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How Saratov is being prepared for the visit of Dmitry Medvedev this month, the chairman of United Russia Dmitry Medvedev should come to our Saratov for the party forum. Thanks to this with the appearance

How Saratov is prepared for the visit of Dmitry Medvedev

This month, the chairman of United Russia Dmitry Medvedev should come to our Saratov for the party forum. Thanks to this, with the appearance of the streets on which politics is supposed to be, inexplicable things are being done!

Color pictures are actively pasted on the collapsing houses. What we see in this picture. A brick facade suddenly appears on a wooden house. Half of the facade is glued upside down. A flower in a pot, drawn in the central window grows from the ceiling. Not surprising, these are Saratov!

This old stone house was again updated. The last time he was dressed in posters with drawings two years ago, when Saratov was preparing for the Olympic fire relay, which even in the federal media was lit up (terrible is approaching Saratov.). Only now the clothes are new. The dilapidated architectural monument, which has changed its appearance in two years for two years

The house at the Gorpark was also closed from the eyes of visitors.

But if you slightly move away from the roadway, you can see this.

But there are exceptions. In the courtyard of the streets of Radishchev and Volochaevsky passage, such a banner hung for several years.

Walking around the city, I once again photographed it and posted it on the Internet. And after 3 days Alanphoto I did not find this landscape. Although it is likely that the banner was simply turned over with the other side.

Where it can still be solved without banners, they paint at home. For example, at the entrance to the Saratov from the road bridge over the Volga, where the Prime Minister will allegedly enter the city, from time immemorial there is a private sector that promises to be demolished every year since the early 1980s.

Residents are even unhappy that they decided to paint their houses in pink and green without any warning.

Moreover, they paint like. Blamming the signs that no one has been able to let in for half a century.

Just some kind of sur!

It is interesting what else will occur to the organizers of this window dressing, which remain unknown.

Do you like it?

The post used photos of news agencies Free News, Public Opinion, the video TNT Saratov.

Saratov review

Something I had material for several reviews, walks around the city, construction and transport reviews, exclusives on the hearings, a city council, but there is no time. He returned from work, but we need to add the material for the newspaper. I think that until 5 in the morning I will do this today. Therefore, I prepared this overview in a couple of hours in a hurry. Don't blame me)

And you noticed that on Kirov Avenue, shameful advertising is returned also very strange. Not in the center is installed, otherwise to the right, then to the left.

Video on the return of advertising on the avenue.

I still did not understand where it was.They say that on the former territory of the pioneer camp Green Hill. If so, then the administration just a year ago after hearings refused the applicant to transfer this site to the development zone with apartment buildings above 8 floors. Ecologists appealed to the Minister of Natural Resources with a demand to protect the Kumysnaya Polyana.

The Saratov region will become a pilot region in the AHML project for the comprehensive improvement of the territories of Russian cities – such a decision was made today in the framework of the last meeting in Moscow between Governor Valery Radaev and General Director of the Agency for Housing Mortgage Lending Alexander Plutnik and General Director of the Housing Development Fund Denis Filippov.

The Agency for Housing Mortgage Lending is launching a new area of ​​activity – the comprehensive improvement of the territories of Russian cities. As part of the direction, it is planned to develop urban public spaces: parks, walking areas, historical centers. Such an integrated approach will make it possible to emphasize the unique features of Russian cities, make them more comfortable for life, and help unlock their tourism potential.

During the meeting, it was noted that Saratov is rich in sights, cultural traditions, it is one of the few cities on the Volga where the historical part has been well preserved. In addition, Saratov is the largest educational center with over 100,000 students.

I don’t know how anyone, but I am pleased with the work of the Department for the Protection of Cultural Heritage Objects of the Government of the Saratov Region, Vladimir Tarnovsky. Every week, the security zones of various architectural monuments are approved, security obligations are issued. In Saratov, checks are underway against 18 owners who do not monitor cultural heritage sites

According to Tarnovsky, the main offenses on the part of users of facilities are unauthorized excavation, construction and other types of work. In March of this year, checks were launched on 18 owners of facilities that do not comply with the requirements of security obligations, the official told his colleagues. Claims have already been filed against three owners of the premises.

