Touches and the caption to the video:

Go ahead, girls!

On April 29, the regional final of the festival of women's sports “Health. The beauty. Grace. Ideal. The winners of the municipal stage in three age categories take part in the final: 25-35 years old, 36-45 years old and 46-55 years old. Competitions will be held in both individual and team competitions. The team that won first place at the end of the festival will represent our region at the All-Russian Festival.

Cinema from within

Touches and the caption to the video:

The work of polyclinics

urban graffiti
Lipchans will be able to choose drawings that will decorate the city's high-rise buildings. From April 30 to May 4, you can vote in a group and choose one of the best three sketches in each category.

VeloLampa April 30 at 12:00 in the Studenovsky quarry, a cycling Saturday will begin. As part of the event, master classes are held, as well as lectures on environmental topics. Saturday parties
Lipchans are invited to have a fun and interesting time in the libraries.
Start fountains,
On May 1, they plan to launch fountains on Peter the Great Square, in front of the Zvezdny sports complex, Komsomolsky Pond and on Lenin Street opposite the gallery. On May 3, a fountain located on Lenin Street closer to the registry office building will be turned on.,
The opening hours of the fountains have been approved and will not differ from the usual. So, on Mondays, the fountains will have a day off. From Tuesday to Thursday they will work from 12.00 to 14.00 and from 18.00 to 22.00, on Friday – from 12.00 to 14.00 and from 16.00 to 22.00, on weekends and holidays – from 10.00 to 22.00.
The fountain at the Star will work from Tuesday to Friday from 16.00 to 22.00. On weekends and holidays from 10.00 to 22.00.
Plans for the weekend

An inspiring weather forecast and a long weekend are a great start for a short trip through the native expanses.

Book recommendation If you are an adherent of home rest, then for a mini-vacation you can have time to read an interesting book.Good morning, Lipetsk!DOKLADNAYA_NACH._RAZVEDKI_OBRON; _ODESSA; _O_MARODERSTVAX; _BIZNESMEN_OKAZALSYA_NE_ROBKOGO_DESYATKA_I_I_I_I_I_O

Information start. intelligence scenes; Odessa; About looting; The businessman was not a timid dozen and opened the response; Informnapalm Information start. Intelligence Odessa Odessa on looting: “The businessman was not a timid dozen and opened a response …” During the operation to develop andInformation start. Intelligence Odessa Odessa on looting: The businessman was not a timid dozen and opened a response … During the operation to develop and open the intelligence chief of the so-called 2nd Army Corps of the LPR ([1] [2] [3]), Ukrainian cyberian Hactivists (UCA: Falconsflame, Trinity, Ruh8, Cyberkhunt) gained access to interesting documents Ministry of State Security of the LPR ”, which were transmitted from Moscow using Postlink software. We are talking about the notorious defeat of Odessa. The documents were transferred to the Informnapalm volunteers for further analysis. One of the documents, namely, a memorandum on the commander of an illegal armed formation called Odessa's defeat, attracted special attention. In our opinion, the author of the memorandum is the former chief of intelligence of Odessa with the call sign of the Varangian, who, after the disarmament of the unit, went to Moscow and created a gang of extortionists there. In July 2015, he was detained with accomplices for extortion of 300 million rubles from the leadership of the Yugra bank. Probably, the Varangian has been dealing with the FSB of the Russian Federation and currently writes reports to the special services to its commander and former colleagues. The text of the note is presented below:

“… Fominov Alexey Alekseevich (“ Thomas ”), a native of Odessa, we are convicted three times for fraud, in the spring of 2014 he was the commandant of Kulikov Paul in Odessa, after May 2 he fled to the Lugansk region, where he joined the cerebral, who appointed him the head headquarters of his unit. He has a close relationship with Odessa oligarch Markov. In late May – early June 2014, he was sent to the Mozgov in the Russian Federation with money for the purchase of the necessary equipment for the needs of the detachment, he did not fulfill the task, for which he was sentenced in absentia to the execution of the Mozgov. In Rostov, with the support of humanitarian organizations, he rented a half -abandoned recreation center “Rainbow” at the address: st. Left -bank, 52, to which he brought humanitarian aid for subsequent sending to the LPR. The base was also used as a collection point of volunteers, as well as PVR for refugees. Before I arrived, Thomas did not engage in a set of volunteers, when I came, I immediately began to form a unit in which more than 700 people arrived for the period from 06/18/2014 to 12.07.2014, of which I took 124, and sent the rest to the Cossack unit, t .to. They took everyone in a row.

