Annual survey of NUST MISIS students | University life at NUST MISIS

University Events: Annual Survey of NUST MISIS Students | University life at NUST MISIS

Annual survey of NUST MISIS students

Every year, NUST MISIS holds events aimed at improving the quality of education, increasing the comfort of students and resolving emerging issues. One of them is a student survey.

We want to better understand your needs and wishes in order to change for the better together. Based on the results obtained, decisions are made about changes in the university.

Take the survey and your opinion will help the university to become better!

Completing the questionnaire will take approximately

The organizers guarantee the anonymity and confidentiality of your answers, all data will be analyzed in a generalized form.

  • May 24 First All-Russian Youth Forum Ecosystem
  • May 20 Webinar What is emotional intelligence and how to develop it?
  • May 19 XIX International Conference of Refractories and Metallurgists
  • May 18 Lecture Unsustainable sustainable future: the main hard skills of the era of energy transition
  • May 11 Webinar for postgraduate applicants
  • May 6 Business game Design thinking: we create a product that solves a problem
  • May 6 Master class Carnegie in one hour or How to win over an interlocutor?
  • May 5 Business game Find your way

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Hot line of the Situation Center of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia:
+7 495 198-00-00