Any ideas? There are ideas!

The participants of the district youth forum Phoenix-2011 \ \ More than enough

Any ideas? There are ideas!

In the annual message of the chairman of the Public Youth Chamber at the Legislative Assembly of the Chelyabinsk Region, it was said: “The younger generation is the future of Russia. It is time to understand that only based on our own forces is it possible to build the future that we want. The authorities are ready to solve our issues, but only if we can convey and defend our interests in dialogue with it. And we are ready for such a dialogue! ”

The youth of our region proves its readiness to build the future. For the first time in Etkul, the Phoenix-2011 youth forum was held, which gathered about 300 participants from seven district schools and working youth.

The opening of the Phoenix-2011 forum took place in the district house of culture. Young people with its inherent enthusiasm, stormy ovations and applause met the head of the district V.N. Golovchinsky. The chapter advanced the participants for a fruitful discussion of youth problems: “Today we want to listen and find out what we need to do in the area for young people. So that such a socio-political force, like young people, does not drink beer, does not sit at home, did not fight the attraction of the couch, but actively participated in the public life of the region. We can only improve our lives ourselves! ”

The performance of the head of the district ended in the anthem of Russia, which gave a special solemnity to the moment.

The forum was collected by high school students from Karataban, Novobaturinskaya, Etkul, Belonosov, Sphereyanskaya, Emanzhenskaya, Koelgin secondary schools and the Koelgin school Eureka. The teams took turns on stage to greet the forum participants, and then continued to work at six thematic sites, where they discussed youth problems.

The first participants from the Kaataban school were the first to go on the stage. From the first minutes of the performance, it was clear that the teams represent the most talented, singing and dancing, real activists of their schools. The Etkul school team started the hall incendiary Latin-American dance Arrive. The real stars factory represented the Koelgin secondary school. And they have something to be proud of: a single school uniform, the organization “Good children of the world”, which helps veterans, elderly people, and the famous name of the twice Hero of the Soviet Union S.V. Khokhryakov, which the school wears, was presented in their room. Future politicians, Olympic champions and artists were presented by the team of the Emanzhelinsky school. Modern speech, musical numbers of the Belonosov, Karatabans and Novobaturinites spoke about the problems that excite modern youth.

After the presentation of the teams, the forum participants were invited to take part in the discussion of new ideas at six thematic sites.During its discussion, each site had to put forward three ideas for consideration and protect one of them. Only some forty minutes were reserved for discussion and preparing the protection of their project, but all participants coped with the task. What excites modern youth, what ideas come to their minds and how to realize them?

Melody instead of a call

Three ideas were proposed by the educational site Technology of study. Favorite melody instead of a regular school bell – this is very cheerful. On -line lessons – so far it seems to us that this is only in dreams, but after a while it can become a federal standard, ”the forum participants dream. The school uniform is very bright, officially, and girls do not have to rack their heads, what to go to school.

We are the most!

The culture site Art Parade proposed to hold a district KVN and a district talent competition. Our children are the most talented, the most cool, the most funny. In defense of their project, participants in this site performed the song “Cats”, read the poems of Robert Rozhdestvensky and sang the song of the group “Factory”. And at the end of their performance, all together performed the funny song “We are the most!”.

Stand for charging!

Protection of the sports project Run after me! It began with a dance number with sports ribbons. The ideas of participants in the sports ground are simple and can easily be implemented. Morning exercise in the center of each village in order to attract as many people as possible to playing sports. Construction of school sports grounds near all schools of the district, with the annual competition for the best sports ground of the district. Conducting the action “No – tell the drugs! No – tell me smoking! ” The release of brochures calling for a healthy lifestyle.

Strive for the better – work!

The employment site “Oblast Handles” proposed to hold a carpet on career guidance, which all students of grades can become participants.

We listen to the radio!

The participants in the media site boldly nominated three ideas. The first is school radio. It would be very convenient if every school had its own radio station, you would not have to run, look for your creative leaders, or you can simply listen to information on the radio. The second idea is to conduct a district youth film contest, which will help you find out your land, evaluate the creative abilities of youth and develop them. The third idea is the creation of a youth site on which you can exchange information between schools, discuss problems, and tell each other new ideas.

