
Admission to Ysma, Cost of Study, Education At Ysma, Living Conditions, Contacts – OLD (2) – FSBEU in the YAGMU of the Ministry of Health of Russia

Yaroslavl State Medical University Admission to Ysma, Cost of Study, Education At Ysma, Living Conditions, Contacts – Old (2) List of Mandator Required Documents

Yaroslavl State
medical University

Admission to Ysma, Cost of Study, Education At Ysma, Living Conditions, Contacts – Old (2)

List of Mandatory Required Documents

For Foreign Applicants Wishing to Study AS Students at Yaroslavl State Medical Academy:

1. Completed Application (Including Full Name, Date of Birth, Passport Number, Citizenship, Permanent Address, Contact Phone, Fax, and E-Mail of Applicant).

2. Copy of Passport and Notary Certification Translation of it in Russian that is office legalized in Russia Embassy in the Country of Issue (Or Bear the Apostyle Mark).

NOTE: The Passport of Applicant Should Be Valid for the Period of Not Less than 18 Moths (1.5 Years) from the Moment of Beginning of Education.

3. Senior or Secondary High School Educational Certificate, Transcripts and Supplementary Materials that Articially Legalized in Russian in the Country of their … Thus Documents Must Be Accompanied by Notary Certification Translate Into Russia (This May Done in Russian Embassy in the Country of Education Documents Issuing). Supplementary materials must clearly show that applicant during school education time has passed successfully such mandatory subjects like Chemistry, Biology and Physics with the indication of the amount of educational hours and obtained final marks on these subjects. The applicant must have equivalent certification (nostrification) of their national senior or secondary high school educational certificates in Federal Service of Supervision in the Area of ​​Education and Science in Moscow. This Service Is ProvideDed by the Federal State Budget Scientific Instition “GlavExpertcenter”. Contact Information: Russia, Moscow, Ordjonikidze Str., 11, BLD. 9, Suit 13, Zip: 115419 “GLAVEXPERTCENTR”. Phones: (495) 649-80-72; (495); (495) 665-00-15. FAX: (495) 665-00-15. Web-Site: Electronic Request Web-Page Form: .

4. Birth Certificate (IF AVAILABLE) TOGETHER with Notary CERTIFied Translation of IT RUSSIAN and That is Officially LEGALIZEN EMBASSY in the CUSTRY OFETRY OFENTRYASUSUE.

5. Physical Health Examination Report Together with Notary Certification of it Into Russian and That is Officially Legalized in Russian in the Country of ISSISUE.

6. HIV Test Results List Together with Notary Certification Translate of Itsian and that is office legalized in the russian embassy in the coontry of their their there (am a back on apost.

7. Eight Photographs on Matte Paper (3×4 CM).

Persons Arriving to Study Must Pressent Their Original Documents Personally.

Pre-Submission May Be Done by Post, Fax or by E-mail (Preferably). Final Submission Shoup Be Done Personally, and Persons Arriving to Study Must Present Their Original Paper Documents Mentio During Their Personal Visit. OUR Contact Coordinates are Mentio Below. Deadline for Application and Document Submission Is July 15 of Each Educational Year. Educational Year Starts at September the First Each Year, So Approved Applicants Must Arrive At Ysma Sticktly Before September 1.

Educational Fees for Educational Year 2013-2014 and Other Mandator Payments for International Students Wishing to Study At Yaroslavl State Medical Academy

On the Contract Basis:

Faculty or Type of Education

Educational Or Other Fee (Payment) Per year

Obtained Title (Document) After Successful Education

Total Duration of Education

General Medicine Faculty

8 9 . 97 0.00 Rubles

(Approximatly 2 800 Us $)*


(Medical Doctor Diploma)

6 Years

Pediatric Faculty

86 . 72 0.00 Rubles (Approximatly 2 7 00 US $)*


(Medical Doctor Diploma)

6 Years

Faculty of Pharmacy

(Full-Time Education)

86 . 72 0.00 Rubles (Approximatly 2 7 00 US $)*


(Diploma of Pharmacist)

5 Years

General Internship for Medical Doctors

100 .0 5 0.00 Rubles (Approximatly 304 0 us $)*


1 year

General Internship for Pharmacists


(Approximatly 2 7 00 US $)*


1 year

Specialized Internet (Residency)

in therapy

100 .0 5 0.00 Rubles (Approximatly 304 0 us $)*


3-4 years

Specialized Internet


In Surgery

1 18 . 45 0.00 Rubles (Approximatly 3 60 0 us $)*


3-4 years

Postgraduate Study

1 18 . 450 , 00 Rubles (Approximatly 3 60 0 us $)*

Ph.D. (C.SCI.)

