Interesting facts about bicycles and cycling. Detailed information. Sports Belogorye

Interesting facts about bicycles and cycling. Detailed information. Sports Belogorye

Interesting facts about bicycles and cycling

Records in the Guinness book, the most famous races and a fake under Leonardo da Vinci.

Who invented the bicycle, why do we sit on it on the left, what is the oldest race in the world and why do cyclists shave their legs? These and other interesting facts are in our publication.

The first bicycle appeared due to climate change. In April 1815, a volcano erupted in Indonesia. As a result, the climate has changed. In the northern hemisphere, summers were very cold, crops failed, and the number of horses declined. However, it was still necessary to move quickly, and in 1817 the German engineering professor and mechanic Baron Karl von Dres presented his invention – from two wheels, a wooden frame, a steering wheel and a leather saddle. It was not yet a bicycle familiar to us, but rather a balance bike, or a “walking machine”, as the inventor himself called it.

Bicycle by Leonardo da Vinci. In 1974, in the archives of the Catholic University of Milan, on the back of a sheet with a drawing of da Vinci himself, they found a drawing of a two-wheeled car. The idea of ​​placing Leonardo at the origins of such a famous invention was very seductive for the Italians. The drawing was considered authentic, and a copy of the scheme was distributed around the world. However, it soon became clear that this was a fake. According to one version of the circles that Leonardo really drew, the frame and chain were jokingly completed by Italian monks. According to another, the scheme was “complemented” by Carlo Pedretti, a researcher at the University of California.

What do a coin and a bicycle have in common? One of the old bicycle models had different wheels – a huge front and a small rear. The ratio of their sizes was the same as that of the English pennies and farthings. Bicycles of this design were called “penny-farthing”.

Why do we sit on the bike on the left? On the right is a chain that interferes with landing. The tradition of placing it on this side came from horseback riding. The fact is that the right to ride originally belonged exclusively to the nobility and warriors, that is, people who carried swords and swords. The weapon was mounted on the left side, so it was more convenient to sit on the horse on the left. When horse-drawn carriages appeared, they were also entered from the left side of the sidewalk.

Bicycles in the Guinness Book of Records. The Book contains more than one record related to the bicycle. Dutchman Water van den Bosch has assembled the heaviest functional Monsterbike weighing 750 kg. And the longest – 41.42 m – was designed in Australia. To fix the record, 20 people rode it at the same time. The smallest working two-wheeled bicycle, 11.6 cm long, was created by the Krasnodar master Sergey Dashevsky.But the inventor did not stop there and improved the result – he collected the design even shorter – 8.5 cm. True, this bike has not yet been entered in the book.

The world speed record on the bicycle was set by the Dane Fred Rompelaberg. On a bicycle of his own development, he managed to develop a speed of 268.831 km/h. The dragrasers participated in this experiment – they went to the racing car in front of the athlete, created an air dome and reduced air resistance. But Fred Rompelaberg completely overcame mechanical friction himself.

The most bicycle country. A convenient, environmentally friendly and healthy bicycle in many states has become the main means of movement. But in the Netherlands, almost all of the population drive in this transport – 99% of the population. And each Dutchman passes on an average of 2.5 km a day. In Amsterdam, you can easily see the minister or member of the parliament, who is in a hurry to work on a bicycle. The royal family rides bicycles.

Bicycle as corporate transport. At the Mercedes-Benz plant in German Zindelfingen, workers move around the territory on bicycles. Each department has the transport of its color. In Russia, such experience is used in the branches of the petrochemical company Sibur. At Tomskneftekhim, bicycles are used not only on the territory of the enterprise, but also in huge warehouses to ride between racks. On cars, they also move here, but the speed in the territory of the plant is limited. Therefore, employees often choose light and mobile bicycles.

Men in cycling shave their legs. The point is practical: so the muscles are easier to massage, and abrasions on the skin heal faster. Due to the smoothness of the skin, aerodynamics improves. Shaved legs are a kind of “pass” to professional cycling: the benefits of the procedure outweigh some household discomfort.

The first round -the -world bicycle trip lasted three years. The Englishman Thomas Stevens began his trip around the world in April 1984 and finished in January 1987. He traveled on a bicycle without rubber tires of the Penny-Farting model. Thomas Stevens moved lightly-he had a bag with a couple of socks, a change of shirt, a cloak-tank, a sleeping bag and a Smith Wesson revolver. During the trip, Stevens had to not only go on a bicycle, but also pushing it, moving through the mountain ranges. And also fight off the mountain lion, entertain local residents in Turkey for food and defend themselves from hostile Chinese. Already at home, Thomas described all his adventures in two volumes of the book “Around the World on a Bicycle”.

There are many funny terms in cycling. For example, a deaf is called a bicycle without free stroke, and a ram – a classic model of a bicycle steering wheel. There are “liquidators” in the races – they do not allow opponents to go into a big gap – and “postmen” that avoid active struggle and prefer to conduct the race passively.And the beautiful term dancer is used for those who go on a bicycle, standing on pedals.

The oldest bicycle competition. Liege – Baston – Liege, or an old lady – this is a classic one -day race, which was first held in 1882. It was organized by the newspaper L'Expresse. First, only amateurs participated in the race. After 12 years, the competition became professional. It is believed that this race is for miners and station wagons capable of explosive attacks. Here, athletes have to fight with long steep climbs, and part of the path is paved with paving stones.

The most titled racer on this highway is the Belgian Eddie Merks, he became the winner five times. In honor of it, a monument is established next to one of the most difficult sections of the route.

Swamp competitions in the British town. In the BOG Snorkerlling race, cyclicals compete in high -speed driving along the bottom of the swamp, when muddy peat water rises to eye level or even higher. The idea of ​​such an unusual competition was born with a resident of the British town of Lanurtis Wells Gordon Green during an ordinary gathering in the bar. He was supported by his friends. In 1976, they held the first such race. Since then, athletes from different parts of the world come to Lanurtis Wells every year to drive 55 meters of the highway in a peat bog.

The most prestigious bicycle race. The most prestigious multi -day race in the world is the tour de Franz. Its second name “Big Ling” is due to the route that the participants pass. The tour de Franz has been conducted since 1903 throughout France and the bordering states with it. Initially, the race was held as an advertising project of the newspaper L’Auto (ancestor of the current L’Aquipe). Therefore, the winner’s T -shirt has a yellow color, like the pages of a newspaper.

Now this is the largest cycling event and the third largest in the sports world. It is inferior only to the World Cup and the Olympic Games. The command race lasts 21 days and 2nd more days are given to athletes on vacation. The winner of Tour de France receives a cash prize – 450,000 euros – and traditionally divides it equally between all members of the team.