Final Rosavtobank-Roller Tour October 13-14 in Rybinsk, Demino

Sports news: Ski rollers. Final Rosavtobank-Roller Tour October 13-14 in Rybinsk, Demino

Final Rosavtobank-Roller Tour October 13-14 in Rybinsk, Demino

For the 4th year in a row, the Rybinsk ski center Demino in the Yaroslavl region will host the final stage of the Rosavtobank-Roller Tour. This will be the final competition of the 2012 roller skiing season in Russia. Again, the tournament will be held in the format of a mini-multi-day tournament.
Within 2 days, athletes will take part in three races of different formats – sprint, pursuit with elimination and individual time trial. The winner of the final stage will be determined by the sum of the places of all three races in Demin. And these will be:
– Sprint 300 m.
– Pursuit with elimination; women – 8 km, men – 10 km.
– Time trial with separate start; 10km, 15km.

Final starts have an increased significance in the overall standings of the tournament. Participants in the finals will receive double points in comparison with the previous stages. The winners of the entire tournament will be determined by the total result of the stages held in Solnechnogorsk, Odintsovo (Moscow region), Kstov (Nizhny Novgorod region), Sosnovy Bor (Leningrad region) and Rybinsk.
In this tournament, along with leading athletes, amateurs of different ages and levels of fitness can take part.

The prizes for the winners and prize-winners of the Final were prepared, as in the previous stages, by the regular partners of the tournament: SKIJNY MIR, VITARGO, CRAFT, CIA-Sport, CrossCountry Elite Sports.

1. Purpose and tasks.
Competitions are held to popularize skiing and ski-roller sports. The main tasks are:
– promotion of healthy lifestyles
– attracting the population to active sports
– identifying the strongest athletes
– expansion of sports and friendly relations

2. Management of the competition.
The overall management of the preparation and holding of the competition is carried out by the Department of Physical Education and Sports of Rybinsk together with the Demino Sports and Recreation Center and the Organizing Committee of the Roller Tour with the support of the League of Ski Clubs and the Manzhosov Club. The direct conduct of the competition is carried out by the main panel of judges.

3. Dates and venue.
Competitions are held on October 13 and 14, 2012 at the Demino Sports and Leisure Center, Rybinsk, Yaroslavl Region.

4. General provisions.
The Rosavtobank-Roller Tour final is the final stage of the tournament.
Competitions are personal. The style of movement is free.
All comers (men and women) born in 1998 at least, who have the necessary training and equipment, are allowed to compete. The use of roller skis of any type is allowed in competitions.
Competitions are held in the following age groups-categories:

Yu, D: boys, girls born in 1994 and younger
MJ, JJ: juniors and juniors born in 1992 – 1993
M: men born in 1991 – 1972
M1: men born in 1971 – 1962
M2: men born 1961 – 1952
M3: men born 1951 – 1942
M4: men 1941 and older
J: Women 1991 and older.

A separate set -off is carried out among roller roluchens (men and women).

If more than 3 people are not recruited in the age category, then this group goes into the nearest age category by decision of the judicial board.

Be sure to have a helmet and protective glasses!
Finding on the highway during the race of all, except for the participants in the race, is prohibited! Athletes performing a warm -up on the competition of competitions during the race are not allowed to start!

5. The competition program.
October 13th. Meeting of representatives 10.00 hours. The Center for Sports and Rest Demino.
Sprint 300m. Free style. The beginning of qualification at 12.00. The regulations of the final races are determined by the judicial collegium depending on the number of participants.

October 13th. Pursuit with removal. Race from a general start. Women, boys (Yu), men M2, M3, M4 – 8 km, men M0, M1 – 10 km.
Start at 16.00. The regulations of Removing and the order of races are determined by the judicial collegium, depending on the number of participants.

October 14. Race for a while, interval start. Start at 10.00. Women (all categories) 10 km; boys (Yu), men M2, M3, M4 – 10 km.
Men M0, M1, juniors (MU) – 15 km.

Awarding at 13.30.
The organizing committee reserves the right to change the regulations of the competition, depending on weather conditions and other circumstances.

6. Definition of winners and awarding.
The winner of the stage (final) is determined by the sum of the places of three races: sprint, persecution with extinguishing and racing for a while. In case of equal points, the owner of the best place in the final form – the race for a while.
Scheme for calculating glasses for the final stage:
1st place – 40
2 – 36
3 – 32
4 – 28
5 – 26
6 – 24
7 – 22
8 – 20
9 – 18
10 – 16
11 – 14
12 – 12
13 and further – 10 points

The absolute winner of the Roller Tour will be determined by the largest amount of points for the results of all stages of the tournament. In case of equal glasses, preference is given to the best result at the final stage in Rybinsk.

Participants in the competition, who took 1-3 places in their groups, are awarded prizes.
The award will take place after 30 minutes. After the finish of the last participant in the race for a while, at about 13.30. The athlete, who has not appeared for awarding, is deprived of the right to receive prizes.

7. Applications for participation, receiving numbers.
Preliminary ON-line registration on the site

Starting fee – 700 rubles. For all races during preliminary registration – until October 12 inclusive. On the day of the competition October 13 – 1,500 rubles.
Participants in the category of Yu, D. are exempted from the starting contribution.

Admission is carried out with an identity document and a medical insurance policy. During registration, the participant of the competition confirms the personal responsibility for the state of his health, proper technical preparedness and the degree of training.
Participants in the competition have not reached 18 years of age are allowed to compete only when submitting an application by the coach or representative of this participant.
The issuance of numbers on October 13 at the Center for Sports and Rest Demino from 10.00 to 11.30 hours.

8. Parting participants and travel.
Accommodation in the center of sports and recreation Demino – cottages, hotel, service houses. Tel. Booking 8 (4855) 239-800. Indicate when booking in a roller tour (for a special sports tariff for accommodation).
How to get to Demin by car and train

9. Financial support.
All financial expenses of invited teams and participants are made at the expense of business organizations.
This provision is considered an invitation to the competition.