Without Kevordo

The official website of the administration of the MO Gromovsky rural settlement of the MO of the Priozersky municipal district of the Leningrad region

Without Kevordo

Greetings on the website of the administration of the municipality Gromovsky rural settlement municipality Priozersky municipal district of the Leningrad region!

The head of administration
Kutuzov Alexey Petrovich

We are glad to all guests of our site, we hope that these pages will help us establish new interesting contacts, and you learn a lot about life, history, and the culture of our settlement.

We were lucky – in the municipal council of the settlement there is a coordinated and professional team of deputies – representatives of all generations, all professions, all layers of our society. And although municipal councils and powers are not enough for municipal councils, we try to do everything so that life in our settlement becomes more comfortable and convenient, and people feel the care of local authorities.

The openness and accessibility of information is one of the important factors in the development of a successful society, social consent and partnership. We try to work Administration of MO Gromovo rural settlement was understandable and open.

I hope that information about the life of the settlement will be necessary and useful, will help in further work. We will be happy to answer all your questions – we are always ready for a productive dialogue and cooperation.

Results of public hearings: on the issue of establishing a permanent public easement on a land plot with cadastral number 47: 03: 0816003: 779, located at the address: Leningrad region, Priozersky municipal district, Gromovo rural settlement for organizing free access of an unlimited circle Lake. Komsomol and its coastal strip.

Every voice is important.
Dear residents of MO Gromovsky rural settlement!
Currently, a rating vote is underway to choose a public territory for improvement in 2023. Only residents will decide which territory it is necessary to improve.
The opinion of each resident of our settlement is important. Do not be lazy, vote.
3 territories of MO Gromovsky rural settlement were put forward to the vote:
1. Central Square in the village of Gromovo
2. Square in P.st. Gromovo at the house No. 9 on the Stroiteli St.
3. The playground in the village of Port
Vote for one of the public territories on the portal: Together47.rf

“The Priozersky department of the Department of the Federal Service for State Registration, Cadastre and Cartography of the Leningrad Region informs about: 02.22.2022 since 10.00-13.00“ Hot Telephone Line ”on state registration of rights and state land supervision in the territory of the Priozersky district. Acceptance of phone calls will be carried out by phone 8 (81379) 31-145. ”

“Pay attention – this is important!

In 2021, the GBU LO Lenkadocenka, a reassessment of the cadastral value of real estate objects (with the exception of land) in the Leningrad region was reassessed.

The draft report that you can familiarize yourself is posted on the official website of the State Budgetary Institution LO Lenkadocenka: https://lenkadastr.ru/.

Up to 10/20/2021 You can submit comments on the report draft in accordance with parts 17-18 of Article 14 of Federal Law No. 23

Attention. On June 14 and 15, 2021, the territories will be processed from Borshshik Sosnovsky in the village of Gromovo (Lesnaya St.) and in the village of Gromovo (Central St. Gromovo St.), Sireneva St., Flower Street) .


Information for small and medium -sized businesses and consumer markets! File 1, File 2

A new tourist route “Travel from Gromovo to Sakkola” appeared in Gromovo!

NP Losevsky resort, with the support of the Committee of the Leningrad Region for Tourism This summer, is preparing 8 routes for the Karelian Isthmus.

In the villages of Gromovo and the novelty, 5 information plates are installed with a brief description of the stop and a link to sites with full text and geolocation https://izi.travel/nl/e5e8-puteshestvie-iz-gromovo-v-sakkola/ru.

Everyone can go on a bicycle, car, on foot or public transport. Learn a lot of new and interesting things about the history of these places, as well as admire the beauties of Lake Sukhodolskoye (Suvanto) and magnificent landscapes of pine forests and spacious fields.

We are waiting for you in Gromovo!

Project certificate.

