What to read on the May: 8 bestsellers that you missed

What to read on the May: 8 bestsellers that you missed

What to read on the May: 8 bestsellers that you missed

A long weekend in May is a great opportunity not only to relax in the country and spend time with loved ones, but also to deepen your knowledge in the literature. Hello.ru and liters chose several large and significant novels that everyone should read.

Photo: frames from the film, liters Text: Hello.ru


Brisben, Evgeny Vodolazkin

The fourth novel of the Living Classic Evgeny Vodolazkin call it the most musical work. It was in Brisben that the author, always distinguished by an amazing syllable, managed to surpass himself in rich, figurative, living and melodic descriptions. This work brought him a prestigious book of the Book of the Year and made the St. Petersburg writer the finalist of the Big Book Prize. In the center of the plot is a talented guitarist Gleb Yankovsky. Once at the top of success, he suddenly learns about his terrible diagnosis – Parkinson's disease. Together with his favorite business, the hero loses the meaning of all life. A random sentence from a familiar author helps to get out of the crisis from the crisis to write his biography. Virtuoso agrees and unexpectedly finds new points of support in the exciting memories of the past.

Bella Germany, Daniel Shpek

Good screenwriters often become successful writers. This happened with the German author Daniel Shpek. The name of the movie history specialist thundered in great literature thanks to his debut novel, which became recognized by the bestseller. Family saga Bella Germany describes events from the first post -war years to the present and covers the fate of three generations at once. Young designer Julia achieved the long -awaited recognition. True, the victory at the Fashion Week in Milan cost the girl not only great forces, but also happiness in her personal life. To Julia, an old German named Vincent is declared to Julia and claims that he is her grandfather in his father. The man asks the heroine to help him make peace with his son. However, the fashion designer, who saw his dad only once in early childhood, is sure: he was an Italian and died a long time ago.

In private life, Christine Khan

Modern writer Christine Khan is famous for the whole world as a master of romantic plots. Her epic work Nightingale was the main hit of 2015 and brought the American dizzying popularity. It turned out to be no less strong and catchy – its next work – a dramatic saga with a life alone. Thirteen -year -old Leni moves with his family to Alaska. At first, it seems to everyone that in this picturesque place they will gain calm and happiness. But with the advent of winter, the head of the family is rapidly turning into a merciless tyrant. The father, who recently returned from the Vietnamese War, again plunges into a state from which the heroes tried in vain to escape.Thus begins a piercing story of growing up a girl who passes severe trials, but retains human will and faith in love.

Discharging of the Stone, Abraham Verghese

The author of this novel masterfully manages to combine the vocation of the doctor and the talent of the writer. An outstanding physiotherapist Abraham Vergsee writes about what he is best versed in – about medicine. Moreover, it does it so simple and futile that in the end the book is close and understandable to every reader. The “Dischard of the Stone” is a fascinating story of the Siamese twins, whom the surgeons were divided immediately after birth. Children grow up, each has its own amazing road with different happy and tragic events. But the brothers are still connecting something in common-the profession that saved their life. A rich and multifaceted work reveals many eternal topics: from love ups and downs and family relations to problems of social inequality and political issues.

Fighter, Dmitry Bykov

One of the most famous domestic prose writers offers to go into the past and get acquainted with the legendary Soviet pilots. In the fighter Dmitry Bykov speaks of those who managed to conquer the sky, cross the North Pole and protest the air trails to America. These were called the falcons of Stalin, and their life was filled with records and exploits. That's just the bright fate of aviation stars went out one after another as a result of inexplicable accidents – suddenly and completely pointless. It is not difficult to guess that all the characters and stories in the novel are almost completely based on real events. The work has become the final part of the proprietary I-trilogy of the author, dedicated to the Soviet era, and fell into the long list of the National Literary Prize Big Book.

Midnight Library, Matt Heig

The main character of this novel decides to take accounts with life. Nora Sid is thirty -five years old, and she was just fired from work. This becomes the last straw for a completely lonely and desperate woman, who also recently lost her beloved cat. Having taken the last step, she finds herself in a very unexpected place – in the library. Here Nora seems to be a unique chance with the help of books to live several different fates and find your happiness. It would seem that the work with such a tie should be gloomy and sad, but everything is completely different. The author is familiar with severe psychological conditions and knows how to find a way out of them. On the example of his heroine, he clearly shows the transition from the desire to die to the desire to live. It turned out a cozy, bright and sentimental story, from which it is impossible to tear yourself away.

Where the crayfish is singing, Delia Owens

This book is the debut of a 70-year-old American Delia Owens in artistic prose. Before that, she devoted her whole life to the work as a zoologist and published only popular and popular works about animals and plants. Of course, the writer transfers his favorite topics to her first novel.Where crayfish is singing amazingly combines the hymn to nature, a mysterious detective and the history of growing up. The work instantly became a bestseller and attracted the attention of the actress Reese Witherspoon, who not only placed him in the recommendation of her famous book club, but also bought the right to its adaptation. According to the plot, a young hermit living in the swamps of North Carolina, Kia Clark falls into a terrible situation. A kind and smart girl becomes the main suspect in the loud murder of her former boyfriend.

Secret History, Donna Tartt

From under the pen of the American writer Donna Tartt, one of the most powerful and cult books of the past decade-Schegol came out. The novel brought her a deafening success, the glory of the mysterious intellectual and the Pulitzer Prize. However, the popularity of this work does not detract from the significance of other works of a talented publicist. The Secret History is a confusing philological detective who tells about the student of the closed college. The modest Richard from a simple family falls into the elite society of rich and spoiled classmates. It seems that new friends are hiding some kind of terrible secret, and at the next party of young people one of them dies under strange circumstances.

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