“From October 2015 to February 2016, 32 inspections were carried out, of which 27 were unscheduled. In 14 cases, violations were revealed, the materials were sent for consideration to the district courts. As a result, in 2015 legal entities and individuals were brought to administrative responsibility for a total of 752 thousand rubles,” Tarnovsky reported on the work.

He also recalled that this year at the expense of the overhaul fund 16 houses on Moskovskaya street will be repaired. 39 illegal advertising structures have already been dismantled from historical buildings.

The oldest thermal power plant in Saratov is being liquidated My post about CHPP-1, written last year, I will publish very soon.

Old houses in the historical center of Saratov will be demolished for the sake of expanding the highways. After reading this news, I will remind you that this is discussed almost every year since the beginning of the 1980s. Perhaps money will someday. One of the first materials about this from the newspaper Communist I will soon publish.

March 12. The Executive Committee of the Regional Council approved a plan for the construction of airports in cities and regions of the region for 1966-1967. The construction of the buildings of airports will be conducted at the expense of the loans of the State Bank and non -centralized sources of financing. The decision of the regional executive committee says about the need to allocate in the cities of Marx, Pugachev, Petrovsk and Kalininsk premises for normal operation of aircraft agencies. The deputy administration and executive committees of local councils should establish an uninterrupted movement of buses between airports and settlements.

March 17. A house of clothing is opened in the area of ​​the central collective farm market where you can order, as well as buy a men's and women's coat, dress, suit, pants. There is a large selection of semi -finished products of women's and men's clothing (with a fit on figure). Every Saturday in the salon, the model of the model gives lectures, accompanied by a demonstration of models.

18th of March. The construction of the modern Saratov -Penza highway has begun. It will become the shortest way between the two regional centers, it will sharply reduce the mileage of cars heading from Saratov to Moscow.

20th of March. “Dnipro” and “Volga” came from Astrakhan – powerful icebreakers of the shipping company. Their goal is to speed up the autopsy of ice on the Volgograd reservoir. Ricnels expect that the early raid of the icebreakers will allow you to open navigation of the first five -year plan in the Saratov area at least two weeks earlier compared to last year.

A few days ago, a new unusual bus appeared on Saratov's streets. This is a mobile dental office obtained from Czechoslovakia. It has a “room” of relaxation for service medical personnel, a dental office with two chairs, a dental laboratory. The mobile toe -medical office will serve the workers of Balashovsky, Romanovsky, Samoilovsky, Turkovsky, Arkadak and Kalinin districts.

Transport review

Aviation, electric vehicles, railways and Saratov.

And nothing has changed. The same unfortunate stop at the hay does not change at all. Nobody stops at the stopping pavilion. Public transport rises as close to the intersection as possible, closing the pedestrian crossing and interfering with the passage of cars. Passengers climb over the fence to run into open doors. Until so many buses accumulate (as in this photo) that the approaching begins to signal, bringing more bright sounds to the life of local residents. Then the standing bus will pass a little closer to the stop in front.

While we are promised new wagons and a high -speed tram, there is no money to pay off electricity debts: they again announced the threat of stopping electric vehicles

And in EngelsE on trolleybuses they continue to be creative!

New express Ufa Saratov It will be 4 hours faster and 886 rubles cheaper than a regular train: compositions of 7 wagons each will get from Ufa to Samara in 7 hours. Travel time from Samara to Saratov will be 7 hours 15 minutes, the average speed of the train along the route is 75 km/h. Now the road from Saratov to Ufa is about 19 hours, and from Saratov to Samara – almost 9 hours, the prices in the reserved seat at the beginning of May amount to 1866 rubles to Ufa and 1100 rubles to Samara. The price of a ticket from Ufa to Samara is 660 rubles, to Saratov – 980 rubles.

Lifted flights to Prague, which the Rusline Airline was supposed to start at the end of March, then moved to April, and now completely canceled. It can be seen that few of the Saratovites can afford tickets for 490 euros back and fifth and weekly tours from 148 thousand rubles for two.