Within the framework of the project, it is planned:

  • Development and description of 8 routes in Russian, English and Finnish in the Karelian Isthmus
  • Placing information on Internet resources: website of the Leningrad Region Committee on Tourism, the village of NP Losevsky Resort and IZI/Travel.
  • The release of the first circulation of a guide card with tourist routes along the Karelian Isthmus (will be distributed free of charge)
  • Installation of information plates on routes routes

Information on coronavirus. Rospotrebnadzor files in attachment

Results of public hearings: on the issue of establishing a permanent public easement on a land plot with cadastral number 47: 03: 0816003: 779, located at the address: Leningrad region, Priozersky municipal district, Gromovo rural settlement for organizing free access of an unlimited circle Lake. Komsomol and its coastal strip.

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    More than 200 g of land of the Leningrad region will be involved in the circulation.

  1. The electronic services of Rosreestr will help residents of the Leningrad region quickly and safely receive services for accounting and registration actions.
  2. In the Leningrad Region, the area of ​​residential buildings in areas allocated for IZHS and garden plots, registered in 2021, exceeded 2 million square meters.
  3. Rosreestr registered the rights for 161 thousand.Previously taken into account of real estate for three months of sale 518-ФЗ

In 2021, the GBU LO Lenkadocenka, a reassessment of the cadastral value of real estate objects (with the exception of land) in the Leningrad region was reassessed.

The draft report that you can familiarize yourself is posted on the official website of the State Budgetary Institution LO Lenkadocenka: https://lenkadastr.ru/.

Up to 10/20/2021 You can submit comments on the report draft in accordance with parts 17-18 of Article 14 of Federal Law No. 237-FZ. ”

Dear residents and guests of the Leningrad Region, on October 6, 2021 from 10 to 12 hours, a comprehensive verification of the readiness of the system of warning the Leningrad region on the threat of emergency or emergency situations in the Leningrad Region is carried out.

According to the plan for the comprehensive technical inspection, television and radio broadcasting networks, electric shines and loudspeakers will be involved, as well as speech information in the municipal regions of the Leningrad Region.

During a comprehensive technical check, we ask residents and guests of the Leningrad region to remain calm.

The Committee on Physical Culture and Sports of the Leningrad Region (hereinafter referred to as the Committee) informs that the action continues in the Leningrad Region ─ every resident of the region that has vaccinated against coronavirus from July 01 to August 31, 2021 receives a gift to support a healthy image Life.

As a gift for vaccination, a citizen receives a choice of discount coupons:

– in the equipment center FootBallstore.ru at Litein Ave. 57 or in the online store Footballstore.ru;

– in the sportswear store Forward;

– A certificate for visiting home matches of the season 21/22 of the regional football club Leningradets.

To receive a gift, it is necessary to present a certificate of on July 01-August 31, 2021 vaccination from Covid-19 to the center for sports training of national teams of the Leningrad Region, located in St. Petersburg on the street. Zamshina, 6 during working hours from 10:00 to 17:00 from the accomplice to Friday or in the administration of the municipal district (city district). A citizen should have a passport with a residence permit in the Leningrad Region or temporary registration.

You can get coupons and certificates in the committee at ul. Lafonskaya d. 6v, starting from August 09, 2021 during working hours from 10:00 to 17:00 from the accomplice to Friday. Contact person – Mikhailova E.V., office 101.

In the period from September 6 to September 9, 2021 in the Sirius Science and Art Park
Sochi is planned to hold the VI All -Russian Labor Protection Week (hereinafter – Vnot – 2021).

The aim of the event is to popularize modern technologies in the field of ensuring safe working conditions and preserving the life and health of workers, improving the system of state management of labor protection, demonstrating successful world and domestic projects and practices in the field of labor protection.

One of the central topics – 2021 will be protecting health in production in the covid and post -shaped period.

The business program includes a demonstration of Russian developments in the field of labor protection, industrial and environmental safety, conducting measures to exchange experience and discussing labor protection systems at enterprises of all sectors of the economy, as well as to expand international cooperation.

Representatives of local governments of municipalities, organizations, associations of employers and trade unions are invited to participate.

