Bank payments in rubles for medium and large businesses-Alfa-Bank

Bank payments in rubles for medium and large business in Alfa-Bank 🅰 Full Spectrum of Services for Medium and Large Business in Alfa-Bank

Payments in rubles

We will accelerate the revolutions of your company’s money thanks to a single calculation system and an extensive branch network throughout the country:

We make payments inside Alfa Bank around the clock

From 01:00 to 21:00 Moscow time we send payments to other banks

If there is a decision of the tax authority on the suspension of all expenditure operations on the current account, it is possible:

transferring or issuing funds for paying labor with persons working under an employment contract (contract);

The transfer of funds on the expense of taxes (advance payments), fees, insurance premiums, corresponding penalties and fines to the budget system of the Russian Federation.

But these operations cannot be carried out in the presence of not executed orders on the account of the same line that received earlier, as well as orders of more priority queues. The write -off of funds from the current account is carried out in the priority established by Article 855 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation or Art. 134 of Federal Law No. 127-ФЗ “On Insolvency (Bankruptcy)”, if the company is at any stage of bankruptcy.

Operational day for payments in rubles

The operational day is the time during which Alfa-⁠ Bank accepts and fulfills your payments.

Operational day for ruble payments via Internet bank (local time)

Operational day for ruble translations on paper

Cashless payments using the urgent transfer service

For a successful payment in rubles, it is important to correctly fill out the details of the payment order.

A few tips to help you:

Be sure to indicate the current account, TIN and the name of the recipient. You can clarify them directly by the recipient of funds. An incorrect indication of the recipient’s details can lead to a delay in crediting funds, or the payment can be canceled or returned to the recipient with the bank.

In the appointment of payment, be sure to reflect the essence of the operation (for what exactly the payment is made), indicate the name of the paid service / product, the number and date of the contract / commodity documents, and other necessary information. Also, be sure to indicate the information about the availability of VAT.

Correctly fill out the details in budget payments – the Rules for filling out the budget payment will help you with this.

Hints for paying fines for violation of traffic rules and other payments to the budget

Filled the fields incorrectly? Lost the number of the decision? Didn't you pass the payment?

Everything can be corrected!

Documents and information letters

New values ​​of the income code in ruble transfers to individuals

From May 1, 2022, the Bank of Russia introduces new values ​​of the income code – 4 and 5.

To correctly fill out the type of income in transfers with individuals, select the type of income from the list and fill out the code in the field 20 “Name. pl. . If the desired code is not in the list, leave the field empty.

Code 1-when transferring salaries or other income, for which there are restrictions on deduction (Article 99 of the Federal Law of 02.10.2007 No. 229-FZ). If there is an executive document, indicate the amount of the amount in the field 24 Purpose of payment

Code 2-when translating income for which the penalties are not carried out and which are paid periodically (part 1 of Article 101 of the Federal Law of 02.10.2007 No. 229-ФЗ)

Code 3 – when translating income that does not have restrictions on penalties and which are paid periodically. (Part 2 of Article 101 of the Federal Law of 02.10.2007 No. 229-FZ). If there is an executive document, indicate the amount of the amount in the field 24 “Purpose of payment”.

Code 4-when translating income for which the penalties are not carried out and which are paid once (part 1 of Article 101 of the Federal Law of 02.10.2007 No. 229-ФЗ)

Code 5-when translating income that does not have restrictions on penalties and which are paid once (part 2 of Article 101 of the Federal Law 02.10.2007 No. 229-FZ). If there is an executive document, indicate the amount of the amount in the field 24 “Purpose of payment”.

If an individual is withheld from the amount of the transfer amount according to the executive document, then in the field 24 “Purpose of payment” indicate this amount as follows: // SSS // Runs-Copeca //. For example, // VSS // 100000-00 //. This is the requirement of part 3 of Article 98 of the Federal Law of 02.10.2007 No. 229-ФЗ.

If you incorrectly indicate the type of income or the recovered amount, the judicial debt of an individual can be repaid from the income from which this is prohibited.

Do not forget to make changes to the templates that you use.

On the obligatory indication of the recipient’s TIN in ruble transfers to legal entities and individual entrepreneurs

From April 1, 2022, a new condition for ruble translations has been in force to legal entities and individual entrepreneurs. It is associated with the requirement of the Central Bank.

