seville Cathedral has a greater internal space than St. Peter's Cathedral in Rome, and its 37-meter main altar with many statues is completely covered with gold. The monumental grave of Christophore Columbus is crowned by many incredible figures. The symbol of Seville began his life on the site of the destroyed large mosque of the city. The fortress opposite was built by the Moors in 712, and after the Christian conquest by King Pedro in the 1300s was reconstructed. The rooms and halls of the fortress are breathtaking, and during a walk in the gardens you will enjoy the aroma of orange and lemon trees. To the east of the fortress is another attraction – the Jewish quarter of Seville with its white houses, iron balconies and flowering courtyards.

Royal Palace in Madrid

Palacio Real (Royal Palace) in Madrid is the official residence of the King of Spain, although it is used only for state ceremonies. The Royal Palace was built in the period from 1738 to 1755. King Carlos III settled in the palace in 1764. Read more about him in the list of sights of Madrid.

Running with bulls

Pamplona is a city in Navarra, known for its amazing festival, which passes annually from July 6 to 14. The festival includes not only public festivities and fairs, but also a dangerous run with bulls, for which numerous extremals from around the world come here.

The beach of La Koncha

Protected from strong winds with steep cliffs and La Condition islands in San Sebastian is one of the best city beaches in Europe, not to mention Spain. Here you can surf, walk along the promenade in search of good restaurants and enjoy a beautiful view of the beach.

Aqueduct in Segovia

Aqueduct in Segovia is one of the most preserved monuments left by the Romans in Spain.The ancient aqueduct carries water at a distance of 16 km from the River of Segovia. It was built of 24,000 massive granite blocks without the use of a solution. The probable date of construction is called 50 years old Aqueduct is one of the oldest attractions of Spain.


Located between Madrid and Valencia, the city of Kuenca is an excellent example of medieval construction on steep slopes of the mountains. Many houses are built right on the edge of the cliff, which makes Kuenka one of the most beautiful cities in Spain.

Ibiza island

Ibiza is one of the Balearian islands in the Mediterranean Sea, not far from the shores of Spain. The island is considered one of the most popular tourist destinations throughout Europe. In the summer, the population of the island doubles, as tourists flock to Ibiza to her nightclubs, beach bars and restaurants. The island takes first places in all lists of beach attractions of Spain.

Sagrada Surname and work Gaudi

Articles in this place:

Spain is a country in southern Europe, its territory is located in the western part of the Mediterranean Sea on the Iberian Peninsula, which it shares with Portugal.

Spain, with its beautiful beaches, a cheerful nightlife, a large number of cultural regions and ancient cities – a wonderful place for traveling. Being a diverse country both in geographical and culturally, Spain can be surprisingly interesting for those who are familiar with it only by rest on the beaches. There is everything here: from thick meadows, snowy mountains and huge swamps to salt lakes and deserts.

It is currently in Madrid:
(UTC +1)

Of the many wonderful cities of Spain, first of all, it should be noted the prosperous capital of the country Madrid, a lively coastal city of Barcelona, ​​famous for the Corrida Pamplona and the homeland of Flmenko Seville. But this is not all!

How to get

You can get to Spain in many different ways, but it all depends on which city, or which island you want to get to. Below we will list links, after which you can understand how you can get to this or that city.

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Weather in Spain

Spain is characterized by a soft climate. The country is almost completely influenced by the Mediterranean climatic zone, is considered one of the warmer in Europe.

In summer, the air temperature in the south and in the central regions reaches +30, sometimes +40 ° C, and in the winter in Spain it is cool and rainy. Freezing in the country is very rare, even in January it is usually warmer than +5 ° C.

The beach season in Spain lasts from May to October. Sea water at this time warms up to +18 ° C and above. The soft climate favors excursion rest throughout the year.

The maximum of precipitation falls on the northwest regions, their volume reaches 2000 mm per year. In the internal parts of the country, it is not so rainy, the annual rainfall does not exceed 500 mm.

Cities and regions


The main cities of Spain are, of course, the capital of the state of Madrid and the capital of Catalonia Barcelona. In addition, there are other famous cities of Spain, except Madrid and Barcelona, ​​along which the famous tourist routes are held – Valencia, Salou, Toledo, Granada, Malaga, Bilbao and others.

