
Dudinka is being transformed thanks to the support of Norilsk Nickel | northern city

In recent years, several significant sports and art facilities have been erected in the Taimyr capital at the expense of the company.

Dudinka is transforming thanks to the support of Norilsk Nickel


#NORILSK. Northern City – Ice Arena Taimyr, ski resort Kaya, ethnopark Taimyr-mou, art object Dudinsky Giraffe – these are just some of the objects that appeared in Dudinka thanks to the financial support of the company. And this year, Norilsk Nickel launched the World of Taimyr grant competition, which will result in the implementation of 28 socially beneficial initiatives totaling RUB 46 million.

The times when Dudinka was considered not the most popular place in terms of tourism are gradually fading into the past. This conclusion is reached not only by local residents, but also by guests of the city. Among them are the participants of the already traditional Arctic Curling Cup.

Actually, the international tournament itself became possible thanks to Norilsk Nickel. For almost three years, as part of the implementation of a quadripartite agreement between the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation, the government of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, the city of Norilsk and the company, the construction of the world's northernmost ice arena Taimyr has been going on. The total amount of funding from the budgets of all levels amounted to 381 million 683 thousand rubles, of which 135 million rubles were investments by Norilsk Nickel.

The opening of the Taimyr Ice Arena in 2014 gave impetus to the development of sports in the region. The new facility offered the following services to the population: mass rental of skates, ice hockey, figure skating, classes for students and schoolchildren, a gym and a choreography hall. And Norilsk Nickel has added curling to this list.

Dudinka is transforming thanks to the support of Norilsk Nickel

Moreover, in 2016, a curling school was opened in Dudinka at the suggestion of the company. Norilsk Nickel purchased professional equipment for it: an expensive imported Ice Master ice filling machine, watering cans for applying pables, a set of Canadian-made stones, sliders, pads and even brushes. The school currently has 40 students aged 11 to 62, including children from the indigenous peoples of the North and teenagers with special needs.

Norilsk Nickel's grant funds were used to equip the Kaya ski resort in Dudinka. A snowcat for clearing the ski slopes and a ski lift were also purchased at the expense of the company. However, the matter was not limited to sports facilities.

Dudinka is transforming thanks to the support of Norilsk Nickel

Curlers, who first visited Dudinka in 2016 and arrived at the Arctic Curling Cup in 2017, drew attention to the new attraction of the polar capital – the Taimyr-mou ethnopark, which houses several ethnic objects at once: a nine-meter-high chum, an entrance gate, sledge-beams with a covered wagon, a dwelling of the peoples of the lower Yenisei, a memorial sign Ityl, a platform for holding national ceremonies in the form of a solar sign with a hearth in the center.

Athletes explored this unique educational, tourist and ritual zone with curiosity. The territory of the ethnopark covers an area of ​​11.5 thousand square meters – almost one and a half football fields. The construction cost five million rubles, attracted in the form of grants from Norilsk Nickel. 16 partner organizations took part in the creation of the complex.

Dudinka is transforming thanks to the support of Norilsk NickelThe opening ceremony of the Arctic Cup curling tournament. 2017

In the same year, 2017, in honor of the 350th anniversary of Dudinka and the 80th anniversary of the Polar Transport Branch, the Dudinka Giraffe industrial art object was installed in the city. Its prototype was the port crane Kirovets, which served in the Dudinsk seaport for more than 40 years. Artists of the Moscow State Academy of Art and Industry named after S.G. Stroganov decorated it with images from the legends of the Taimyr peoples. And another attraction appeared on Portovikov Square – a decommissioned tugboat, restored at the expense of Norilsk Nickel and donated to the city by the Polar Transportation Branch.

Dudinka is transforming thanks to the support of Norilsk Nickel

Participants of the Arctic Cup 2018, among whom were winners and prize-winners of major international competitions, including the Olympic Games, World and European Championships, appreciated the changes. However, Dudinka is not going to stop there. Here they promise that other surprises await guests in the future. This year and next year, northerners, the winners of the World of Taimyr grant competition, are going to implement 28 socially beneficial initiatives totaling 46 million rubles. Financial support will again be provided by Norilsk Nickel.

Dudinka is transforming thanks to the support of Norilsk Nickel

Earlier, we talked about the program of the curling tournament this year (it will take place on May 27-30) and about the success of the Taimyr children from the curling school in Dudinka.

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