The official website of the All -Russian Labor Protection Week: rusafetweek.com.

Contact details of the Call Center: Tel. +7 (926) 594-12-41, e-mail: [email protected].

The Priozersky department of the Department of the Federal Service of the State Registration of Cadastre and Cartography in the Leningrad Region informs about the holding on 06.06.2021 since 14: 00-16: 00 Hot telephone line on state registration of rights to real estate and transactions, as well as on state issues land supervision in the territory of the Priozersky district of the Leningrad region.

The receiving phone calls will be carried out by phone 8 (81379) 31-145.

On the day of the All -Russian subbotnik, residents, employees of the authorities, specialized services will go to clean parks, squares, squares, embankments, memorable places, house and coastal territories. In the Leningrad Region, large -scale subbotniks will also be held in the territories that will be landscaped under the program “Formation of a comfortable urban environment” of the National Project “Housing and Urban Environment” – in 27 cities where the improvement is planned for 2022: Boxitan, Vsevolozhsk, Vyborg, Gatin, Kudrovo , Lodein field, Luga, Murino, Otradnoy, Podporozhye, Priozersk and others. Residents will be able to put the territories in order and get acquainted with the prospects of their improvement. On subbotniks, they will be presented with detailed design projects. And you can choose the best project on a single platform 47.gorodsreda.ru April 26 – May 30. Projects supported by residents will be implemented under the program “Formation of a comfortable urban environment” at the expense of budget funds.

Until the Victory Day, there will be a cleaning of all memorials, memorable places and military graves in the Leningrad region. The second stage is dedicated to the year of clean water announced in the region. In mid -May, cleaning the coast of the Gulf of Finland and Ladoga Lake, territories near rivers and lakes – plus, soritsa, Kaskolovka, Tigoda, Volkhov, Lubi and other reservoirs. Management companies, together with residents, organize cleaning in yards and at common areas. We urge everyone to take part in subbotniks and make their favorite places more beautiful and cleaner!

On the holding of the action

Attention to everyone!

Dear residents and guests of the Leningrad Region, 3 March 2021 from 10 to 12 hours , a comprehensive verification of the readiness of the warning system of the Leningrad region is carried out about the threat of occurrence or on emergency situations in the territory of the Leningrad region.

According to the plan for the comprehensive audit, television and radio broadcasting networks, electric shines and loudspeakers will be involved, as well as speech information in the municipal regions (urban district) of the Leningrad Region.

During a comprehensive audit, we ask residents and guests of the Leningrad region STAY CALM.

Rating vote on the choice of territories for improvement in 2022

Since January 15, an open rating vote has been held in the Leningrad Region on the choice of public territories, to participate in the selection for inclusion in the federal program “Formation of a comfortable urban environment of 2022” of the Ministry of Construction of the Russian Federation.

Residents of the Leningrad Region aged 14 years living in the territory of the municipality in which it is held will be able to take part in the vote. One person can vote once.

To make the process as honest and open as possible, the voting form is verified through the Google account.

To pass the survey, you need to enter the address of your mail to Gmail. If you do not have Gmail mail, please devote 1-2 minutes of your time and register in the system (www.mail.google.com). The vote itself will take you no more than 2 minutes.

Every voice of your vote is very important to us and the guarantee that the vote is transparent and honest.

Starting point of departure

The final point is the time of departure

1-Pri (PMDK-Larionovo)

6-05 ,8-10,8-3 5 ,9-1 5 ,9-3 5 ,10- 05 ,10-45,11-05,12-00,13-00,14-50,

6- 35 ,7- 40 , 8-05 ,8-4 0 ,9-0 5 ,9-4 5 ,10-0 5 ,10- 45 ,11-1 5 ,11-35, 12-3 0

16-10,16-35,17-10,17-55,18-3 0 ,19-25.

