Played by Ulrich Walter (organ / Graz, Austria)

Ulrich Walter plays (organ / Graz, Austria) One of the brightest young organists in Germany, Ulrich Walter, is coming to Moscow. He brings his signature repertoire: compositions

Played by Ulrich Walter (organ / Graz, Austria)

One of the brightest young organists in Germany, Ulrich Walter, is coming to Moscow. He brings his crowning repertoire: works by the classic of the German organ school Max Reger, his own transcriptions of transcendent (that is, extremely virtuoso) etudes by Franz Liszt, as well as works by Bach, Mendelssohn and Richard Strauss. On the unique organ of 1898, the soloist has the opportunity to present compositions in a form as close as possible to the authentic, which means that German organ music will sound in all its splendor.

Ulrich Walter's program is an opportunity to hear the masterpieces of German organ music from three eras. Bach's chorale partita Sei gegrüßet, Jesu gütig can be called a magnificent baroque monument. Its perfect design is similar to the architecture of old cathedrals, where prayer, reflected in the images of stained-glass windows, takes on new and new colors. One of Bach's spiritual heirs, Felix Mendelssohn, whose organ sonata No. 2 will be performed in the concert, returned the organ to the attention of the great masters of the 19th century. And the Romantic era ended at the beginning of the 20th century by the great master of the organ Max Reger: in terms of the scale of thought, the boldness of the idea and the use of all available expressive means of the organ, his works stand next to the masterpieces of Bach. This evening, the Introduction, Passacaglia and Fugue in E Minor will be performed – the most famous and truly amazing creation of Reger.

The program will be complemented by virtuoso transcriptions of works by Liszt and Richard Strauss, which will dispel the myth about the “sluggishness” of a huge organ and convince you that this is a brilliant concert instrument.

Ulrich Walter – winner of a number of major international competitions, professor at the University of Music and Theater in Graz (Austria). Graduate of the Stuttgart University of Music and Performing Arts (class of L. Loman), participant in master classes of outstanding organists. He performs as a concert organist and lecturer in many European countries. Reger's music is within the scope of the musician's performing and scientific interests; he recorded a CD with the works of the German classic on the Sauer organ in the Bremen Cathedral.

R. Strauss (1864–1949). Ceremonial Entry of the Knights of the Order of Saint John

(arranged for organ by M. Reger)

J. S. Bach (1685–1750). Choral partita Sei gegrüßet, Jesu gütig BWV 768

F. Mendelssohn (1809–1847). Sonata in C minor op. 65 #2

F. List (1811–1886). Evening Harmonies, Transcendent Study No. 11

(arranged for organ by W. Walter)

M. Reger (1873–1916). Introduction, passacaglia and fugue in E minor op. 127