In the future, after several successful operations of the detachment-the defense of the border crossing of the Gukovo-Dolzhanka, the defense of Izvarino, the cleansing of the Izvarino, Vlasov, the Queen, Nikiforov-through his loved ones, whom he imposed on my team-the call sign Yakut (recidivist, all the zonovsky. tattoos), he was seriously wounded by a resident of Lugansk, when Yakut burst into his house with the aim of robbery, the call sign “Greek”, the name German, the call sign “Skif”, the name Sergei Bartenev (serving a term for trying to import and storage weapons in the Russian Federation), the call sign Spring, name Andrey, tel. +79633841222, – Thomas intercepted the detachment control, I ordered Yakut to be shot, but this was not allowed by the fighters of the detachment. Thomas got into the department of the unit. In parallel with the fulfillment of combat missions that lay on the shoulders of the junior command personnel and were successfully performed (my school)), Thomas himself and his close circle were engaged in looting, which is indicated by the census of property seized from Thomas after its disarmament by the Wagner group – only There were more than 10 pieces of cars, plus antiques and cash amounts of money. His environment also distinguished: “Yakut”, who became the chief of staff of Odessa, taking with him a fighter, a Russian, and telling him that they were going to the address of arrest the rightrship, he came to the businessman, a resident of Lugansk, with the aim of looting. The businessman was not a timid dozen and opened a response when Yakut tried to shoot the door lock, the fighter died on the spot, and Yakut received severe injuries and became disabled, now he lives in Rostov at ul. Russian, 21, tel. +79897111568.Skif, Sergey Bartenev, was detained with weapons in the Russian Federation and is now serving his sentence, the Greek is also serving a sentence, under which article it is unknown. The call sign “Spring” is a relative of Thomas through his wife, who is his uncle. From the facts known to me, I know that Thomas in the Russian Federation, through smugglers, took out several machines of things, several businessmen of Korean nationality, the inhabitants of the LPR, on the orders of Thomas were shot, and the values ​​were assigned to Thomas – this can confirm the call sign “North”, which was at Thomas foreman, his account in VKontakte, tel. 89508910591. At the beginning of July 2014, when the detachment received weapons and was in the Russian Federation, Thomas were transferred to unknown persons AKSM box with two ammunition zincas, several PM and RPK. Thomas stormy activity was marked by folklore – a song about his “exploits” was composed, it can be found on the Internet by introducing it into the search engine: “Song about the“ legendary ”commander of the Odessa Retrans, or by clicking on the link: https: // Get In December 2014, the detachment was disarmed by the Wagner group, and Thomas was detained and placed under arrest with a charges of looting. In February 2015, he was released, from the words of Lenshin Roman Yuryevich – they asked for him (and who, he did not tell me). On release, Thomas went to the Russian Federation and is now engaged in violent activities on the Internet, created groups on social networks:

Classmates –

Facebook –

VKontakte –

Email – [email protected].

If you analyze publications in its groups, then, with all the loyalty to the actions of the Russian Federation, stuffing, aimed at the split of society in the LPR through attacks on Plotnitsky, at its actions and the actions of its administration, which, in my opinion, is dangerous, because In the LPR, the situation is still shaky, and it weakens the structure of civil society through the undermining of support by the population of the head of the LPR, which casts doubt on the legitimacy of the chapter. There are about 15 videos on the network with Thomas's performance that are not successful – the number of views rarely exceeds 1000, they can be viewed in its VKontakte group.His wife, in the past, a resident of Odessa, studies at the Academy of the FSB of the Russian Federation, she is very young – 19 years old. The mobilization resource of Thomas is no more than 30, a maximum of 50 people – this can be seen at a meeting with Mironov S. and collected Thomas with their persuasion and promises of awards. Yesterday, 10/02/2016, in the conversation Granit said that Ataman Kozitsin joined Thomas, which would increase the number of volunteers two or three times. Kozitsin 10/01/2016 posted ads on the website of the MOO All -Great Army Donskoye Announcement of a recruitment in the Cossack National Guard, Link:….

In the memorandum, the adventures of the so -called defenders of the Russian world are described in a memo, but it is worth paying attention to the most interesting moments. 1) The location of the base of mercenaries in the Rostov region, where detachments, training, and weapons of personnel were carried out, is clarified.

The base is located in Rostov at: st. Left -bank, 52 (look on the map). Thanks to the hacked mail of Astakhov, Sergey Leonidovich, a mercenary from St. Petersburg, who was the defeat of Odessa, the Russian occupation corps, we have the opportunity to look at the base of the base:

2) Personal composition Odessa received weapons in July 2014, while in the Russian Federation

. It is known for certain that as of September 2014, the unit in service, in addition to personal small arms, consisted of Russian modernized SVDM sniper rifles with night sights, LNG-9 and AGS-17-large-caliber machine guns “Utes” on the machine, and launchers. Devices of the PTRK FAGOT, anti-tank missiles 9M111-2, portable anti-aircraft complexes Igla, anti-aircraft installation of ZU-23-2 and the Russian T-72B T-72B modification of 1989, which is not in service with the Armed Forces of Ukraine. An involuntarily recalls the phrase of Russian President Vladimir Putin: … this can be bought in any military commissar …

, as well as his spokesman Dmitry Peskov: “… There are no Russian tanks in the Donbass.”

3) in December 2014

In January 2015, the detachment was disarmed by the Wagner group. Yes, yes, we are talking about the very Russian “private military company” of Dmitry Utkin, who recently received another award personally from Putin. You can read how the events of the siege of the OBRON Odessa base developed here.

4) Another interesting point wounding Yakut during an attempt to rob a resident of Lugansk. Here is how Russian propagandists presented this incident:

“…So how did you get hurt in the end? Yes, how … An enemy sabotage group entered the Luhansk airport. The airport itself is a huge territory, underground bunkers, the exits of which are located far outside the airport. Two generals were sitting in one of the bunkers, and we could not find them in any way. And then this group comes in. Excellent professionals. All are not ours. Well equipped – thermal imagers, nightlights. We have been leading them from the very beginning … By the way, the defender of the “Russian world” was treated at the Kirov Military Medical Academy in St. Petersburg, where he gave tearful interviews on camera.