Arthrosan-Sport (30ml Ecomed)-with sprains of tendons and muscles

Arthrosan-Sport (30ml; Ecomed;)-with sprains of tendons and muscles: sale, price in Kyiv. Dietary supplies from; Internet pharmacy from emergency; Company; Dana, I; 81550583

Arthrosan-Sport (30ml Ecomed)-with sprains of tendons and muscles. Detailed information about the product/service and supplier. Price and delivery conditions

Arthrosan-Sport (30ml Ecomed)-with sprains of tendons and muscles

Arthrosan-Sport (30ml Ecomed)-with sprains of tendons and muscles

The company carries out the return and exchange of this product in accordance with the requirements of the law.


Return is possible within 14 days after receipt (for goods of good quality).

Reverse delivery of goods is carried out by agreement.

According to the current legislation, you can return the goods of good quality or exchange it if:

  • The goods were not in use and has no traces of the consumer use: scratches, chips, grazes, spots, etc.
  • The goods are fully equipped and the factory packaging is saved;
  • all labels and factory labeling are saved;
  • The product retains the presentation and their consumer properties.

Arthrosan-Sport (30ml Ecomed) PRimmed With sprains of tendons and muscles, in soft tissues and joints as a result of inflammation, bruises or physical exertion and for their prevention.

It is clinically confirmed that the Arthrosan-Sport phytoconentt is effective in external use for influence on the ligaments, tendons, joints and muscles. It has an anti -inflammatory, absorbing and warming effect. The action Arthrosana-Sport is directed mainly to the tendon-ligament apparatus, which makes it especially useful for sports medicine. It is used for sprains, “crepatures”, in the muscles and sections of the joints that arose as a result of physical exertion. It is also effective for bruising of soft tissues without damage to the skin, starting from 2-3 days after the injury. With regular use, it strengthens the tendons and ligaments, contributes to their elasticity.

Like the arthrosan phytoconentt, it is effective for chronic inflammatory processes in the joints and spine, which are accompanied by the phenomena of stiffness and edema.

The bottle of phytoconcentrate is diluted with 200 ml of vodka or 40-50% alcohol (breeding with water is recommended when the skin tends to irritation). It is used for rubbing 2-5 times a day for 2-3 minutes and for daily compresses. It is not recommended to be applied to the mucous membranes and damaged skin.

Side effects Arthrosan-Sport does not have (general restrictions are indicated on the package).

Compound: Water-alcohol extracts of aloe leaves, sage, herbs of Saberki sabers, arniki flowers, linden, chestnut seeds, licorice root, tissue, propolis.

TU at 15.8-23732912-016: 2006

Orders by phone: (044) 251-18-70; 093-753-34-63 Lyudmila; 098-513-44-88; 095-513-44-88.