The General Producer of Match TV responded to the RPL refusal to redeem the media. Sport-Express

The General Producer of Match TV responded to the news that the RPL rejected the priority proposal of the media -right redeem.

The General Producer Match TV responded to the rejection of the RPL in the redemption of the media right

The General Producer of Match TV, Alexander Tshchin, responded to the news that the RPL rejected the priority proposal of the media right to redeem.

“We received a decision from RPL, according to which a tender will be announced on television and commercial Rules of RPL. Of course, we will participate in it and offer the League and clubs an offer that is fully consistent with the market. We are preparing for it D work mode, having a tremendous experience of the show, professional team and full technical support. We are still convinced that Russian football should develop in the conditions of accessibility of a large audience and popularization not only in large cities, but also in the regions. I hope the clubs will support us. The tender will be held until October 11, ”wrote Teshchin in his Telegram channel.

At the moment, the RPP broadcast is “Match TV”. It is known that the OKKO online cinema has made a proposal to purchase the right to broadcast the tournament. According to SE, OKKO can unite with the Start video service in the struggle for media right.