The Moscow City Council approved the architectural solution of the LCD Western port: Electronic media: press

The Architect Council of Moscow approved the architectural solution of the residential complex Western port Architect of Moscow approved the architectural and urban planning solution of the West Port residential complex in the west of the capital,

The Architect Council of Moscow approved the architectural solution of the LCD West Port

The Moscow City Council approved the architectural and urban planning solution of the West Port residential complex in the west of the capital, proposed by the architectural bureau of Speech, ADM and TPO reserve, said RIA Novosti correspondent at a meeting of the Council.

The project involves the reconstruction of the abandoned territory of the Western River Port. It is supposed to build housing, apart-hotel and office part. Social objects are also designed: children's and adult clinics, an extension of 400 students to school and kindergarten. The transport scheme of the site involves the construction of two roads and two driveways. In particular, the construction of a driveway extending to the street in 1812 is planned. A congress from the Shelepikhinsky bridge is also provided. As part of the development of the embankment, the construction of a river berth is scheduled.

At the same time, the members of the Architect noted that the project lacks inclusion in the city network. “The project is enclave. We need to think about the events connecting the area to the Big City,” said Andrei Gnezdilov, chief architect of the State Unitary Enterprise “NI and Pi City of Moscow”.

The full version of the article is available on the website of the publication