Candidate of Sciences Diploma

3-4 years


(Preparatory) Course

51 . 690 , 00 Rubles (Approximatly 15 7 0 us $)*


1 year

Mandatory Medical Insurance Fee (Per year) = 4000.00 Rubles

(Approximatly 125 US $)*

Accommodation Fee (Living In the Student Hostel in Rooms with 2-3 Roomates) = 1990.00 RUBLES PER MONTH (Approximatly 60 US $)*

Note: Prices in US $ (in brackets and marked by *) are given for approximate evaluation purpose, because the payment should be done in Rubles only, whereas Ruble\US $ ratio is fluctuating as a result of market changes. ALSO Remember That Educational and Other Russia Subjects to Change, Please Contact Us For Currently Valid Updated Fees.

Main Educational Rules


Education of Foreign Students Is Conducted in Accordance with Plans and Syllabuses Valid at Yaroslavl State Medical Academy (Thus in Stript Adheretal STATH

After successful graduation from YSMA, foreign students will receive corresponding documents that certify their education or qualification or degree in accordance with the educational system structure, which exists in Russia. Foreign Students Will Obtain The Diplomas That Give Them the Right To Carry Out Professional Activities in Accordance with the Level of Education, Qualification, And Law Restitions.

Visa Support


Foreign citizens who are wishing to study at Yaroslavl State Medical Academy will get invitations for the study giving them the right of official registration of his (her) entrance visa for Russia at the Russian Embassy in their country.

To get the visa for Russia, Foreign Candidates Must Apply to the Russian Embassy in their Native Country with the Official Invitation. The International Educational Division of Yaroslavl State Medical Academy Supplies Official Invitations to Aforement Category of Candidates.

AFTER ENROLLLMENT For Education At YSMA, Foreign Citizens Must Get Their Right for Temporary Resident in Russia Officially Registered in the Immigraph LaWS LAWS. Foreigners Are Obled to Keep The Visa in Accordance with Regulations for Foreign Citizens Accepted on the Territory of Russian Federal

Internship, Specialized Internship, Residence

Medic1Foreign Citizens that alriedy has for Successfully Finished their Higher Medical Education Canial Or Specialized Internship The Duration of Internship is Usually ABOUT 2-3 YEARS. On Finishing HIS (Her) Internship, The Person Will Get the Conclusion from Department Authorites concerning the results of his (Her) Work on the Individual Plan. After that, Person Will Get the Certificate of the Specialist.

Postgraduate Education

ScientsThose graduates (or foreign citizens) who got the diploma and demonstrated their abilities for scientific and research work will have the opportunity to enter post-graduate courses on 26 different specialties.

List of the Mandator Required Documents for Internshic, Residential and Posgraduate Whish to Study At Yaroslavl State Medical Academy:

1. Completed Application (Including Full Name, Date of Birth, Passport Number, Citizenship, Permanent Address, Contact Phone, Fax, and E-Mail of Applicant).

2. Copy of Passport and Notary Certification Translation of it in Russian that is office legalized in Russia Embassy in the Country of Issue (Or Bear the Apostyle Mark).

NOTE: The Passport of Applicant Should Be Valid for the Period of Not Less than 18 Moths (1.5 Years) from the Moment of Beginning of Education.

3. Academic or University Medical Diploma, Transcripts and Supplementary Materials. Ifse doCumbes are Issed Outside The Russian Federal Athreationed Documents Must Be Officially Legalized in the Russian Embassy in the Country ISSISUE (dig BARTSUSURA These Documents Must Be Accompanied by Notary Certified Translation Into Russian. Additionally, if aforementioned documents are issued in other country than Russian Federation, these documents should pass the procedure of equivalent certification (nostrification) in Federal Service of Supervision in the Area of ​​Education and Science in Moscow. This Service Is ProvideDed by the Federal State Budget Scientific Instition “GlavExpertcenter”. Contact Information: Russia, Moscow, Ordjonikidze Str., 11, BLD. 9, Suit 13, Zip: 115419 “GLAVEXPERTCENTR”. Phones: (495) 649-80-72; (495); (495) 665-00-15. FAX (495) 665-00-15. Web-Site: Electronic Request Web-Page Form: .

