The EU banned the broadcasting of RT and the work of the Sputnik agency – | News

Since March 2, the EU banned the broadcasting of Russia Today and the work of Sputnik in Europe. This was reported by TASS with reference to the official magazine of the European Union.

EU banned RT broadcasting and Sputnik agency

Since March 2, the EU banned the broadcasting of Russia Today and the work of Sputnik in Europe. It reports about it TASS With reference to the official magazine of the European Union.

Earlier EU approved The ban on broadcasting in Europe Sputnik and RT channels.

Prior to this, the EU ambassadors agreed on the disconnection from the SWIFT system VTB, Russia and the Opening, Novikombank, Promsvyazbank, Comcombank and VEB.rf. According to preliminary data, Sberbank and Gazprombank do not appear in the list.

The World interbank system for transmitting information and making SWIFT payments interacts with the EU authorities to find out details about restrictions on Russian banks, and is preparing to enter according to the order.

The global cooperative of financial institutions, based in Belgium, said that it is neutral in itself and is received according to orders received from individual organizations and adopted exclusively competent state bodies and relevant legislative bodies.