The southwestern region of the country, characterized by an amazing variety of landscapes. Here, high cliffs alternate with fertile valleys, and desert areas are replaced by marshy areas. Only in this part of Spain, the hot climate of the Mediterranean is adjacent to the cold of mountain peaks.

In Andalusia, tourists are waiting for a large number of interesting monuments of antiquity – medieval fortresses and Arab towers, majestic cathedrals and cozy churches in mountain villages.
The main tourist destinations of Andalusia are the cities of Seville, Granada, Malaga, Kadis, and the resort zone of Costa del Sol.

It is with Costa del Sol (Sunny Beach) that many tourists associate a vacation in Andalusia. Costa del Sol around Malaga is one of the most significant tourist zones in Spain (300 km length), including the well -known resorts of Marbella, Torremolinos, Benalmaden, Fuenhirol, San Pedro de Helkantara and Estepon.

Andalusia also attracts tourists with his holidays, traditions, and kitchen. Here is the warmest sea in Spain, the hottest and longest summer, the most friendly locals.

The Spanish region, located in the north-east of the country, in the Ebro River basin. The environment of the mountains – the Pyrenees, Cantabrian, Iberian and Catalan – makes Aragon the most separate of the regions of Spain. The main cities of the Aragon region are the capital of Saragos, Truel with buildings in the style of Mudehar, Wesk, who sheltered at the foot of the Pyrenees.

Tourists are attracted to Aragon by its natural wealth: transparent lakes, deep gorges, dense forests, thermal sources, the healing properties of which have been known since the time of the Romans.Modern thermal complexes of Aragon offer a large number of wellness treatments.

This region is popular with climbers, kayakers, rafting enthusiasts and mountain bikers. They are attracted by the National Park Ordesa (Parque Nacional Ordesa) located here – the oldest national park in Spain (1918), covering an area of ​​15,600 hectares. The pearls of the park are flowering alpine meadows, mountain rivers with waterfalls.

A small historical region located in northern Spain, off the coast of the Bay of Biscay. Asturias still retains its ancient title – the principality of Asturias (Principado de Asturias). The geographical features of Asturias are sharp coastal cliffs and mountain landscapes that form the local climate: humid and warm in summer and quite cold and snowy in winter.

The main cities are the capital of Oviedo and the major port city of Gijón, with picturesque beaches and old fishermen's quarters.
Tourists in Asturias may be interested in natural resources, including the Peaks of Europe National Park, which is spread over the territory of three administrative regions at once. So, in the Asturian part of the park there are the most beautiful lakes of Covadonga (Lagos de Covadonga). In one of the caves of the park (Santa Cueva) is the chapel of the Holy Virgin of Cavadonga (Virgen de Covadonga), which is the main attraction of Asturias and a place of pilgrimage for hundreds of believers.

An autonomous region of Spain, a large tourist area, which is an archipelago of small islands. The Balearic Islands lie in the western Mediterranean at equal distances from the Iberian Peninsula, southern France, and northern Africa.

There are two groups of islands in the archipelago: the Gimnesias Islands (Menorca, Mallorca and Sabrera and the small islands of Dragonera, Isla de Aire, etc.) and the Pitiusas Islands (Ibiza, Formentera and the small islands surrounding them).

The main islands of the Balearic archipelago (detailed information is available at the links)

Autonomous region of Spain, located in the north of the country. The Basque country is granted wide autonomy: in its administrative center, Vitoria, the parliament meets and the government works. Due to the proximity of the ocean and mountains, the Basque Country has a favorable climate: no cold in winter and tiring heat in summer.

The region attracts tourists with its unique culture and excellent conditions for outdoor recreation: hiking, golf and all mountain sports are developed here. There are several protected areas in the Basque Country: Valderejo, Urkiola, Urdaibai national parks. Of the attractions of the area, it is worth visiting the active salt mines of Salinas de Anana, discovered by the Romans.

The Basque Country consists of three provinces: the lowland Alava (Alava), the center of winemaking, the mountainous Gipuzkoa (Guipúzcoa) and Biscay (Vizcaya). The main cities of the autonomy are Vitoria, Bilbao, San Sebastian.

