The executive announcements of income declarations expire today.

The tax and such department (NTD) recalls that the deadline for submitting income declarations expires today, May 2.

The expiration of income declarations expires today

Photo: err

As of May 2, 718,799 income declarations were filed, which is 90% of the expected number of declarations. According to estimates, 82,000 income declarations have not yet been submitted. Of all the submitted declarations, 697 780 or 97.1% were filed in electronic form.

Overpaid income tax was returned in the amount of 200 million euros, and 84 million euros are subject to surcharge. From the amount of income tax to be returned, 163,000 euros were sent to donations.

According to Anniki OY, the head of the NTD service for income and taxation of individuals, this year more income declarations are expected than in the past. “We expect that at least 800,000 declarations will be filed, which is 40,000 more than last year. Declarations can be submitted in electronic form among E-MTA electronic services and in all our service bureaus, ”said Oy.

The NTD began the return of the overpaid income tax on February 25 for persons submitting a declaration of income in electronic form, and from March 18 for persons who submitted a declaration in paper form. The deadline for paying the income tax to the surcharge is October 3, 2022.