
Administration of the Kursk Municipal District of the Stavropol Territory | History reference

Without a keyword In the east of the Stavropol Territory is the Kursk region. These places have an interesting history and amazing sights. Once here

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The Kursk region is located in the east of the Stavropol Territory. These places have an interesting history and amazing sights. Once upon a time, the fate of the Caucasus and all of Asia was decided here.

The most ancient monuments that testify to the presence of a person on the territory of the modern Kursk region date back to the 4th millennium BC – these are the former Scythian settlements near the village of Galyugaevskaya. The total number of ancient burial mounds reaches 15.

In the Middle Ages, one of the most important events in the history of the Great Steppe took place here. On April 24, 1395, the troops of the Samarkand Emir Timur (Tamerlane) and the Khan of the Golden Horde Tokhtamysh met here. In the history of Russia, this battle was called the Battle on the Terek. Thanks to the victory of Timur, the Horde was significantly weakened and actually collapsed in the 15th century, which influenced the strengthening of the Russian principalities.

In the sixties of the twentieth century, the construction of the Tersko-Kuma Canal began with the aim of irrigating a huge area in the Stavropol Territory. Tractor drivers on bulldozers and scrapers cut off a small hill. This hill turned out to be the burial place of dead soldiers in 1395 near the village of Aga-Batyr. Arrowheads and spearheads were found there in large numbers. The spearheads were forged from bronze, but the arrowheads were poured out by melting and they were hollow, tetrahedral. Large steel swords were found, and remnants resembling quivers – bags for arrows were also found. These exhibits were transferred to the school museum in the village of Aga-Batyr. Now a stone with a marble slab has been installed at the site of the battle, on which the battle on the Terek is described.

History reference

The Kursk region got its name from the regional center – the village of Kursk. The village has a rich and heroic history.

On February 2, 1784, Emperor Paul I instructed the Governor of the Caucasus and Saratov, Pavel Sergeevich Potemkin, to resolve the issue of colonizing the North Caucasus. Potemkin appealed to the authorities of the central provinces about resettling 23,000 peasants on the defensive line.

At the same time, such settlements as the village of Kurskaya (1784) and the village of Rostovanovskoye (1785) were founded. It was originally founded as the settlement of Kurskaya on the left bank of the Kura River.

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It got its name from a small river flowing between Kuma and Terek. Kura – translated from the Turkic word kuru means dry.

According to another version, the settlement owes its name to immigrants from the Kursk province, who, in search of a better life, came to the uninhabited steppe expanses of the North Caucasus, where they settled on the free lands of the Mozdok steppe.

The bulk of the immigrants were state peasants. For the most part, immigrants from service people of lower ranks and discharges – retired soldiers, archers, gunners, artisans of various profiles, fugitive serfs, various colonists. This, for example, accurately indicate the names of the Kuryan themselves. In one Kursk, you can find Streltsovs, Pushkarev, Goncharovs and other surnames who unequivocally indicate who their great -grandfathers beat, what kind of masters.

Kurskaya did not immediately become a Cossack village. Almost 50 years from the date of foundation, she had the status of Sloboda and sat down. The interests of protecting the southern borders of Russia urgently required further strengthening the Caucasian defensive line. On December 2, 1832, the tsarist government issues a decree On strengthening the defense of the Caucasian line by converting to linear Cossacks the inhabitants of the nearest state settlements. In the implementation of this decree, over 30 villages from January 1833 are transferred to the category of Cossack villages. Our Kurskaya also hit them.

As of July 1, 1914, there was one medical center in the village, two mills were served in residents – steam and pier, where there was a state exemption, where the food and forage grain received from the population was stored. There were also two water mills, an oil-beam, two forges, a brick factory, one two-year school and a parish school, an official wine shop, two beer, five dairy and one manufactory, a daily bazaar, a stone cross in the memory of the Cossacks who died in Russian-Russian-Russian-Russian-Russian-Russian-Russian-Russian-Russian Turkish war, and a wooden church in the name of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker.

Kursk district is located in the southeast of the region. It is formed from the villages of the villages of the Zimvodnensky and Mozdok districts of the North Caucasus Territory. Until the October Revolution of 1917, its territory was part of the Mozdok Cossack department of the Terek region. The biography of our region begins with the resolution of the CEC of the RSFSR of January 2, 1935. In this document, territorial boundaries were identified, the names of the settlements included in the district, and other details. These were mainly small farms and German colonies. On the map of the district of those years, more than 80 settlements with different national composition are indicated. Of the settlements, 11 village councils were formed, which became administrative-territorial centers of collective farms and state farms.

