Photo: press service of the Krasnodar administration

More than 500 athletes will gather for all -Russian kyokushin competitions in Krasnodar.

The tournament will be held from 7 to 8 May

More than 500 athletes will gather for all -Russian kyokushin competitions in Krasnodar

Photo: press service of the Krasnodar administration

Krasnodar will host the All -Russian Kyokushin competitions for the Cup of Shikhan Tagira Tairov. It is expected that more than 500 participants from the Moscow and Rostov regions, the Perm Territory, the Chechen and Dagestan Republics and other regions of the country will come to the sports festival.

Preliminary battles will begin on May 7, and the final fights and the awarding of the winners – May 8 at the Olympus Sports Palace. Anyone can see spectacular competitions.

– It is very symbolic that the festival takes place on the eve of the celebration of the 77th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War. This date has always united all the inhabitants of Russia, regardless of gender, age, kind of classes and nationality, ”said Boris Tikhonenko, director of the city department for physical education and sport.

Shihan Tagir Tairov is a sign person in the world of sports. He created the KKDUFSOO “Kyokushin Federation” 27 years ago, was the vice president of the Russian National Kyokusinkai Federation, a master of sports of Russia. He brought up as a coach of 12 masters of sports and two international masters. Last year, Tagir Tagirov passed away.

– His business and memory of him will live until we are all alive. He once taught us all of us to be fighters and worthy members of society, and now our task is to convey this valuable experience to the younger generation so that the high bar set by him rises higher, ”said Amir, a member of the board of the KKDUFSOO Kiokushin KKDUFSOO, and the famous athlete Amir Tairov.

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