When sending, it is necessary to fill out the field 61 – the recipient. If it is not filled or filled out incorrectly, then we will not be able to send the transfer.

Previously, such a rule acted only for translating Alfa-Bank customers, and now for external translations to legal entities and individual entrepreneurs.

Do not forget to make changes to the templates that you use.

How to fill out payment in rubles

Clarification of payment details

Information letter On making payments to the bank with a withdrawn license to pay off debt on a loan

When applying for a payment in the currency of the Russian Federation to the bank with a withdrawn license to pay debt on a loan issued by the bank before the license to recall, we recommend filling out the details of the payment order, taking into account the following:

In the requisite 13 “Recipient Bank”, indicate the name and location of the bank with the revoked license,

In the requisite 14 “BIK” – a bank identification code (BIK) of a bank with a withdrawn license,

In the requisite 15 “The account number of the recipient of the funds” – the bank account number with the Bank with the revoked license,

In the requisite 16 Recipient – the name of the bank with the revoked license,

In the requisite 17 “The account number of the recipient of funds” in payment on paper is not filled/filled according to the settings of the Internet banking,

Borrower’s account number indicated by the borrower as the recipient’s account when repaying a loan before a license from the bank, the symbol “//”,

The account number opened by the interim administration (bankruptcy trustee) in order to repay the loan by the borrower (if there is information about it from the borrower), the symbol //,

The appointment of payment (“repayment of a loan”), information about the borrower, number and date of the loan agreement, the period of payment and other additional information that allows identifying the payment.

Information letter On the indication of the UIP in payments in rubles, if the account number of the recipient of funds is 40822

If, when applying for a payment in rubles in the recipient’s account, the balance sheet account 40 822 is indicated (the bank account number opened for identification of the payment), in the requisite 22 “Code”, a unique payment identifier (UIP) must be indicated. UIP is assigned by the recipient of funds and brought by the recipient of funds to the payer in accordance with the contract. Payments in which the Balance account 40822 is indicated in the recipient’s account number, and the WIP or UIP is not specified in the props 22 “Code”, will not be executed. The specified procedure for issuing payments is determined by the requirements of Appendix No. 12 of the Regulation of the Bank of Russia dated 06/19/2012 No. 383-P “On the Rules for the transfer of funds”.

Information letter On the features of making payments for payment of housing and communal services

When making payments for housing and communal services (housing and communal services), we recommend indicating:

In the requisite of the requisite 22 “Code”-the identifier of the payment document (IPD), including the single personal account (ELS) and the identifier of housing and communal services (if any),

In the requisite of the props 61 TIN of the Recipient – the Infronts of the Recipient,

In the requisite 103 “Recipient’s checkpoint” – the recipient's checkpoint,

In the requisite 24 “Purpose of payment” – the payment period and identifiers from the receipt for payment/personal account on the website may include, for example: the payment document number for which a fee is made; personal account; THE CODE; Els; Another identifier of the consumer of services assigned to the payer in order to make payments for the payment.

When indicating the IPD in the requisite 22 “Code”, the Els and the identifier of housing and communal services may not be indicated.

Information letter On a change in the number of digits in the code of OKTMO

When applying for payment orders to pay taxes, fees, insurance premiums and other payments to the budget system of the Russian Federation in the requisite 105 OKTMO, 8 digits of the OKTMO code must be indicated. It is impossible to indicate 11 digits. If in the company 105 OKTMO the incorrect value of the OKTMO or “0” code will be indicated, the payment will not be identified by the budget revenue administrator.

Clarification of the rules for filling out a budget payment

Dear Customer! The correct filling out of the details of the budget payment is very important not only for the payment to be executed, but also for accounting for payment on this payment in the state information system on state and municipal payments (GIS GMP). We remind you that the rules for filling out the details of budget payments and the application form for sending clarification in GIS GMP are posted on the bank's website:

Also, when issuing a budget payment, pay attention to such features.

In the requisite “Purpose of payment” and “Recipient”, indicate at least 2 characters. It is important not to put the gaps at the beginning and at the end.

