The ceremony of presenting diplomas to the N.F. Prize winners Vatutin

The ceremony of presenting diplomas to the N.F. Vatutin Prize winners

Museum-Dirama Battle of Kursk. Belgorod direction

December 16th

A ceremony of presenting diplomas to laureates took place in the Museum-Dirama Prizes named after Hero of the Soviet Union N.F. Vatutin for achievements in military-patriotic education of children and youth in 2016

The ceremony of presenting diplomas to the N.F. Prize winners Vatutin

In the year of the 100th anniversary of the birth of our fellow countryman, Hero of the Soviet Union, Army General Nikolai Fedorovich Vatutin, in 2001 the head of the regional administration E. S. Savchenko established the N. F. Vatutin award to encourage cultural and education workers, representatives of creative intelligentsia and youth organizations for reaching military-patriotic education of children and youth.

In 2016, the prize is awarded for the sixteenth time, 112 groups and individuals, representatives of education, culture, and public organizations became its laureates. The prize allows you to note the best in such a painstaking, systematic, delicate, but very important work, as the education of a sense of patriotism, love for the motherland, pride in its culturally – historical past and faith in the future of Russia.

List of winners of teams of institutions and organizations:

1. The group of MKUK Valuysky Historical and Art Museum, director-Voitskhovskaya Marina Dmitrievna (Valuyki).

2. The team of the Belgorod regional public organization Marine Assembly, chairman – Yakubovsky Nikolai Stepanovich (Belgorod region).

3. The group of Ogapou Novooskol College, director – Osipov Sergey Vladimirovich (Novy Oskol).

4. The team of MBOU Secondary school No. 19 in Belgorod named after V. Kazantseva, Director of Nesterenko Svetlana Ivanovna (Belgorod).

List of individual winners:

1. Rozhkova Nadezhda Petrovna – Director of the GBUK Belgorod State Universal Scientific Library, Belgorod.

2. Vizyryakina Vera Anatolyevna-trainer-teacher for bullet shooting MBUDO Sports Center, village of Oktyabrsky Belgorod district.

3. Panchenkov Viktor Aleksandrovich – teacher of public disciplines of the Ogapou Belgorod College of Catering, Belgorod.

4. Balabanova Albina Vladimirovna – Director of the GBU Prokhorovsky Center for the Development and Socialization of the Child, the village of Prokhorovka.

Guests of the ceremony Representatives of the Belgorod Regional Duma, the Government of the region, the administration of the city of Belgorod, members of the regional commission for awarding the award, laureates of the prize, and representatives of the public and the media were become.

At the end of the event, the laying of flowers to the monument took place Hero of the Soviet Union N.F. Vatutin.