Nterv; yu on the Internet portal: Sport for pleasure – how the modern complex in Slobozhansky works | Dnipropetrovsk Regional State Administration

If earlier the inhabitants of the villages envied the townspeople, they say, in the city there is where to go and what to do, now the villagers can boast of a developed infrastructure. Take at least Slobozhanskoe, which is 10 kilometers from the Dnieper. Since the creation of a united territorial community there, the village has changed so much that even visiting guests are surprised: there are so many modern buildings that cause an exceptionally positive charge.

Without a keyword

If earlier the inhabitants of the villages envied the townspeople, they say, in the city there is where to go and what to do, now the villagers can boast of a developed infrastructure. Take at least Slobozhanskoe, which is 10 kilometers from the Dnieper. Since the creation of a united territorial community there, the village has changed so much that even visiting guests are surprised: there are so many modern buildings that cause an exceptionally positive charge.

Those who made this project a reality and who have already appreciated all its advantages shared their impressions about the complex.

The first “achievement” of the Slobozhansky community due to decentralization was a new kindergarten opened in 2016 with a salt room, a winter garden, a sports hall and a huge assembly hall. And at the end of 2018, the community celebrated the opening of an ultra-modern sports complex – there is nothing like it in the entire region. Now the townspeople look with kind envy towards Slobozhansky and intend to strengthen their muscles and keep their figure in good shape there. The locals are sure that their small homeland will soon become famous thanks to future champions.

Petro Poroshenko, President of Ukraine (at the opening of the first mini-football tournament):


The total area of ​​the complex is 3 thousand square meters.

Tribune – almost 300 seats.

Up to 500 people can work here every day.

- It is important that today we are opening not only the tournament. It is important that it takes place in a new sports complex. This complex is a symbol of how the country is changing. This is a symbol of decentralization, when the community united, and chose a worthy leader who takes care of every penny in the budget.

By combining the efforts of the community, regional and state budgets, it was possible to collect UAH 125 million necessary for the construction of the complex. Thanks to this, the complex was built in an extremely short time.

Valentin Reznichenko, Chairman of the Dnipropetrovsk Regional State Administration:

Inside the complex there is a large hall for mini-football, basketball, volleyball, handball and tennis, a gym, a conference room, accommodation for athletes who come to competitions, a hall for combat sports and fitness, a sauna and a billiard room, locker rooms, showers, coaching and judges' rooms, as well as a cafeteria.

- The three -story sports complex was built from scratch. Now children and professional athletes of the community have all the conditions for training. The complex can accept tournaments of the highest level. The regional administration invests money in the development of infrastructure of the region and territorial communities. Our development budget reached a record - more than 3 billion hryvnias. And all this became possible thanks to decentralization, which was initiated by the President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko. The main thing for us is to realize the tasks set by him and show people that changes for the better are possible and real.

During the construction of this multi-sport complex, the emphasis was not only on its modern content, but also on energy-saving technologies. The facade of the building is ventilated, and inside there is a special air conditioning system, with the help of which the room can maintain a comfortable temperature and humidity level at any time of the year.

The first futsal cup Slobozhanske suzirya in the new sports complex was opened personally by the President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko.

Those who made this project a reality and who have already appreciated all its advantages shared their impressions about the complex.

Yuri Golik, adviser to the chairman of the Dnipropetrovsk regional administration:


Nterv; yu on the Internet portal: Sport for pleasure – how the modern complex in Slobozhansky works | Dnipropetrovsk Regional State Administration

- The united community in Slobozhansky is a vivid example of what reform is that you can feel with your hands. For a year and a half, a modern sports complex building has been built here, which is equipped with the latest technology. It is also available for people with disabilities. There is a ramp at the entrance, elevators, signs are duplicated by Braille font. A 25 meter pool is built next to the complex. If we want the Olympic champions to grow in Ukraine, we must create a high -quality sports base. This year we are building almost 20 sports facilities in the Dnipropetrovsk region.

If earlier the inhabitants of the villages envied the townspeople, they say, in the city there is where to go and what to do, now the villagers can boast of a developed infrastructure. Take at least Slobozhanskoe, which is 10 kilometers from the Dnieper. Since the creation of a united territorial community there, the village has changed so much that even visiting guests are surprised: there are so many modern buildings that cause an exceptionally positive charge.

Without a keyword

Ivan Kaminsky, the head of the Slobozhansk United Territorial Gromada:

If earlier the inhabitants of the villages envied the townspeople, they say, in the city there is where to go and what to do, now the villagers can boast of a developed infrastructure.

Take at least Slobozhanskoe, which is 10 kilometers from the Dnieper.

- For us, there was always a priority area for the sports development and health of children. Unfortunately, there was not a single normal sports base on the territory of Gromada. Young athletes had to go to the city.Or practice in rooms adapted for training. For many years we dreamed of a full-fledged sports complex. Even before the decentralization reform, the Sport for All utility company was created. But decentralization made it possible to realize our old dream, and now both children and adults can fully train in comfortable and modern conditions. This complex allowed us to put the development of sports in our community on a completely new level. I am sure that Slobozhanskaya OTG will soon declare itself as Olympic champions and increase the sports glory of Ukraine.

Since the creation of a united territorial community there, the village has changed so much that even visiting guests are surprised: there are so many modern buildings that cause an exceptionally positive charge.

The first “achievement” of the Slobozhansky community due to decentralization was a new kindergarten opened in 2016 with a salt room, a winter garden, a sports hall and a huge assembly hall. And at the end of 2018, the community celebrated the opening of an ultra-modern sports complex – there is nothing like it in the entire region. Now the townspeople look with kind envy towards Slobozhansky and intend to strengthen their muscles and keep their figure in good shape there. The locals are sure that their small homeland will soon become famous thanks to future champions.

Vladimir Deineko, Director of the Sport for All KP of the Slobozhanskaya UTC:


The total area of ​​the complex is 3 thousand square meters.

The sports complex has been operating for almost two months now. Both adults and children are very happy. We recently conducted a survey among visitors, and so everyone wrote that there were no comments, everything is very cool! And how could it be otherwise, because the residents of the community have the opportunity to fully engage in football, under the auspices of the regional federation, we have futsal competitions. There are adult and children's volleyball sections, there are conditions for practicing acrobatics, taekwondo, kyokushinkai karate. Basketball is only for adults so far, but we will recruit children as well. We are also looking for a table tennis coach.

Tribune – almost 300 seats.

Up to 500 people can work here every day.

By combining the efforts of the community, regional and state budgets, it was possible to collect UAH 125 million necessary for the construction of the complex. Thanks to this, the complex was built in an extremely short time.

Inside the complex there is a large hall for mini-football, basketball, volleyball, handball and tennis, a gym, a conference room, accommodation for athletes who come to competitions, a hall for combat sports and fitness, a sauna and a billiard room, locker rooms, showers, coaching and judges' rooms, as well as a cafeteria.

During the construction of this multi-sport complex, the emphasis was not only on its modern content, but also on energy-saving technologies. The facade of the building is ventilated, and inside there is a special air conditioning system, with the help of which the room can maintain a comfortable temperature and humidity level at any time of the year.

The first futsal cup Slobozhanske suzirya in the new sports complex was opened personally by the President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko.