The passage along the Far Eastern and Small Avenue P. S. will be limited for several days – the city – News of St. Petersburg.

The passage along the Far Eastern and Small Avenue P.S. They will be limited for several days from March 25 to March 27 in connection with the work on drilling wells will be limited to travel along the Far Eastern Prospekt

The passage along the Far Eastern and Small Avenue P.S. limit for several days

From March 25 to March 27, in connection with the work on drilling wells, travel along the Far Eastern Prospekt from Vorkutinskaya Street to Kollontai Street will be limited, the press service of the State Administrative and Technical Inspectorate of St. Petersburg reports on March 23. The work is carried out by BKN – Project LLC.

For the same period, as well as on April 15, the movement of transport along the small avenue of Petrograd side from Oranienbaumskaya Street to Shamsheva Street will be closed. There, LLC Rodina Taste will lay engineering networks.

In addition, in the Kalinin district from March 30 to April 29, traffic will be limited at the intersection of Svetlanovsky Prospekt and Timurovskaya Street. Due to the repair of tracks there, the tram movement scheme also changes there.

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