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Shitty, I apologize for this free name, is between Nakhichevan and Rostov. First, Nakhichevan appeared on the Don, then Rostov on the Don, then they were united in one city. And shitty was between these large areas in center of the city. This is a gentle descent to the Don, the theatrical square is located there.

The desire to make money in the Russian Federation reached its peak values. They make money on everything – on Fanfuriki (. Ordinary alcohol has risen very much), on Earth, setting up the central areas of cities and freeing up a place for expensive elite housing, on equity holders (. Glorific housing is much more expensive than to invest at the stages of the foundation pit, and the money of interest holders Much cheaper for developers than a bank loan) and. What all this will lead to – time will tell. .

The whole shit burned, as I understand it. The fire jumped over its borders and went for a walk along other streets. In fact, a dangerous precedent has been created. The authorities could not solve the problem of very dilapidated houses for a long time and admitted that they could not do anything. And now it all began to burn. And those who continue to live in dilapidated houses in center of the city, I think now is a tense state.

– Remember that you do not recognize “magic pills” in management, however, if the main rule of planning exists, then what is it?

Local authorities promised to allocate financial assistance to the fireworks. “Compensation will certainly be from the regional and from the city budget,” said the Governor of the Rostov Region Vasily Golubev. Well, the head of the Ministry of Emergencies of the Russian Federation Vladimir Puchkov assured that the victims can count on federal assistance from the government background, RIA Novosti reports. The issues related to the elimination of the consequences of the fire were discussed with them by Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, the press service of the Government of the Russian Federation said.

We are finished by the championship to build a new airport, in December it must earn. He was taken out of the city line, the question was, they would finish it or not, they decided that they would come up. And the Glossada leaves the city. Since the end of spring, these guys began to come and make their offers. But they did not make normal offers. One young lady told me that earlier she was offered 7 million rubles for 9 acres. I ask: What did you not sell before? And she: “And what will I buy for these 7 million? We have five owners there, and everyone needs a separate housing. ”

Actually, 5 owners do not mean that they are all relatives.Different people can be committed, at different times bought out different parts of the same site/ housing.

I remember how the village was wrapped in quarters and flooded.
And who did not spend the night in the houses where the water was knee -deep at night – they burned at those houses.
The whole city saw this chaos.

So, Kazan, I will be glad to see you at the seminar “You or Chaos: Professional Planning for Regular Management” on September 67. Yes, I must warn that no “magic pills” and “miraculous recipes”, no universal artifacts are provided, only principles, technologies, tools. I have been collected for 65 years at one time, but for 69 years I have been introducing it into the practice of corporate governance for corporate orders. This technology is 79 years old, but do not think that it is outdated, I have not yet met companies in which this technology could not be applied.

You are for 95. And everything seems to be in chocolate – a house, work, a family, a son on the threshold of a Harvard. But once – Oops! “You will find out that your classmates have arranged you in all respects.”

Health medicine – Karo's cinema network

A detailed poster is provided on the site All cinemas Kyiv. In it you can choose a cinema or film you are interested in and purchase tickets online right on the site. All new films and the best cinemas of Kyiv are collected on the same page for convenient navigation and search for an interesting session. If you decide to go to the new cinema for the first time, we advise you to get acquainted with the reviews of regular visitors on the page of the cinema itself. All the information on the object of interest to you is also collected there: address, contact phones, information about promotions and special offers.

Now officially: the film adaptation of the chatty mercenary has become the most box office with the rating R of all times and peoples, writes Empire. To date, the world fees of Deadpool reached $ 755 million, which, to put it mildly, is very good for a project with a relatively modest budget of 65 million.

A young ambitious employee goes to a healing center lost in Swiss Alps to return his company as the head of his company. But upon arrival, he understands that the miraculous procedures of the spa-salon are not at all what they seem. While the guy begins to unravel the terrible secrets of this place, his sound mind is a real test of strength. It seems that now he suffers from the same strange disease, due to which other guests of the center remain here, who want to get their dose of medicine.