The Airlines Saratov Airlines opens several new summer directions. We are talking about Nesaratov directions:
Stavropol – Simferopol
Ulyanovsk – Sochi
Penza is Simferopol
Penza – Sochi
Gelendzhik – Ufa
Orsk – Simferopol
Orenburg – Simferopol
Orenburg – Sochi
Nizhny Novgorod – Simferopol
Nizhny Novgorod – Sochi

Nevertheless, having studied the new schedule for the summer season, new flights from Saratov were discovered. Apparently, these are again those flights after which the plane flies further from the destination. So on the shoulder from Saratov the prices are very low.
Saratov – Krasnodar – 2500 there, 4500 back and forth, April 6.20 there, 9.23 – back.
Saratov – Orenburg – 2000 there, 3600 back and forth, April 13.27 there, 16.28 – back.
Saratov – Samara 1000 there, 1800 – back and forth. April 18 there, 21 – back.

On the air Comedy Club ridiculed the Saratov airport. Well, how to perceive it? The girl arrived in Moscow, on stage said that there was no waiting room at the Saratov airport. Everyone stands in line and wait (.). At the same time, there are waiting rooms in the sterile zone with a children's corner, and in the common part of the building on the second floor. This is not counting a few dozen chairs for those who meet/escort in the premises on the ground floor.
And a month ago, the same girl devoted almost half of her interview with the Saratov Regional Gazeta On a trip to Moscow, a bad airline Saratov Airlines . The theme of the interview was completely different, but she spoke rather large part of the story about the horrors associated with the delay of the flight and mental suffering. Therefore, she decided to go back from Moscow by train. Apparently, in spite of the fog and weather conditions of our airline, you need to fly, and other airlines from our airport did not delay flights on this day. By the way, if there was a ticket to another airline, then I would have to wait even longer, becauseThe aircraft should still fly from Moscow and unload passengers.

But the social activist Yevgeny Luzanovsky, on the contrary, devoted his blog to concerns about the case with an side by the Arab airline FlyDubai, no matter how they say the same thing with Saratov planes. (About checking the Federal Air Transport Agency and Axus anxiety). The main message – a certain acquaintance, learning that the testing of the Federal Air Transport Agency found a violation from the Saratov OJSC, decided to go by train. Apparently other airlines in Saratov do not fly 🙂 And again there is a burning of last year’s case with the ex-director of the Saratov Airlines.

It is interesting that the famous Moscow transport blogger Dmitry Berdasov wrote a post on the topic of this post, believing that this is nothing more than an order: a flight with Saratov Airlines.

Today another opus has appeared: we explain in Russian, which begins with the fact that the regional public chamber has opened a hot line related to the work of Saratov Airlines OJSC:

And here is the main question? What does the plane in Rostov-on-Don again have to do with it? Was he Saratov? Why is the hot line for Saratov passengers PJSC Aeroflot or Red Wings not open? Why do not hot lines dedicated to other private Saratov transport companies do not open? For example, to customers FPK, Noah, Lord or Auto-component-2? There, there will also be a wagon, if collected.
Probably all this is done for the sole purpose – periodically do stuffing, inventing all kinds of nonsense. I laughed for a long time when I read what was written in the above post:

It seems that this resident, unless of course she is invented, did not buy anything through the Internet at all. Moreover, trade is carried out through the Siren system (a airline reservation system) and the Oxygen template used on the sites of other airlines. Of course, it has many drawbacks and not everyone likes it, but the decoding of tariffs there is so simple and banal that a person who uses any online stores or booking will cope with it easily. Why call in a public ward or sit with a dictionary, if you can simply press the name of the tariff and its description will appear, where everything that is needed will be written in Russian.

The results of the air transportation for January-February 2016 were also published. Compared to the same period last year, the fall continues – 97.1% of passengers and 90.6% of passenger turnover.
Saratov Airlines at the same time a little in the plus – 101.8 % in terms of the number of passenger transported passengers and 114.8 % in passenger turnover.
From the same table you can easily calculate that after the departure of Transaero from the market Aeroflot with the daughters now transports 2/3 passengers among Russian airlines.

Traditional prices for tomorrow (relevant in the morning) on ​​the route of Saratov-Moscow Saratov.