Online test about Ukraine for children

Thanks to this social project, children better recognize the country in which they live

Online test about Ukraine for children

On July 1, the Plusplus television channel launched an interactive page in support of the animated series of its own production “Our Tse of Your Tse”. Now on the website TV Young spectators can play the game-test based on the cartoon, see all the series “Our Tse of Thy Test”, as well as loading coloring and wallpaper for gadgets.

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MILY OF THE PIDTRIMATI, Abi Mi Nadali could Viconuvati our Massia on the Hap to Ukrainian Peremosti

The cartoon “Our Tse of Your Tse” was launched in May of this year and fell to the liking of young viewers. This is a social project, in which in short series, a duration of 20-30 seconds tells interesting facts about our country: geography, achievements, discoveries.

Chapter Gray serves as excellent entertainment. There are interesting questions, the answers to which can be found in cartoons.

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If suddenly it turns out that something has been forgotten or just want to watch some kind of series again, then all the issues can be found in the section Distance.

You can download funny wallpapers for your gadget in the section PISKENS. Immediately you can find coloring with your favorite cartoon heroes that can be downloaded and printed.