4. Physical Health Examination Report to Notary Certification of it Into Russian and That is Officially Legalized in Russian in the Country of ISSISUE.

5.HIV test results list together with notary certified translation of it into Russian and that is officially legalized in Russian Embassy in the country of their issue (or bear the Apostyle mark).

6. Eight photographs on matte paper (3×4 cm).

Pre-submission may be done by post, fax or by e-mail (preferably). Final submission should be done personally, and persons arriving to study must present their original paper documents mentioned above during their personal visit. Our contact coordinates are mentioned below. Deadline for application and document submission is July 15 of each educational year. Education starts at September the first each year, so approved applicants must arrive at YSMA strictly before September 1.


Students2Foreign students, interns, residency courses attendees, and postgraduates are provided with places for living at the comfortable student hostels. Accommodation fee is not included in the educational fee and must be paid separately. In 2013-2014 academic educational year, accommodation fee is 1990 Rubles per month (approximately 60 US $ per year) for one place for living in the room. Rooms are given for 2-3 persons. The following services are provided: dining hall, kitchens, showers, bars, sport gyms, medical room, barber shop, stores, music clubs, etc.

Yaroslavl State Medical Academy (YSMA) is an important one among other best medical academies in Russia. For more than 50 years, high-quality specialists are trained here.

The Pre-Educational Courses were organized here in 1993. The work of these courses is based on the activity and contribution of different departments. The main aims of the courses are to manage and to coordinate the process of study and professional orientation of foreign attendees and students in terms of their knowledge improvement.

After eight months of education, the attendees are obtaining the corresponding certificate and those necessary levels of knowledge that they will need further in order to study successfully at the 1st course of academy being the students.

In addition to the intensive course of Russian language, the attendees are studying Biology, Basic Human Anatomy, Chemistry, Physics and Mathematics, etc. This is the unique program which includes all needed knowledge for study in our academy. The staff of the courses consists of persons who are working as regular staff-members in Yaroslavl State Medical Academy. The process of education is based on the State and Government Standards of High Education. Also the Preparatory Division can offer you only Russian Language course, as well as we can offer you different individually constructed educational programs in accordance with you wishes and needs.

General information about Pre-Educational Courses

1. Foreigners who are not speaking Russian are initially enrolled at Pre-Educational Courses at YSMA, where they study Russian language. For the additional payment foreigners are invited to enter courses of Biology, Physics, Chemistry and other subjects, depending on specialty they want to get.

2. At the end of the educational year, there are final tests. Those who passed these tests successfully will get official certificates that give them the right to study at Yaroslavl State Medical Academy or in other educational institutions depending on specialty.

3. Pre-educational courses of YSMA for foreigners are licensed by the Russian Ministry of Health Care and Social Development and the corresponding certificate gives the right to enter after admissions tests to the following faculties: medical faculties, faculty of pharmacy, postgraduate training.

4. Foreigners who did not pass the examinations as well as those who did not show sufficient knowledge must return home to their native country at their own expenses.

Documents that are required to consider your submission

to the Preparatory Courses

1. Completed application (including full name, date of birth, passport number, citizenship, permanent address, contact phone, fax, and e-mail of applicant). Application is free by its form, so applicant can arrange it he/she wishes as ordinary MS Word or *.pdf file. However, it should contain those data that are indicated above and the applicant's personal signature as well.

2. Copy of Passport and notary certified translation of it into Russian that is officially legalized in Russian Embassy in the country of issue (or bear the Apostyle mark).

NOTE: The passport of applicant should be valid for the period of not less than 18 moths (1.5 years) from the moment of beginning of education.

3. Documents about applicant previous school education: school certificate, transcripts and supplementary materials (if available). If these materials are in other language than Russian, these documents should be officially legalized in the country of their issue.In Addition, Thus Documents Shoup Also BE Accompanied by Officially and Notary Certificions Into Russian Language. Both of these Procedures Shoup Be Done in the Russian Embassy of Applicant National Country. Supplementary materials must clearly show that applicant during school education time has passed successfully such mandatory subjects like Chemistry, Biology and Physics with the indication of the amount of educational hours and obtained final marks on these subjects.

4. Certificate of birth (if available) with its officially certified translation into Russian language (translation could be done at the Russian Embassy at the native country of applicant).

