Ours in the VHL. Vladislav Sokolov: I liked the San Siro more than the Camp Nou

Ours in the VHL. Vladislav Sokolov: On; San Siro; I liked it more than on; Camp Nou. Articles about hockey

Ours in the VHL. Vladislav Sokolov: At the San Siro I liked it better than the Camp Nou. Hockey article. Read details.

Ours in the VHL. Vladislav Sokolov: I liked the San Siro more than the Camp Nou

Ours in the VHL. Vladislav Sokolov: I liked the San Siro more than the Camp Nou

Chelyabinsk forward of Lada Vladislav Sokolov came to his hometown during a week break and found time to talk with ChelyabinsHockey.ru correspondent. Not so long ago, Lada ended its season in a confrontation with the Krasnodar Kuban, and now they are preparing to join the KHL with might and main. About not an easy time for the team, about playing in the national team, injury and just about himself, Vladislav spoke over a cup of tea at his party.

“I remember the match with the Swedes when I managed to score the puck”

This season you managed to play for the Russian national team at the Universiade. Tell us, what are your impressions of participating in this tournament?

Impressions are only positive. It so happened that initially I was not on the lists, but after a while I was still entrusted with such a chance – to play for the national team. Our head coach Zhilinsky Igor Valentinovich, who was also the second coach in the national team, helped in this. It's not every day, it turns out, to play for the Russian national team. Too bad we couldn't win. Emotions were the sea. After the tournament, we were presented with game jerseys. I'll hang it at home along with the medal.

What match do you remember?

There was a very serious match with the Canadians, but we were almost unlucky (1:2. semi-finals – approx. ed. ). They only lost in the tournament. I remember the match with the Swedes when I managed to score a goal. A very happy moment for me.

You got injured in this tournament. How did it happen?

The injury was serious. On the first day upon arrival in Novogorsk, we took to the ice. But we didn’t take the pucks out for training, and the coach told us to play catch-up for the time being, splitting into pairs. One rolls back, the other catches up with him. It so happened that I accelerated with my back and another player accelerated in the same way, and we crashed with our backs. He injured a ligament in his ankle. The coaches then called me in and asked if I could play. Said I could. Played on injections then. The doctor fixed the ankle so that it hurt less, but later the “teip” rubbed it all down to the “meat” and I missed three months because of this.

For this reason, I didn’t manage to play at the Russian Classics in my hometown.

Yes. I was very worried about this. I wanted to play at that match. In addition, the year was not at home, I wanted to visit my hometown. Then he approached the coaches and asked if he could at least cheer for the guys, at the same time visit the house. But, they told me to stay in Togliatti and treat my leg. And so it happened.

Tell us about the last season at Lada. How would you rate it for yourself and for the team?

Of course, I would like more from myself. All the same, the injury affected this season … I don’t even know.

There was an impression that Lada was about to make a comeback in the series with Kuban and win.

It is hard to say. Perhaps flights played a role here. The pucks we missed were ridiculous and terrible in the first game, which should have been hooked anyway. The coach then told us correctly – they don't play in the playoffs with such mistakes. We were lucky that we caught the fourth game in the last seconds. We have already gone there on a whim. There was already another game, more aggressive, Kuban scored a lot of fines then. In the last match, the third missed puck became decisive. For a fraction of a second, our defender lost concentration and there they finished off into an empty net. The score became 1:3, it was doubly difficult to recoup, it did not work out. But you have to know how to lose.

You played quite a lot under the guidance of Gennady Fedorovich Tsygurov. What is he like as a coach?

Gennady Fedorovich brought up so many people. Wonderful – what else. A very good specialist. Perhaps he did not have a relationship somehow with Tolyatti. As far as I know, Gennady Fedorovich opened his own school in Tolyatti. From the age of sixteen he began with Gennady Fedorovich. He taught me discipline. I remember that I didn’t say hello to the coaches at the gym, then they took me out in front of everyone, and he yelled at me strongly that I was so ill-mannered. Now I move chairs in the dining room and greet everyone (smiling).

Lada has been led by Igor Zhilinsky for the second season. Has something changed in the game and in the atmosphere of the team compared to last season?

The composition of the team has changed. More skillful players came, but somehow they did not manage to play with each other. We expected that we would be in the top three or five of the championship. Zhilinsky gives freedom to the players, gives space for creativity, so to speak. Before the game we are given instructions and if we follow them, then here you are, no schemes. Perhaps he also expected that we would finish much better, that we would be in the top five. But in the end they were only in 12th place.

Last season you became Lada's top scorer and Oleksandr Shinkar was only two points behind then. This season, he still became the best in terms of performance. Do you have any intra-team rivalry, who will be the best?

There is no such rivalry. Everyone has their own contract, their own bonuses for goals and assists. There is no such thing that I will score, but I will not give it back to you. For the team, this is unacceptable. This should not be. On the contrary, everyone should be for each other. If your partner scores a goal and the team wins, then why not.

“What will happen to the hockey players is unknown. Many have contracts for two years and I don’t know what they will do next …

With Lada, the founder has changed with the entry into the KHL, and in general they are talking about total changes among the team's leadership. Can this affect the players?

I think it will seriously affect the players. I think that many will be fired and a few people will be left to watch. It's hard to say what will happen next.If Mikhalev himself said in his interview that the KHL would be here, but only without us. It is clear that he meant the management of the club. But what will happen to the hockey players – nothing is known. Many have contracts for two years and I don’t know what they will do next … It all depends on the new leadership. They don't tell us anything.