Young people, take the mind!

The site of the policy Our choice turned out to be the richest of ideas. Their performance resembled a political rally with draft slogans, and the hall simply drowned in applause, their ideas were so to their liking.

Youth, do not sleep – go to the polls! To convince adults to take part in the elections, and it is possible to even help make the right choice to make our life even better.Young forward is the road! Thus identified their idea of ​​supporting young initiative people who can give birth to new ideas and realize them. Old people are always honored! Read and respect the older generation and help them was called to the forum participants. Give a manual to schools! Not all schools have enough school manuals to fully study the material and consolidate it in practice. Youth, take up the mind! – Thus identified the problem of drug addiction, alcoholism and smoking. Repair of schools, corruption at universities, cleanliness in the villages – all these problems excited participants in the political site.

Summing up the forum, the most active participants in the forum were noted by honorary diplomas and small gifts. The heroes of the day were Anastasia Nikulina, Anna Domnich, Ivan Chebotarev, Olesya Zagorskaya, Kairat Karavaev, Ilya Devyatkov, Lev Bulgakov, Natalya Puzankova, Elena Kostina, Alena Emelianenko, Alina Suchkova (Sachkova?), Dmitry Shestopalov. The forum organizers express gratitude to the deputy of the Legislative Assembly of the Chelyabinsk Region Sergey Kravchuk and the director of Argo LLC Sergey Druzhkov for sponsorship support.

A person cannot imagine what cannot be. All that seemed to us fantastic tomorrow, before our eyes it becomes incredible today. The future is in our hands. Today it is a start to new ideas, in our power to make our life brighter!

Nastya Nikulina, Anya Domnich, Kelgin secondary school:

“I really liked the forum, everything was interesting. We ourselves tried to be very active. Interesting ideas were discussed on our platform: a favorite melody instead of a regular school call, online lessons, school uniforms. We want to give our educational process a more modern look. Our task is to interest active school students with our ideas in order to realize them in life, and we believe that nothing is impossible. I would like the forum participants to be even more. ”

Damir Uglbekov, Chairman of the Commission for the Development of Youth Parliamentarism and Self -Government of the Public Youth Chamber at the Legislative Assembly of the Chelyabinsk Region:

“The impressions of the forum are the best, it was very pleasant to attend such an exciting event and get acquainted with the active youth of the Etkul district. I see in your youth a huge potential and it is commendable that the district authorities pay close attention to the young generation. I liked the variety of sites on which the guys could realize themselves. I think, thanks to the forum, it was possible to liberate the guys, teach to express their thoughts and ideas, unite like -minded people and inspire further achievements! Thanks for the invitation!

We will wait for further productive cooperation. On the part of the regional headquarters of the “Young Guard” we promise support and interaction for the common good of society and the country as a whole! ”

Anna Shavrina, inspector of the employment center, forum participant:

“I was very pleased with the desire of children to work, earn their own money, choose their own profession. Well done! Teams from many schools participated very actively, everyone worked as a single team.”

Lena Kostina, Tanya Bulatova, Valya Nikitina, Koelga School Eureka:

“We are delighted, we liked the forum very much. The Youth Forum is an opportunity to get together, present your ideas, show yourself and find new friends. There was not enough time to prepare the number, they came up with it right on the stage, before going out. But everyone loved it!”

Artem Timofeev, Nikita Ustyantsev, Etkul secondary school:

“At the forum we met our friends and got acquainted with the girls from the Koelga school. Such forums are very necessary for young people. They need to be done annually. At our site, the idea of ​​morning exercises in the center of each village was discussed. We want the residents of all villages to go in for sports and that sports develop in the region.”

Elizaveta Shvedkova, Olya Duyun, Karataban school:

“The forum was fun, provocatively. Here we found new friends. We are for more events like this. If we insist on implementing our ideas, then they may well be realized.”