Gorky experience of Gorky: the newborn Kursk club lost in a debut match

Without Kevorda today, the Gorky football club was held by his first official match – a project that was widely known due to active promotion on social networks.

Without Kevordo

Today, the Gorky football club was held by his first official match – a project that was widely known due to active promotion on social networks. The debut “pancake” came out lumpy – the newborn team received eight unrequited balls from the Avangard’s understudy as part of the 1/8 finals of the Kursk Region Cup.

What is Gorky?

FC Gorky is the brainchild of one of the most odious sports journalists of Kursk Anton Mikhashenka. To many football lovers, he is well known for his bright articles and reviews on Championat.com. Whatever he wrote about – about the bourgeois Nogoshya or the domestic walking with the ball – this is always extreme, juicy, colorful and causes the reaction from the reader. It was all the more interesting to observe his project “Unnecessary Football”, which was completely and completely dedicated to football in the Russian regions.

NNNF became the first one of its kind live diary, telling about the football everydays of the hinterland without bills. Championships of areas, districts, cities and even villages in caustic comments and thought about why Russia occupies exactly the place that occupies in the football world – all this turned out to be interesting to the public. The experience of working on NNNF gave Anton a rich food for thought, which eventually resulted in FC Gorky.

The club’s goal in current Russian realities sounds crazy – to popularize football from below. Moreover, it is planned to do this in a non -standard way. Gorky is not imprisoned in the whole city, but to the public of a particular Kursk district – Gorky Street with adjacent territories. This is the heart of the historical center of the city in all its diversity, with ancient architecture, ridiculous new buildings and a bunch of household problems. And the team is designed to fight for this Kursk corner on the football field and beyond, to educate their own fan and serve as a positive example for the rest. And there, you see, this ideas will become infected in other areas of the city, and Kursk will become a small football capital of the country. And, if everything goes as it should, then Russia will fully be a football state, where all FC is private, and the business tears the teams to parts, just to become their sponsors. Such specific patriotism from the bottom.

The project was actively promoted in VK, and soon more than one and a half thousand people followed his fate. But unlike the female hockey Dynamo, Gorky found real outlines, acquired some kind of sponsors, scored the composition and even registered in the Ministry of Justice. And, having passed several local circles of hell, the club on May 2 held his first official match.

First pancake

In the 1/8 finals of the Cup of the Kursk Region, the notorious lot took Gorky to the opponents the most unsuccessful of all possible options – the youth of the Vanguard. For a proper unharved team, far from ideal physical condition, such a layout sounded like a sentence. On the other hand, if you really evaluate your strength, then in the game only with such an opponent: high -speed, physically hardy, tactically competent.

The alignment of forces became clear from the first minutes of the meeting. The young “avant -garde” took control of the ball and began to swing the defense of Gorky. The Avangard-2 coaching staff was on the right land the defense of the Gorky residents, so this particular flank was the most. The “blue-white”, driven by their coaches, already in the debut of the match broke this section of the “front” and organized a blow from three meters for their striker: he was accurate. Subsequently, the “avant -garde” heden took advantage of the defense of “Gorky” twice and smashed the opponents with a score of 3-0.

In the second half, the debutants began to play more actively in the attack. But the lack of “physics” played a cruel joke with them. The team was getting tired more and more, and the “avant -garde” did everything they wanted in the penalty area “Gorky”. The wards of Denis Gershun scored goals for every taste: in quick breakthroughs, spectacular blows to the crossbar, head overturdled. In total, Gorky received another five goals. But even in this situation, the squad Anton Mikhashenka did not think to give up. Under the curtain of the meeting, the “yellow-black” could “soak” the score, but in the first case the goal of the goalkeeper retorted the ball, and in the second, the striker “Gorky” did not have time to finish.

The final account for the Gorky residents is sad – 0: 8 without a chance of success. However, he is the first pancake to go out “lump”. Ahead of the “bitter” game of the championship of the region, where they have to prove their solvency. The technique of the guys is present, it remains to add in physics and playing. And it seems that the public of the Mercury stadium, at which Gorky will hold its home matches, this summer there will be many reasons to be happy for the success of the guys from the neighboring court.