Residents of the Kursk region are descendants of both the reserved peasants from the Oryol, Kursk, Belgorod provinces, and the Volga Cossacks, who went here by decree of the Empress Empress II from the Voronezh region and Prudonya, and Ukrainians and Bessarabians who bought lands in the Count of Grafsky and the village of Poltava. The first inhabitants of the oldest in the Kursk district of the villages – Sterevskaya (founded in 1769) and Galyugaevskaya (1770) were the Cossacks who arrived here according to the decree in the name of Count Nikita Panin about the resettlement between Mozdok and Kizlyar 517 families from the Volga.

Ossetian farms were inhabited by people from the gorges of the Central Caucasus: Tagansky, Kurtaginsky and others.

At the end of the 18th century, Armenians settled in these steppes, they liked the place on the high left bank of the Kura River (north of Mozdok), known at that time as Kasaeva Yama. It was a forest tract that belonged to the family of retired major Rostovanov. The latter ceded part of his allotment to 50 families who arrived in 1797. Thus, the Armenian village of Kasaeva Yama appeared, later, at the request of the inhabitants, renamed Edessia (Edyssia) in memory of the ancient Armenian city, where in the 1st century. King Abgar accepted Christianity from the apostles.

After the founding of the city of Mozdok, Kabardians appeared in the Kursk region, and in 1912 Georgians arrived from the mountainous Dushetia.

The Cossacks bravely fought for the glory of Russia, and in memory of their exploits on May 6, 2005, a two-meter cross made of solid granite stone, which had previously stood here, was restored and consecrated in the village of Kurskaya. The words This monument was erected to the dead Cossacks of the village of Kurskaya during the Turkish war of 1877-1878 by the tradesman of the Baku province Ivan Amelyanovich Nazarov are carved on it.

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The Kursk region occupies a special place in the Stavropol Territory in the history of the Great Patriotic War. It became the scene of fierce battles from August 1942 to January 1943. “Fiery Frontier” is the name today of the line in the stormy steppe, where in 1943 the Nazis were stopped, rushing to Grozny and Baku oil. During the fighting in the North Caucasus in the Kursk region, more than 30 thousand soldiers of the Red Army died.

At the “Fiery Line”, as a reminder of those heroic days, a 76-millimeter cannon rises.

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There are no many farms on the map of the region today. The borders of the former Kizilov farm are now guarded by the figure of a warrior, whom the inhabitants of the area lovingly called Alyosha. According to some information, over 6 thousand defenders of the Motherland are buried in the field where Alyosha stands.

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For more than 4 months, the glorious warriors of the 10th Airborne Guards Corps, the 5th Don Cossack Corps, the 271st Gorlovka Rifle Division and other units and formations held a heroic defense in the Terek region and on the eastern border of the Mozdok steppe.

There was no military registration and enlistment office in Kursk at that time (it was created only in 1944). Kursk volunteers were issued and sent to the front through the Mozdok district military registration and enlistment office. In the first and subsequent days of the war, the district sent more than 4 thousand people to different sectors of the fronts.

Instead of tractor drivers who had gone to the front, teenagers and women took to the fields. Since the autumn of 1941, collective farms began to create brigades that were sent to build defensive structures on the outskirts of the city of Grozny, and to build the Astrakhan-Kizlyar railway, which later became the “road of life”, along which oil products were continuously exported from the Caucasus for the front to Astrakhan and Stalingrad.

In August 1942, the Kursk region was occupied by German troops.For the period from August 20, 1942 to January 5, 1943, the Nazis shot in the region of 830 civilians, including 118 in Menzhinsky farm, 450 in the village of Bogdanovsky, 250 people in the village of Kursk.

In our area, for 5 months of temporary occupation, 24 collective farms, 1 state farm, 5 MTS, many villages and farms were destroyed and looted. It is difficult to convey the picture that people saw upon returning from evacuation. Lying in the ruins of the farm Mikhailovsky, Dydymkin, Aga-Batyr, Kizilov, Tomazov and others.

On January 5, 1943, the district was released from Nazi invaders.

In March 1944, the territory of the village of Galyugaevskaya and Sterevsky, the village of Baltiysky and the farms located along the slaughter channel was separated and became part of the Kursk district of the village of Galyugaevskaya and Storevsky. In this territory there were more than 30 farms and more than two dozen collective farms.

The history of the district consists of the history of its villages and villages.

The village of Galyugaevskaya was founded in 1770 as a military point in the Azovo-Mozdok fortified line. Gradually, this settlement (more precisely the post) grew and strengthened. The lists of populated places of the Terek region (1878) say that on a postal tract going to formidable and Dagestan, the Galyugaevskaya patrol village fell. The village of Galyugaevskaya was built on the coastal elevation of the old channel Terek, from which Lake Kalyuga formed, according to the name of this lake, the village received its name.

According to legend, in 1772 Emelian Pugachev was traveling in the village of Galyugaevskaya, where local Cossacks who punished him with chieftain, who punished the provisions and salary for them and gave him 25 rubles on the road.