A beautiful unhurried horror-triller-detective with a good story, intriguing the viewer to the final. Two hours flew in one breath !!

At the moment, the function to buy a ticket online at the Kyiv cinema is working for All cinemas Network Multiplex, Cinema, Cinema City, Oscar, Kronverk, Odessa-Kino as well as Kyiv cinemas, magnate, satellite, Russia, Ukraine, Boomer, Kinopanorama, Kievan Rus.

The Government of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug-Ugra, joint-stock company Publishing House News of the Ugra .

The British director Simon Raininx in the film “Contractor 569857” also addresses the topic of the alienation and search for human contact. This is a very inventive movie, a tragicomedy with elements of science fiction, which has grown from a poem written by the director. And the Czech film of the young director Simon Stefanidis – grew out of a rethinking of the story that occurred in his own family. A subtle comedic drama telling about the relations of fathers and children and paradoxical situations, to which a misunderstanding leads.

On the stage of the Surgut Music and Drama Theater, the metropolitan artists will present the premiere of the new season-the FARS comedy “Passion of Apollo”. The performance is based on the works of the Italian playwright and director, the Nobel laureate in literature Dario For.

The comedy “The Passion of Apollo” will tell that among the confusing intrigues and every booth there is a place for a feeling that wins any obstacles. Apollo will definitely connect to Daphne – and myths have nothing to do with it.

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A self -confident macho, a successful seduction specialist, and even a popular writer does not know the end of women. Once on the street, he meets an ugly old woman. For refusing her to kiss, she curses our hero. Waking up in the morning, he discovers that he became a girl.

“Square” is a new exhibit of the Swedish gallery, designed to call the townspeople to the bouts of love and altruism. At least this was the curator of Christian with the appearance and sweet life of Marcello Mastroianni: colleagues, art test, girls-everything from him is crazy. But when Christian’s in broad daylight is stealing a wallet and a phone, he sits in his “Tesla” and goes into the recovery adventure. At first playful.

A rich couple in Paris gathers guests on dinner dinner. They are waiting for the mayor of London and other aristocrats, but at the table are 68 guests. And the mistress from superstition asks the maid to join. Maria is at an incognito table and a rich collector of art falls in love with it.

For his birthday, Tyler receives as a gift from his girlfriend Kristen certificate of the most fashionable entertainment of the season – the Claustrophobia quest. Together with two other pairs, they must solve several puzzles within an hour to get out of a closed room. With each step, riddles are becoming more and more difficult, and the danger is more and more real. Friends begin to suspect that they are not random here.

When escaping from a hospital for mentally ill, four abduct a young nurse. In pursuit of them, a detachment of police officers, led by the Texas ranger Hal Hartman, vengeful and merciless. One of the fugitives stands on the full tragedy and horror path that will turn him into a maniac – a legend named a leather face.

The girl living in the Japanese province, and the young man living in Tokyo, finds that there is a strange inexplicable connection between them – they begin to “feel” each other through dreams.

The story of the ascent of the brilliant sculptor to the top of world art. This is a story about the work of Auguste Rodin, about his countless love intrigues and about difficult relationships with the most important women in the life of a master – a talented student Camilla Claudel and Rosa Bere, the mother of his only child.

Franco Bukhi, an entrepreneur on the verge of bankruptcy, sees the only opportunity to save the business: seek help to the minister, his old friend. He invites him to dinner dinner, and everything should be perfect: the best wine, a large bribe and a charming girl, ready to lie with the minister in bed. The girl should find Michele, the hero of the hero. And he finds. But not that, cat.

The creators of the series Game of Thrones will offer for the audience several options for the end of the season 8 of the series. Film Festival in Karo 66 Okta. The Cinema Foundation supported the cartoon Squirrel and Strelka 8

You are for 95. And everything seems to be in chocolate – a house, work, a family, a son on the threshold of a Harvard. But once – Oops! “You will find out that your classmates have arranged you in all respects.”

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