Judoist Nadezhda Tatarchenko arrived in Lensk

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  • Judoist Nadezhda Tatarchenko arrived in Lensk

Judoist Nadezhda Tatarchenko arrived in Lensk

Category: News published: 04 June 2019 Views: 858

On June 3, Deputy Head of the Lensky District, Nina Evstafyeva, held a meeting with the silver medalist of the European Cup in judo Nadezhda Tatarchenko and her first coach Aksinya Pisisu. The athlete arrived in Lensk at the end of last week, and at the weekend she had already managed to conduct city morning exercises.

As we have already reported, 20-year-old Lenchanka Nadezhda Tatarchenko for the first time in his career became the silver medalist of the European Cup, which was held on May 18-19 in Orenburg. 306 athletes from 24 countries of Europe, the CIS, as well as Japan, Mongolia and Morocco took part in the competition. The pupil of the Lensky Judo school, and now a member of the Russian national team and a student of the School of the Olympic Reserve of the RS (Y) expressed a great gratitude to the administration of the Lensky district and the Committee on Physical Education and Sports, which provided financial support when leaving for a high -level competition. The meeting with the deputy head of the district was held in an informal setting over a cup of tea.

Nadezhda Tatarchenko spoke a little about herself. She began to engage in judo at the age of 13, and secretly from her athletics coach, where hope also had prospects. “Once I watched the TV, our local Lensky Canal and saw classes on judo, which was led by Aksinya Yuryevna. I had a great desire to go to train. She immediately paid attention to me and helped to achieve results. – said Nadezhda Tatarchenko.

By the way, Aksinya Pisnograi could not go to Orenburg for the European Cup to cheer up her student, but she was the first to whom Nadezhda reported her victory. “In this medal, a piece of all Lensk, because many helped hope: this is the district administration and ordinary people. Today, funds are needed to participate in any championship, but athletes do not always have them. And our hope, despite the fact that he is a member of the Russian team in judo and the pupil of the school of the Olympic Reserve of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), could not get to the European Cup because there was no funding. It was the Committee on Physical Education and Sports of the Administration of the Lensky District that helped her to pay for the road and accommodation. We are grateful to everyone for the help , – emphasized the judo coach Aksinya Pisis.

As noted at the meeting, the acting Chairman of the Committee on Physical Education and Sports Prokopiy Petrov, Nadezhda Tatarchenko showed the highest result in recent years among adult athletes: “Among the children who train in the Lensky district, we have many achievements: there are winners in the Republican, all -Russian and international levels.But among adult athletes today this is the largest result. We try to help hope in every way, provide her with financial support and very much hope that she will not stop there and will win many more medals of different levels, including Olympic. ” Hope herself confirmed that her dream is to perform at the Olympics. But its next competition will be held in July this year in Kazakhstan at the Asian Cup.

Now Nadezhda Tatarchenko is trained in the suburbs. A whole staff of coaches is already working on its result. But its registration is the same – the city of Lensk. According to the athlete herself, Aksinya Pisnogram will remain not just the first coach, but the second mother. By the way, she, along with her pupils, arranged a solemn meeting at the airport. And on June 1, the silver medalist of the European Cup conducted a city morning exercise, which was present, including children from the socio-rehabilitation center. The fate of Nadezhda Tatarchenko can be an example for many of them.