13-50,15-40,16-4 0 ,17- 25 , 18-00 ,18- 45 ,19-00,20- 15

101-Prr (Priozersk station-mullupelto-Melnikovo- Vasilyevo- Studenoye)



101b- at (mulland – jelly)

106-PR (Priozersk Station-Motor) daily

5-20 W/Th, 6-40 except W/Th, 12-30, 15-00.18-20

7-20,13-00.15-30 except WT/Th, 16.50 W/Th, 18-50

105-PROCHA (Priozersk-Yelnovka)

5-20,15-00 W.

6-30,16-10 W.

1A-Pri (PMDK-Wandered)

6-50,7-15,13- 00 ,14-50,16-35,17-1 0 ,

7-30,7-5 5 ,13-4 0 ,15-30,17-1 5 ,17-5 0 ,18-3 5 ,20-0 5

17-5 5 ,19-25

109-Prri (Priozersk station-line)

10-00,11- 2 0,13-50,16-00


110b -Pria (Otradnoye – Bay Vladimir.)



113 -PRI (Otradnaya – Peat)

125-Prika (Priozersk Station-Shushino)

6-20, 12-30 ,17-30

8-30, 13-45 ,18-30

125 A-Pri (Priozersk Station-Knny)

6-50,8-50,12- 3 0, 15-00 ,16-40,18-20

7-40,9-00,9-40, 14-15 ,15- 45 ,17-30,19-00


131- at (Priozersk Station-Wrong)



619A -OPO (Priozersk Station – Chamomile)

13- 40

6-35,1 5-00

Starting point of departure

The final point is the time of departure

6-05, 6-45.8-00.8-35.9-05.9-45.10-25, 11-15 Mon, Tu, th (11-25 cr, PT, SB, Sun), 11 -40,12-10,12-40,13-10,13-45


10-55,11-40 Mon, W, Thu (11-45 C, PT, SB, Sun), 12-10,12-40

15-00,15-50,16-45,17-25,18-05, 18-4 0

13-10,13-40,14-15,15-30,16-2 0 ,

17-1 5 , 1 7-55,18-35,19-05,19-50,20-40,21-30

1a-sos (island-tribestock)

2-SOS (Sosnovo-Snowyerka station)

5-50.6-30.7-10.7-45.8-20.9-10,10-00.10-40 Mon, Tu, th (10-50 cr, PT, SB, Sun), 11 -30,12-15,13-10,13-40.14-20.15-00.16-10.16-45.17-25,18-10,18-50.19-30

5-00 except for the Armed Forces, 5-40.6-05.6-45.7-25.8-00.8-35.9-25.10-15.10-55 Mon, TT, Th (11-05 Wed, PT, SB, Sun), 11-45,12-30,13-25,13-55.14-35.15-15.16-25.17-00.17-40.18-25.19 -05,19-45

2A-COS (Krivko-Snotyrevka)

4-45 except Sun, 5-25

2b-sos (islands-nanhyrevka)

608-sos (Sosnovo Station-Master)

5-50W 6-55 kr. T.Ch., 11-20h/s GPZ, 13-10.18-45h/s GPZ

8-30,12-10 h/s GPZ, 15-10,19-40

608A-COS (chamomile-Losevo)

620-axis (chamomile-new village)

6-30,14-10 W.

7-00.14-40 W.

623-Sos (Sosnovo-ST. Gromovo Station)

07-50,16-00 daily

10-25 st.

623b-sos (st. Gromovo-p. Gromovo)

8-20 daily, 09-40 daily, 16-40 daily

09-05 daily, 10-00 vt.sb. Sun, 11-30 Mon.

623A-SOS (p. Gromovo-Pos. Port)

08-35 daily, 16-55

08-50 daily, 17-10

624-Sos (Sosnovo-Vladimir Bay Station)

16-00 Mon.

10-50 Mon.

624b-sos (st. Gromovo-Vladimir Bay)

09-40 Mon. , 16-40 Mon.

10-50 Mon.