Even when you graduated from the Traktor hockey school, you became one of the best in your year, you were the best in pharmacy, but Andrey Nazarov, who was then in charge of the team of masters, for some reason did not let you into the first team. Then there was an offer to Tyumen, but again, for a number of hockey-related reasons, you were sent only to Penza …

It turned out that Andrei Viktorovich Nazarov did not see me in the first team at all. I don’t compare farm and the first team, yes, these are different levels, but even when I was connected to the main team, I managed to differ, score in matches and on the two-sided. At one of the press conferences, Andrey Viktorovich was asked that there is a good young player Sokolov, but you take others. To which the coach replied that we took him and then we do not see him in the first team. This is the law of the coach. Apparently it didn't work out somehow. Then it turned out that for these reasons I didn’t want to sit in the farm, I wanted to move on, since they didn’t take me to the first team. Boris Vladimirovich Samusik, who raised me, said that there was an option with Tyumen, that he would help, and I could play there. I could have gone there, but it didn't work out. With performance, everything was fine with me. When I left the farm, I had the best performance in the entire league – 73 points. There was no such indicator at that time.

All these behind-the-scenes moments are crushing with the fact that in some moments not everything depends on you?

At that time, I legally belonged to the club. Club director Isaac Valitsky asked Tyumen for one million. There were also negotiations with Neftekhimik and, in my opinion, with Spartak. He asked the first club for seven, and the second for five million. In response, they said that the player had not played anywhere yet, he was only in the farm. For the same reason, I was not taken to the World Youth Championship at that time – due to the lack of practice of playing for the first team. Although in the last year I went to almost all training camps, except for the youth team. It's a pity. I was very upset then.

Was it the same season that you left for Penza?

I left for Penza the following year. Before that, there were all these negotiations, then they didn’t let me go to Tyumen, and in the end I left for Diesel almost for free. It so happened that Andrei Mikhailovich Sidorenko, also from Chelyabinsk, led the team there. Basically, I don't regret anything. Only the stadium was awful back then. The hangar is kind of cold.

How is Serov?

Yes, almost like theresmiling). I still remember. I tell all young players – you have not seen hockey if you have not played at that stadium (laughs).

Nevertheless, Chelyabinsk is your native city. Would you like to continue your career here someday?

Of course I would like. I leave no hope of getting into the Tractor. In the same “Chelmet”, which I call the “swordsman” in the old fashioned way, could continue his career.

There are many Chelyabinsk residents in Lada. Is it better to interact with them on the field?

I managed to play with them in one bunch. Last year, we had good playing with Evgeny Gasnikov and Yegor Silenov. Eugene scored the most, and I managed to score points the most. But this year, our three were defeated. I practically did not go out with Chelyabinsk residents on the field. Outside the site, we just communicate well.

What is the plan of the events further? Early preparation or give time to relax?

Now no one says anything. They gave a week of rest, and then there will be training until April 30 – this is definitely known. What will happen later until we know.

On the Kamp Knou is calmer than on San Siro

How much do they love hockey in Togliatti? All the same, a club with a rich history.

Honestly, probably, if we won more, then the people would have increased in order. In the same playoffs, when we pulled out the last game in Krasnodar, the fans began to move, gather on hockey. In Togliatti there are many intrigues near hockey. I believe that the team should play and should be enclosed from all these conversations. In Orsk, traffic is excellent. One of the best in Europe, as far as I know. You go around the city there and they will immediately recognize you.

As far as I know, you like to travel. Where did you go?

My father lives in Germany and trains gymnasts. Every year I arrive and he makes me a visa. I traveled all over Europe, where I was not. In Rome, I really liked it. Colosseum and gladiators. He brought a helmet from Rome, such a gladiatorial, it is very similar to Spartan. My favorite purchase. Milan is also cool. I bought a lot of gifts there for friends and relatives. Nevertheless, people have a different culture, somehow everything is different than ours. There is something to learn in some moments.

Was there even at the Barcelona match?

Frankly, I liked it more at the Inter match. There are all charged in the stands. With huge flags, even children are painted in the colors of the club, the helicopter flies, removes. Very cool. And on the Kamp Knou is still calmer. I went with my father and my wife. I bought him Messi Mike then. In the seventieth minute, Messi came out the first scored, then the second goal. We look, and there all the fans, the whole stadium bow in a single impulse – such a hero is for them. Cool atmosphere. But still, there is such a mood, as if they won again, here again Messi scored.

Following the vacation will be one of the most difficult periods for a hockey player – summer fees. You managed to visit Penza, in Orsk and now play Togliatti, tell me where is the most difficult preseason of all places?

The hardest is Nazarov. When he was just starting to work. Then he simply did not spare the people. They ran with tires around the clock and with vests. Maybe this helped in something. But still, Andrei Viktorovich later said that he had reviewed his training scheme.Sidorenko has the same heavy training – running, endurance, gym.

This season, because of the Russian Classics, there was a lot of attention from the press. We filmed a lot, took a lot of pictures, and the journalists even visited the locker room during the break to listen to the coach … Does it distract from the main work?

Distracts a little. It's probably for an amateur. When you lost at home1:2 – Chelmet won – approx. ed.), tuned in to win, and everywhere there are cameras and once again you hold back your emotions. I don't know how anyone.