The archipelago and autonomous region of Spain, consisting of 2 provinces, seven large inhabited islands and several small ones, located just 100 km from the coast of Africa.Canaries are a Spanish tropical paradise that thousands of inhabitants of the country and foreign tourists visit year -round. Canaries can offer guests a unique variety of tropical nature, beautiful weather all year round, magnificent beaches and opportunities for practicing any water sports. The total length of the beaches of the Canary Islands is 257 km.

Islands of the Canary Archipelago (detailed information is available by links)

This area of ​​Spain is located in the north of the country. The region is famous for excellent beaches and excellent opportunities for outdoor activities (windsurfing, yachting, snowboarding, rafting, riding, walking). There are national parks in the region: Dun Lienkres – the protected zone of dun at the mouth of the PAS River, guarding large populations of birds; Sakha-Besia Park-the largest hunting grounds in Spain; Part of the National Park Peaks of Europe, which was chosen by climbers and ecotourists.

On the territory of Kantabria there is a very interesting place, which is the Paleolithic heritage of the whole of Europe: the center for studying caves that protect four unusually beautiful caves (El Castillo, Las MoneDas, La Pasiega and Las Chimeneas).

The main city of the region is the capital of Santander, who is a favorite resort of the Spanish royal family. The town of Santilian Del Mar with Altamimir's caves included in the list of historical heritage of mankind UNESCO also deserves attention.

This autonomous region is in the center of Spain and has no access to the sea. The region is famous for magnificent mountain landscapes-the central cordiller in the north, the Pyrenees in the northeast, the mountains of Sierra-Moren and Montes de Toledo in the south. The capital of the region is the ancient historical city of Toledo. The recognizable symbols of this area are windmills. Among the main attractions of the region is the Cathedral of the Virgin Mary in Toledo, the Cathedral of St. Mary and St. Julian in Kuenke.

The largest autonomous region of Spain, interesting to a bright historical past, impressive monuments, among which perfectly preserved ancient cathedrals and monasteries. The region is popular among lovers of winter sports: there are many modern ski resorts in the region. In summer and spring, tourists are especially popular with Gurme Tours in Castile and Leon.

The main cities are the unique historical city of Segovia, with the ancient Roman aqueduct and the royal palace of Alkasar; Salamanka with a famous university – one of the first in Europe (1218). The “city of one cathedral” Burgos, the ancient city-form Avila are also interesting; A former capital of the kingdom of the ancient city of Leon with many historical monuments.

One of the most beautiful regions of Spain, but at the same time – the largest cultural, business and industrial center of the country. This autonomous region, located in the northeast of the Iberian Peninsula, is famous for its history, rich culture, ancient customs and chic Mediterranean resorts.

The climate of Catalonia is a moderate Mediterranean, and the Pyrenees protecting it from the winds and the influence of the sea provide the weather comfortable for rest almost all year round. It is in Catalonia that the famous resorts of Costa Brava, Costa de Marezme, Costa of Drada are located. There are excellent beaches, hotels, clubs, restaurants, water parks. The most famous – popular in children and adults around the world of entertainment Port Avetura in Salou.

The most significant cities of the region are the capital of Barcelona, ​​a city-museum, one of the most beautiful cities in the world; Ancient Tarragon with the buildings of the ancient Roman era; Girona is an ancient city in which monuments of various cultures have been preserved.

The autonomous region of Spain, located in the west of the country, on the border with Portugal. Most of this is not at all a tourist region – plains covered with forests and olive trees. The guests of the region may be interested in environmental zones, including the National Park of Monfraga. The reserve is famous for the largest forests of the Mediterranean, filled with a unique fauna.

The main cities of the region are the capital of Merida, who was once one of the most significant cities of the Roman Empire on the famous Silver Way, and the border city of Badakhos – with the historical monuments of the Arab period.

Autonomous region of Spain, located in the northwestern part of the country. The territory of Galicia is crossed by mountain chains of 900-1625 m high, descending to the sea coast and forming a picturesque coastline. The climate of the terrain is soft, but raw and rainy, it was he who created the Galician landscape saturated with greenery.

For tourists, Galicia is interesting for its culture and nature, a type of ecotourism is developed here, called village tourism – Rural Turism. The area of ​​Rias Altas in Galicia is famous for its fishing villages, excellent beaches and monumental cliffs, and the area of ​​Rias Bahas is famous for magnificent national parks and natural reserves.