5. Physical Health Examination Report Together with Its Officials Certified Translation Language (Translation Colld Be Done et)

6. HIV Test Results Together with Its Officials Certification Translan Language (Translation COULD BE DONE at the Russian Embassy At the Native Country of Applicant).

7. Eight Photographs (3×4 CM) On Matte Paper.

Period of Education on Pre-Educational Faculty is 8-18 months. Pre-Submission May Be Done by Post, Fax or by E-mail (Preferably). Final Submission Shoup Be Done Personally, and Persons Arriving to Study Must Present Their Original Paper Documents Mentio During Their Personal Visit. OUR Contact Coordinates are Mentio Below. Deadline for Application and Document Submission Is September 15 of Each Educational Year. Education Starts at Novmber The First Each Year, SO Approved Applicants Must Arrive At Ysma StickTly Before 1 of Each Educational EEAR.

Internet Access

For The Last Decade, The Information Technologies are Actively Developing in the Yaroslavl State Medical Academy (Ysma). FIRST of All, This IS Necessary for the Improviment of Education, For Educational and Scientific Research Work as Well. These Informational Technologies Are Granting Some Principally New Services to Students and Employees of the Academy. Now the IS Exist the Informatics Center of Yaroslavl State Medical Academy.

The Academy Has Significant Experience in the Area of ​​Internet Activity. YSMA HAS Its Own Local Network with Data Transmission Speed ​​Up To 1 GB/S. The Main Building of Academy Is Connected to this Network Via Fiber-Optical Channels and Via Radio-Modem Communication with Data Transmission Speed ​​Up to 100 MB/S. Theoretical Building No. 5 (this is including 6 Different departments) and the municipal emergency Hospital of N.V. Solovyev (This Includes 7 Different Departments) are Also Permanently Connected to the International Computer Network with Data Transmission Speed ​​of Up to 100 MB/S. There are also Available Wi-Fi Areas at Ysma. The Academy Supports Its Own www-server (

Fundamental Library

The main scientific library of Yaroslavl State Medical Academy (YSMA) has been functioning since 1944. Nowadays the number of books is more than 510000. There are available more than 250000 items of scientific literature, more than 200000 items of educational literature (textbooks), More than 40,000 Items of Foreign Literature. Now, there ABOUT 6000 Readers, Most of Them (Approximatly 3500) are Students. The Library Provides The Service to More than 85000 of Reader Requests Per year.
From 1997, The Internet Classes Are Working at the Library for Students and For the Staff-Members. From 1994, the fundamental library is providing free access to the worldwide electronic medical databases: The National Medical Library of USA, State Central Scientific Medical Library (Russia), The Electronic Library of Russian Fundamental Research Fund, etc. Nowadays, The Fundamental Library of Ysma Is Providing the Electronic Access to Those Materials that Located in More THAN 12 LARGEST LIBRARIES.

From 2000, the library is an active participant of the project for creating the Unified library system of the city, and this project will consolidate all libraries of Yaroslavl region into the network system with easy and simple electronic access to aforementioned library materials and databases. In Ysma Fundamental Library, Several Computer Classes Are Working on the Principles of Free and Opened Access. AFOREMENTION CLASSES ARE VERY Popular and Highly-Demanded Points of Interest Boths Academy Employees and Students of Academy. This is an essiential Part of Academy Educational and Scientific Strategy. SINCE 1997, The Librarians and Instructors Are Providing Free Consultations and Education Counses How Modern Informational Databavs and Citation Systems. This System Is Allowing the Access to the Integrated International Databases, Like Medline (Since 1966), Cancerlit (SincE 1980), and AIDSLINE (SINCE 1980).The academy provides the access to full electronic versions of the journals issued by Oxford University Press, SCIRO Publishing, International Academic Publisher, Springer, Walter de Gruyter and Co., The Royal Society of Medicine Press Ltd, The Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, etc. ALSO SINCE 1999, The Academy is the Participant of the Project Declared by Publishing House Springer.

IT WAS ALSO CREATED THE ELECTRONIC LIBRARY OF YSMA. This is a Part of Academic Network and Its Frely Accessible at the Address

(Selection committee)

The address:
150054 Russia, Yaroslavl, st. Chkalova, 6


Reception for 1 course (specialty, SPO), residency, graduate school, recovery and translation:

Chairman of the admission commission and about. rector of YAGMU, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Professor Khokhlov Alexander Leonidovich

Executive Secretary of the admission commission Associate Professor Smirnova Anna Vladimirovna