Riding Storm 2: Vietnam

Free games in Epic Games Store: Prize draws are announced this week

Are you ready for free Epic Games Store this week? Since the world continues to expose the COVID-19

Free games in Epic Games Store: Prize draws are announced this week

Are you ready for free Epic Games Store this week? Since the world continues to be exposed to Covid-19, now is the time to stay indoors and play your favorite games. Whether you go to an epic adventure yourself or are you going with your friends online, video games are all that we need right now in these not simple times. It is so pleasant that EPIC give free games every week.

This week, EPIC gives ABZU, a game that will be available until October 15. Plunge in a bright mysterious ocean world and discover hundreds of unique species of fish, plants and other fantastic fauna created on the basis of real creatures.

More free games

Riding Storm 2: Vietnam

(Image provided: Tripwire Interactive, Antimatter Games)

This week EPIC also distributes Rising Storm 2: Vietnam. Enjoy multiplayer matches for 64 players, as well as a severe, cruel and authentic image of the war in Vietnam.

Epic Games Store continues to offer free games every week in the foreseeable future as part of its desire to attract more players to their side. The company seeks to establish itself as a serious power to spread games, fighting with a long -standing king of computer games, Valve Steam platform.

Despite the fact that EPIC caused some disagreement due to its aggressive approach to ensuring the exclusivity of computer games for its platform, it is difficult to argue with the continuation of the spread of first-class free games.

Games next week

Can't you wait to get a few more games into your own hands without spending a penny? Well, we have good news. Epic has already said what will happen next week – players can download Amnesia: A Machine for Pigs and Kingdom New Lands from October 15.