On the territory of Galicia is one of the most revered places in Catholic pilgrims – the cathedral in Santiago de compostel. The main cities of the region are Santiago de compostel; La Korunya with famous glazed facades; preserving his color since the ancient Roman times of Lugo; port Vigo; Pontentra with an interesting historical zone.

The smallest autonomous area of ​​Spain, and at the same time – the most famous and prosperous winery region of the country. The region is located in the north of Spain, in the valley of the Ebro River and its tributary, and consists of seven fertile valleys completely covered with vineyards.

Winemaking in Rioch flourished since ancient Roman times. Already in 1650, a law was adopted here, which approved the rules for making wine. On an industrial scale, wine in Rioch began to produce at the end of the 19th century.In 1945, Rioha was proclaimed the first Spanish winery DO (Denominacion de Origen), and in 1991 the region was awarded the status of DOC (Denominacion de Origen Calificada). The center of winemaking Rioh is the city of Aro.

Tourists traveling through Rioha are recommended to visit the largest wine museum in the world and the Paleontological Center of Enkso, as well as amazing grottoes hollowed in Cantabria Mountain. The main city of the region is the medieval capital of Logrono with many attractions.

Madrid is the capital of Spain and at the same time its separate autonomous region, filled with a huge number of attractions – both ancient and modern. Nearby are Aranhules, Escoral, Salamanca, Segovia, Toledo and Valle-de Los Caidos.

Autonomous region located in the southeast of Spain. In the south of the region, in the area of ​​Cape Palos, the rocky shores form magnificent landscapes, the picturesque lagoon Marin Menor with small islands of volcanic origin is located north.

The Murcia region is the center of gardening of Spain, it is the largest manufacturer of fruits, vegetables and flowers in Europe. Tourists are attracted to Mursia by local resorts: the golden -sand Costa Kalid, promising La Mang del Map, located on a narrow sandy braid separating the Mediterranean Sea from the Big Lagoon Marin.

The main cities of the region are Murcia, who retained the Arab heritage; The ancient city port city, founded by Carthaginians in 221 BC. e.

The autonomous region of Spain, which was once a separate kingdom, is located in the north of the country, at the foot of the Western Pyrenees, on the border with France. The territory of the region has a rich historical heritage: numerous fortresses, palaces, castles and temples are waiting for lovers of history here. The main cities of the region are the capital of Pamplona, ​​a cozy and calm city with many parks and attractions, exploding a grandiose fiesta with a binning of bulls on St. Fermin's Day; Olite winemaking center; Very beautiful city of Paunta La Rhine.

The region will also be interesting for lovers of active pastime: hunters and fishermen, climbers, admirers of walking, since it has several national reserves (Reserva Natural Delembalse de las Cañas, Parque Natural Del Señorío de Bértiz). Navarra is also famous for its healing sources: here in the town of Fitero there is a popular thermal resort Banos de Fitero.

Autonomous region of Spain, located in the southeast of the country. Valencia is one of the most tourist regions, consisting of three provinces: a mountain castelon with resort towns on the coast, Valencia with an amazing lagoon and traditional festivals, and rocky Alikante with numerous tourist centers.

Valencia is an important center of beach tourism in Spain. The length of the coastline of the region is 485 km. According to the number of beaches awarded the blue flag of the EU, Valencia is ahead of all other regions of the country.

The coast of Valencia is conditionally divided into zones:

  • Costa Blanca (“White Coast”) in the south in the province of Alikante, with a strip of magnificent shallow beaches and resorts spreading on it, Kalpe, Have, Torrevieha and Benidorm;
  • Costa Asaar, the “coast of the orange aroma”, famous for rocky landscapes, is located in the north, in the province of Castelon, where the largest resorts are penisiskol, alklings, oropes, Benikasim;
  • Costa-Valencia with large resorts of Sagunto, Balvaros, Saler, Perelonet, Kuler, Gaguya and Oliva.

In Valencia, there is one of the most popular parks of Spain attractions – “Thera Mitika”, based on the famous myths of antiquity.

The main cities of the region are its capital Valencia with ancient and modern attractions; And also Alicante is a well -known tourist center and a very beautiful old city.