643-Sos (Sosnovo-Pyatrechye Station)

9-45,11-15,13-20,16-10,18-45 h/s Gray, 21-00

7-30 h/s Gray, 10-25,11-55,16-50,21-40

643A-SOS (Pyatorechy-Denisovo)

643b-sos (Sosnovo-Zaporozhskoye station)

5-05 except Sun, 7-00

5-30 except Sun, 7-30

644 -Sos (Sosnovo – Denisovo Station)

645-sos (Sosnovo-red station)



645A-Sos (Sosnovo-Korobitsino Station)

645g- (Michurinskoye-Bank)

8-40 WT.Ch., 13-05 W.

9-15 WT.Ch., 13-40 W.

646d-sos (Sosnovo-Dravolier Station)

646-sos (Sosnovo-Michurinskoye station)

6-10,07-30, 8-00,12-20,19-35.


647A-SOS (Berry-Petrovskoy GPZ)

7-20h/s Olkhovka,

14-45 h/s Olkhovka

647-sos (Sosnovo-berry station)

654-Sos (Sosnovo-Olkhovka station)

7-50,18-00h/c Krivko

897-sos (S-PB of Art.

7:30; 13:10; 20:05

685-Sos (Sosnovo-S-pb, metro station Devyatkino)

885A-Sos (chamomile-pb st.

859-Sos (Priozersk- S-PB of Art.

05:20; 5:50; 6:30; 7:00; 7:35; 8:00; 09:00; 10:00; 11:15; 12:15; 13:15; 14:15; 15:15; 16:10; 16:30; 17:15; 18:15; 19:15; 19:45; 20:15





20:45; 21:15; 21:45

671-sos (Sosnovo-Priozersk)

651- (Sosnovo-Novozilovo)

642- (pine color)

652- (pine-round mountain)

10 -sos (Krivko – p. Expand)

8:30 Besides the Armed Forces

12 -sos (expanse – Krivko – P. Snegirevka)

13:50, 14:40 Besides Sun

11 -sos (p. Snegyrevka – P. Prandolie)

8:35 Besides the Armed Forces

Dear entrepreneurs!

From October 12, 2020

Personal reception of citizens

In the administration of MO Gromovo rural settlement

By preliminary entry!

Record, reception of appeals and applications, the administration of the settlement leads to the email address

[email protected], you can also contact the administration specialists by phone number:

8-813-79-99-443 The head of the administration-Kutuzov Alexey Petrovich.

8-813-79-99-470 Deputy Head of the Administration-Matveeva Maria Valerievna.

8-813-79-99-450 landowner, military accounting-Goy Elena Gennadievna, Menshikova Margarita Gennadievna.

8-813-79-99-447 personnel department, notary-Saifulina Nel Ravilievna.

8-813-79-99-471 Passport table, property, privatization-Uvarova Angelica Sergeevna, Alekseeva Svetlana Vyacheslavovna.

8-813-79-99-466 Accounting-Vostraikina Tatyana Aleksandrovna, Knyazeva Alena Nikolaevna.

The operating mode of the administration of Mon-Fri. 09.00-17.12h. Lunch from 13.00-14.00. Sat. day off.


Dear residents of the Gromovsky settlement!

A mobile fluorographic cabinet will be taken

GBUZ LO Priozerskaya MB

October 12, 2020 with – In the village of Art. Gromovo 9:30 h to 13:30 h

October 29, 2020 from 9:30 h to 13:30 h

November 25, 2020 from 9:30 h to 13:30 h

December 14, 2020 from 9:30 h to 13:30 h

December 22, 2020 from 9:30 h to 13:30 h

October 15, 2020 from – In the village of Art. Gromovo 9:30 h to 13:30 h

November 30, 2020 from 9:30 h to 13:30 h

December 24, 2020 from 9:30 h to 13:30 h

Dear citizens!

In the city of Priozersk, a subscriber station “Gazprom Interregiongaz St. – Petersburg” was opened at the address: Priozersk st. Kalinina d. 51

In this office, there is also a single center for the provision of services of Gazprom gas distribution of the Leningrad Region JSC.