One of the most interesting historical buildings of the Kursk region is in the village of Edissia. This is the domed church of Surb Astitzatsin (Holy Virgin) – the oldest Armenian church in the Stavropol Territory. The very first church building was built in 1802. It was built from wattle fence, from the inside and out of the outside with clay and whitewashed by lime. The second church was built in 1830, however, being folded from raw brick, it constantly suffered from the rain and threatened to completely destroy. The construction of the stone church was carried out with folk money from 1911 to 1914. At the end of the 20th century, the church was reconstructed at citizens.

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The story of the village of Rostovanovsky is interesting. The first residents, Zaporizhzhya Cossacks and Poles, brought here the nobleman Eustathius Rost. His sons, bore the surname of the Rostovanovs, were granted by the decree of the Empress Catherine II for military exploits. It was the children of Eustathia of growth that founded the village of Rostovanovka.

In the village of Rostovanovsky, there is currently a unique museum of historical technology, reflecting the military-industrial power of the rapid of the 20th century. Its peculiarity is that the exhibits are located in the open air on powerful steel pedestals. With each meter of the road, the number of exhibits is becoming more and more.We can say that the Rostovanovsky open -air museum gathered the entire history of the domestic automobile industry, starting from the post -war period. The idea to create this collection belongs to the chairman of the collective farm Viktor Ivanovich Tankolokin. The exposition consists of 212 tractors, 86 cars, 55 combines, as well as 30 rare cars, including Moskvich almost 70 years ago, a wheeled tractor and many others.

History reference

The museum exhibits were created according to sketches, brought from other subjects of Russia. The department of military equipment is also impressive, which contains even tanks, BMP, artillery. There is also aviation: from an old corn to a fighter. A special monument was also erected to women-mechanizers who worked selflessly in the village while men defended their homeland.

The Kursk district was glorified by many workers of the village and creative people.

Grigory Antonovich Medvedev (1868-1944).

Russian painter. Born in the village of Kursk, Stavropol Territory. In 1894 he graduated from the St. Petersburg Academy of Arts. He was one of the founders and director of the Kazan art school.

Medvedev’s works are stored in the Fund of the National Museum of T.E. Evseev.

Ivan Kondratievich LitvinovIvan Kondratievich Litvinov.

Born on June 1, 1926 in Ukraine, in the Dnipropetrovsk region, the village of Underground.

Veteran of the Great Patriotic War, an honorary resident of the village of Kursk of the Kursk municipal district of the Stavropol Territory.

Since 1960, Ivan Kondratievich lived in the village of Kursk. At first he worked in the district committee of the party, then the secretary of the party bureau, and after that, the director of the Rostovanovsky state farm.

In 1986, Ivan Kondratievich retired, and since 1988 he began to head the veteran organization of the village of Kursk, first of the Kursk village council, and then the district organization.

For his contribution during the Great Patriotic War, Ivan Kondratievich was awarded three combat awards and he received 22 medals after the war for active patriotic activities.

In September 2012, Ivan Kondratievich died, but his active activity in working with youth in patriotic education will continue his followers.

Shaula Nikolai Petrovich.Shaula Nikolai Petrovich.

Born on January 20, 1949 in the farm of Kirov, Kursk district.

Nikolai Petrovich – Head of the Farm Studio Frame. Total work experience – 46 years, experience in the culture industry – 34 years.

1968 He graduated from the Pyatigorsk School. In 1980, he moved to the village of Kurskaya and began his career as head of the motor club of the Culture Department of the Kursk District and organized the work of the Film Studio. In 1986, he was transferred to the district house of culture to the post of director, in the same year the film studio was awarded the title People's. At the Family Studio in 1999, a film equipment museum was created, where about 250 exhibits of film equipment, photos and other visual materials telling about the stages of cinema development in the Kursk district are stored.

Shaula N.P.Every year, at a high professional level, it conducts creative film screenings.

Viktor Ivanovich Mol.Viktor Ivanovich Mol.

Born March 23, 1936 in Kharkov. When the Great Patriotic War came, the father of Vitaly left the front. The boy and mother and sister were evacuated to the Caucasus. So they fell into the resort Pyatigorsk of military fever.

After graduating from the pedagogical institute, he arrived in the Kursk district of the village of Kanovo, where he worked for the school principal for 46 years.

He is the author of four poetic collections: “Alone with you” (1996), “With an open heart” (1999), “I exchanged the peaks of Pyatigorye to the Kursk steppe” (2005).

The anthem of our region is considered the “Song of the Kursk District” to the verses of Mul and the music of Averkin.

On May 7, 2014, Viktor Ivanovich was awarded the medal Hero of Labor Stavropol.

The difficult history of our country and the Kursk district passed all the stages, knew the rise-the times of collective farms-millionaires and the collapse of the 90s.

Kursk district is one of the most interesting places in the Stavropol Territory, with a rich history, amazing natural landscapes and real prospects for further development.