State institution Minsk City Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology | State institution Minsk city center of hygiene and epidemiology

State institution Minsk City Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology Laboratory testing for the COVID-19 infection Read more than the work schedule of the Laboratory of the Minsk

State institution Minsk city center of hygiene and epidemiology

Laboratory testing for COVID-19 infection

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The work schedule of the laboratories of the Minsk City Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology, conducting examinations for the COVID-19 infection

Laboratory of the GU Minsk City Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology, conducting examinations for the COVID-19 infection, work in the following mode on the holidays and weekends of May 2022:

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On the basis of the Belarusian railway, a training teaching was carried out

In order to fulfill the requirements of international medical and sanitary rules to ensure sanitary protection of the territory of the Republic of Belarus on 04/21/2022 on the basis of the Belarusian Railway, the Minsk-Passenger station, the city theoretical and practical teaching was held on the occasion of the detection of the train of international passenger lines with symptoms of infectious Diseases with airborne passing mechanism.

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About the hot telephone line

04/26/2022 from 10.00 to 12.00 by phone 8 (017) 2924025 In the anti -epidemic department of the State Institution “Minsk City Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology”, the work of a “hot” telephone line on vaccine prophylaxis of infectious diseases will be organized.

European Immunization Week 2022

Actual information on vaccine prevention of infectious diseases, the epidemiological situation is available on official sites:

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European Immunization Week 2022

From April 24 to 30, 2022, at the initiative of the World Health Organization (hereinafter – WHO) in the countries of the European region, including And our republic, for the 16th time, will be held by the European Week of Immunization (hereinafter-ENI). The conduct of EN is designed to attract public attention to immunization as one of the main preventive measures that allow to protect against infectious diseases.

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On preventive vaccinations

Preventive vaccinations are carried out to form a specific protection of the body (immunity) to a specific pathogen of an infectious disease by introducing a vaccine.

In the Republic of Belarus, vaccination of the population is carried out in accordance with the national calendar of preventive vaccinations and a list of preventive vaccinations according to epidemic indications for a free basis.

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The epidemiological situation on the incidence of coronavirus infections Covid-19 (pathogen-virus SARS-COV-2) in the world (as of 04/18/2022)

Reference: Coronavirus infection COVID-19 is an acute respiratory viral infection, complications of which may include viral pneumonia, leading to life-threatening inflammation of the lungs or respiratory failure, with a risk of death.

Transmission occurs by airborne droplets when sneezing or coughing from one person to another. Contact-household transmission is possible.

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Prevention of rotavirus infection

Currently, the season of the incidence of viral intestinal infections, mainly rotavirus infection, continues. Mostly children get sick, so parents need to remember about preventive measures.

Rotavirus infection is an acute infectious disease caused by rotavirus, characterized by symptoms of general intoxication and lesions of the gastrointestinal tract.