Opening hours:

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday from 9.00-18.00 lunch from 12.30-13.15.

Gazprom Interregiongaz St. Petersburg LLC

ECPU JSC Gazprom Gas Distribution of the Leningrad Region

Gazprom Interregiongaz St. Petersburg LLC

ECPU JSC Gazprom Gas Distribution of the Leningrad Region

Attention to everyone!

Dear residents and guests of the Leningrad region, October 02, 2020 from 11 to 13 hours, a comprehensive technical verification of the readiness of the warning system of the Leningrad region on the threat of occurrence or on emergency emergency in the Leningrad Region is carried out.

According to the plan for the comprehensive technical inspection, television and radio broadcasting networks, electric shines and loudspeakers will be involved, as well as speech information in municipal areas.

During a comprehensive technical check, we ask residents and guests of the Leningrad region Sin calm!

The service in the department of supervisory activities and the preventive work of the Priozersky district of managing supervisory activities and the preventive work of the Russian Ministry of Emergencies for LOs require employees to replace the vacancy of the state inspector for fire supervision.

Qualification requirements for candidates:

* Citizens of the Russian Federation;
* Age up to 40 years;
* Education, a higher jurisprudence, – fire safety;
* Is suitable for health reasons and business qualities for service in the bodies of the Federal Security Service of the GPS of the Ministry of Emergencies of Russia;
* No criminal record;
* Serving military service in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation;
* The presence of a driver’s license of category “B” (welcome).
Social guarantees are provided to employees of the Russian Emergencies Ministry:

– timely worthy wages;
– full medical support, including family members;
– the possibility of spa treatment;
– compulsory state insurance;
– additional leave;
– payment of monetary compensation for hiring (submarine) housing;
– annual material assistance;
– providing children in priority in children's preschool and other educational institutions;
– the possibility of obtaining sports categories.

Information can be obtained: the department of supervisory activity and preventive work of the Priozersky district.
Tel/fax: 8 (813) 79 37-158
Address: 188760, Leningrad region, Priozersky district, city of Priozersk, st. Gagarina, d. 12.

Detailed information can be obtained:
Department of personnel, educational work, professional training and psychological support of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergencies of Russia in the Leningrad Region.
Tel/fax: 8 (812) 640-05-76, 8 (812) 640-05-77
Address: Main Directorate of the Russian Emergencies Ministry for the Leningrad Region
188662, Leningrad region, Vsevolozhsk district, village of Murino, Oboronnaya street, 51
* Citizens of the Russian Federation;
* Age up to 40 years;
* Education, a higher jurisprudence, – fire safety;
* Is suitable for health reasons and business qualities for service in the bodies of the Federal Security Service of the GPS of the Ministry of Emergencies of Russia;
* No criminal record;
* Serving military service in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation;
* The presence of a driver’s license of category “B” (welcome).
Social guarantees are provided to employees of the Russian Emergencies Ministry:

– timely decent salary;
– full medical support, including family members;
– the possibility of sanatorium treatment;
– compulsory state insurance;
– additional holidays;
– payment of monetary compensation for rent (sublease) of housing;
– annual financial assistance;
– providing children with priority places in preschool and other educational institutions;
– the possibility of obtaining sports categories.

Information can be obtained from: Department of Supervisory Activities and Preventive Work of the Priozersky District.
Tel/fax: 8 (813) 79 37-158
Address: 188760, Leningrad region, Priozersky district, city of Priozersk, st. Gagarina, d. 12.

Detailed information can be obtained from:
Department of Personnel, Educational Work, Professional Training and Psychological Support of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia for the Leningrad Region.
Tel/fax: 8 (812) 640-05-76, 8 (812) 640-05-77
Address: Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia for the Leningrad Region
188662, Leningrad region, Vsevolozhsk district, Murino village, Oboronnaya street, 51