News of Tatarstan and Kazan: politics, business, economics, culture, sports, incidents p. 4 – Real time

Tatarstan and Kazan news in Realnoe Vremya's daily collections: political and economic news, interviews with famous figures, expert analytics and reviews of major incidents 4 page


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News of Kazan and the Republic of Tatarstan in the daily reviews of journalists of Realnoe Vremya. Every day we publish the latest news from the life of the city and the region. Politics and economics, business and finance, sports and culture, expert analytics and interviews with prominent figures of the region, emergencies and important events – read all the most interesting only in Realnoe Vremya. We carefully monitor information flows, choosing the most relevant and useful information. The latest news of the country and the region are published around the clock and seven days a week.

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Founder of Realnoe Vremya LLC
Editor-in-Chief Koshcheev S.V.
Editorial phone: +7 (843) 222-90-80
[email protected]

Realnoe Vremya is an online newspaper of business news and industry analytics, up-to-date information on the development of the economy and technology in Tatarstan, Russia and the world.

Every day, the editors of Realnoe Vremya prepare materials and interviews with leaders from various industries and markets on the most pressing topics.

Thanks to the work of the analytical department, the newspaper publishes its own ratings, rankings, indices, as well as detailed analytical studies that form the most complete picture of the market for the reader.