Be sure to indicate the unique calculation identifier (UIN) in the requisite 22 Code. The UIN corresponds to the number of the decision in the case of an administrative offense, or is indicated in the resolution. If the payment for payment of the fine is incorrect UIN or “0” is indicated, the fine will be considered unpaid in GIS GMP.

The budget classification code (KBK) in the requisite “104” should not coincide with the code of the unique calculation identifier (UIN) in the props “22”.

Once again, we draw your attention to the fact that budget payments issued with errors will not be taken into account in GIS GMP. Sincerely, Alfa⁠-Bank.

On indicating the code of payments in ruble payments in favor of individuals

Fill in the “Payments Code (110)” in accordance with the list of types of income in the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 01.12.2018 No. 1466. Rules for filling out the new field to correctly fill out the “Payments Code (110)”, determine the type of income that will receive physical. The person as a result of the translation. If your payment does not fall under the list from the decision, the code does not need to be indicated. Code 1 is affixed in case of payments to the expense of physical. Persons: 1. Temporary disability benefits (only in relation to citizens who have exposed to radiation); 2. pregnancy benefits; 3. One -time benefit to women who have been registered in medical organizations in the early stages of pregnancy; 4. One -time benefit at the birth of a child; 5. Monthly benefits for child care. 6. Other types of income listed in parts 5.5 and 5.6 of Article 30.5 of the Federal Law “On the National Payment System”. In other cases, the code is not indicated. In the case of incorrect filling of the field, claims from individuals and/or regulatory authorities are possible. Law and Procedure Detailed Information in Article 30.5 of the Law of the Russian Federation dated 06/27/2011 No. 161-ФЗ “On the National Payment System”, in the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 01.12.2018 No. 1466 “On approval of the list of other payments at the expense of the budgets of the budget system of the Russian Federation for the budgets The goals of applying parts 5 and 5.1 of Article 30.5 of the Federal Law “On the National Payment System” (as amended by the Government Decree dated 04/11/2019 No. 419).

Code of income and payment code

On indicating the code of the normative legal act in the budget payment

When making budget payments to the beneficiary's account 03212, 03222, 03232, 03242, 03252, 03262 or 03272 in field 22 Code, indicate the unique accrual identifier (UIN) or code of the regulatory legal act (NPA code). From July 1, 2021, the format for specifying the NLA code is 4 characters. Example: 1234. At the same time, all signs of the UIN (NPA code) cannot simultaneously take on the value 0. If there is no UIN (NPA code) in the requisite 22 Code, enter the value 0. The code of the regulatory legal act is provided for by the Procedure for Authorizing Operations with Funds Coming to the Temporary Disposal of Recipients of Federal Budget Funds, approved by Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated June 23, 2020 N 119n.

Information letter “Peculiarities of registration of budget transfers deducted from the salary (income) of the debtor-individual”

When processing budget transfers deducted from the salary (income) of the debtor – an individual to pay off the debt on transfers to the budget of the Russian Federation on the basis of an executive document, indicate:

in requisite 60 TIN of the payer – TIN of an individual (12 characters), whose obligation to pay a budget transfer is performed on the basis of an executive document. If an individual does not have a TIN, enter 0;

identifier of information about an individual in the requisite 108. For example: 01; 0201251245 (in this format, the series and number of the identity document are indicated) or

unique accrual identifier (UIN) in requisite 22 Code;

in requisite 102 Payer's checkpoint – 0;

information about the debtor – natural person: last name, first name, patronymic (if any),

if an individual does not have a TIN, indicate the address of registration at the place of residence or the address of registration at the place of stay (if the individual does not have a place of residence),

the date of the court decision and the number of the writ of execution;

other information about the individual, established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

We remind you that the rules for filling out a budget transfer when paying for a third party are on the website: Medium and large businesses –

Provide full details when donating to campaign funds or political party accounts

If you transfer donations from a legal entity’s account to election funds, recall voting funds, referendum funds, to the accounts of political parties and their regional branches, be sure to indicate this information in the “Purpose of payment”:

the word donation or abbreviated victims.,

date of registration of the legal entity from whose account you are transferring money, in the format DD.MM.YYYY,

the mark ex. limit. – this is how you indicate that you do not have restrictions provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation on elections and referendums, as well as by the legislation of the Russian Federation regulating the activities of political parties.