On the track near Minsk, the dog has been waiting for the deceased owner for 8 years. — Community "DRIVE2 Dalnoboy" on DRIVE2

Radar, Druzhok, Boy – he is called differently. Never again will he hear his real name, as well as the voice of the person dearest to him – the owner. He died – 7 years ago he and his dog were hit by a car at the entrance to the village of Novinki. But the faithful dog is still waiting for him. All this time he has been living…

On the track near Minsk, the dog has been waiting for the deceased owner for 8 years.

Radar, Buddy, Boy – it is called by different names. Never again will he hear his real name, as well as the voice of the person dearest to him – the owner. He died – 7 years ago he and his dog were hit by a car at the entrance to the village of Novinki. But the faithful dog is still waiting for him. All this time he has been living near the site of the tragedy, spending the night in a booth on the territory of the St. Elisabeth Monastery.
Elena Stepanovna is the main breadwinner. A woman comes to the village to visit her grandchildren. And once a day for all these 7 years she comes to feed the Boy – that's what she calls him. The hike can take a good hour – until you check all the places where it can be. Sister Joanna says that they feed him in the monastery, in addition, it was here that they built a dwelling for him.

– The first booth was set up in the forest near the road, where he most often sat. But she was stolen Joanna says. – Now they have done it on the territory of the monastery, the watchman is looking after it.

“The radar often sits near the road and barks at all high-speed white cars,” says Natalia Popova. – It was this car that 7 years ago brought down both of them here: the dog and the owner, who was going to work in the village of Novinki. The dog survived, the owner did not.

Now Radar is very nervous when people cross the road, accompanies them – “translates”.
Quite large, looks good, only the paw is cut and the eyes are sad. And the look – as if searching, waiting, quickly gliding over people. As if there is still hope in him to see the one who, unfortunately, will never come again. And this is not speculation: dogs have an absolutely human look that expresses all emotions. It can be seen that the dog is not offended here – he is not afraid of strangers, he came up and let himself be stroked. But somehow detached, without emotion. He cheered up only when he saw Elena Stepanovna, who was a little behind, – he immediately ran up to her. And not for food. Although he has a menu today, anyone will salivate.

– Will you eat chicken cutlets? Beef tongue is still there. I spoiled him, – Elena Stepanovna laughs. – It goes over. If you don't ask, there won't be.
Radar-Boy takes food a little bit. Obviously, just glad to see a long-time acquaintance. Elena Stepanovna confirms our observations: she says that he seems to be depressed all the time. She goes twice a day.

He is at least 8 years old. Of these, only about a year he was happy – with an adored owner. And he really needs a new one that will take him away from this terrible road, which will give him a new name, even if it is the fifth in his dog's life.And with whom the remaining half of this life will not pass in memories of happiness, but in it.

Maybe someone will shelter the dog? Cottages, villages …
How many more people I recognize, so much more I begin to love dogs!
The map for the location of the monastery who wants to feed the dog.

Comments 31

Handsome dog, all such friends.

Dog friend of a person and devote, it happens even better than friends of friends

And you say Hachiko …
And here is such a radar. Only does not determine the speed, but the human essence-someone feeds, and someone steals a booth …

Sadly after read

Immediately inspired the words of the song

On a wide, large road,
On Moscow, on Koltseva
The dog was sitting there
Where is the descent gentle,
The dog is thoroughbred,
A little alive …
He sat on the ground cold,
And calmly looked forward.
In front of him from the cars of the column,
Well, in them the busy people …

And the drivers were surprised:
Whose dog is sitting?
They tried to shout something to him-
The dog looks painfully plaintively.
Meters a hundred, if you take to the west
Police road post
Lieutenant young, rumpled
Here the serviceable service was carried

Lieutenant approached the dog,
The dog growled with all its might.
Man, turning to the signs,
He squatted, asked:
Well, you eat at least a little bit, poor fellow!
The lieutenant handed the food …
The dog burned a man with a look,
The man swallowed a tear …

The picture flashed through my head:
What happened five days ago,
Like nine, sliding, piercing,
Right from the fly, Kamaz in the ass …
After cut the autogendom,
Three people took out …
From steel captivity
The dog looked at the rescuers …

In a second, the family died …
The lieutenant wrote the protocol.
Well, the case, today, apparently,
Only the dog did not kill …
And the dog was sitting sixth day
And I looked forward with hope …
He was waiting for everything, dying terribly,
That the owner will come for him

Yes yes … good song

I often have tears from her (((

Not even to say.

Immediately inspired the words of the song

On a wide, large road,
On Moscow, on Koltseva
The dog was sitting there
Where is the descent gentle,
The dog is thoroughbred,
A little alive …
He sat on the ground cold,
And calmly looked forward.
In front of him from the cars of the column,
Well, in them the busy people …

And the drivers were surprised:
Whose dog is sitting?
They tried to shout something to him-
The dog looks painfully plaintively.
Meters a hundred, if you take to the west
Police road post
Lieutenant young, rumpled
Here the serviceable service was carried

Lieutenant approached the dog,
The dog growled with all its might.
Man, turning to the signs,
He squatted, asked:
Well, you eat at least a little bit, poor fellow!
The lieutenant handed the food …
The dog burned a man with a look,
The man swallowed a tear …

The picture flashed through my head:
What happened five days ago,
Like nine, sliding, piercing,
Right from the fly, Kamaz in the ass …
After cut the autogendom,
Three people took out …
From steel captivity
The dog looked at the rescuers …

In a second, the family died …
The lieutenant wrote the protocol.
Well, the case, today, apparently,
Only the dog did not kill …
And the dog sat for the sixth day
And looking forward with hope…
He waited, dying terribly,
That the owner will come for him