Murmansk | Daniil Spivakovsky: About Buzova, Hitler and Hashkay – Bezformata

In Murmansk, the famous theater and film actor Daniil Spivakovsky performed. Severpost could not help but take the opportunity to communicate with those whom film critics call modern Chaplin. Murmansk region. Murmansk.

Daniil Spivakovsky: About Buzova, Hitler and Gashekya

Daniil Spivakovsky: about Buzova, Hitler and Hasek -

Daniil Spivakovsky is one of the most popular artists of Russian cinema and theater. He outplayed many maniacs, murderers, rapists, and Jacks of Rights, and even international terrorists. His ability to transform into bloodthirsty villains, as well as in positive dramatic characters, makes him professionally in demand and beloved spectators.

This time in Murmansk, Daniil Spivakovsky salted in the musical and literary composition “The Adventures of the brave soldier Schweik” based on the book of Yaroslav Gashek. The actor not only described the ridiculous and touching stories of the “valiant soldier” to the accompaniment of the ensemble of Russian folk instruments “Russian Rhapsody”. But he also acted as one of the musicians – played on drums.

A literary masterpiece in musical accompaniment came heart to hearts. They stood applauded Spivakovsky and musicians. After the presentation, the famous artist willingly photographed and distributed autographs to fans of his work, and Severpost took a small blitz interview from him.

– Daniil Ivanovich, do you think such staging of classical works will help those who do not really like books?

– Yes, now people have become enough read. Adults do not have enough time: family, work, life. But young people do not read either – they do not want. And here such readership programs carry an educational function. If they do not open the book, then at least they will hear the work from the stage. And how wonderful that there were teenagers and youth with parents in your hall. After the performance, the head of the art school from Severomorsk came up to me after the performance, she brought to the performance of young painters. She said that the youth was satisfied.

The novel itself is very long, written quite chaotic, it is difficult to read it and I admit. Gaska wrote him already as a sick and wounded man. He did not even write it, but dictated it. The novel is not completed because the writer died. This is an anti -war story with a humor about an absurd person. Actually, such ridiculous people win wars. Such honest and loyal to the Motherland conquer.

– And what were you a soldier, where did you serve, in what rank did you leave the service?

– I finished the service with the rank of sergeant. He served 2 years in the Soviet Army. First in the training in Western Ukraine, in Shepetovka. Then in the city of Shuya, Ivanovo region. So I gave the duty to the homeland in full.

– AT film Legend of Olga You had to play Hitler. What feelings did you work on this role?

– Someone had to play.For me it was a serious dramatic role, a historical character.

– Were there heroes of the Great Patriotic War in your family?

– My grandfather, Spivakovsky Semyon Davydovich, was a military pilot. He tested gliders. His glider was called A-7. They were without an engine. Their opponent did not hear. It was very convenient, especially for paratroopers.

He went through the entire war, then went into civil aviation. He lived to be 94 years old. Grandmother passed away last year, she was 91 years old. She was one of those about whom Vasiliev wrote in the book “Tomorrow there was a war”: the tenth graders had a graduation party, and the next day war was declared. All the boys died in her class. They lived with their grandfather for 59 years.

– Where will you be on May 9?

– A few years ago I made a musical performance based on military songs, and my students annually play it at the Center on Strastnoy. This is a theater under the Union of Theater Workers. In the evening, during the festivities, on May 9, they will show this performance, and I will be there with them.

– You are a frequent guest in our city. Is the provincial audience different from the capital?

– I visit Murmansk 2-3 times a year, that's for sure. The audience across the country is the same: sympathetic, wonderful. Today in Murmansk the hall breathed with us. I felt it physically. I always say this and I will repeat it: Russian people are very smart people. The grain is separated from the chaff. Yes, the public needs to laugh, and they need comedies to make people forget that life is not so easy. But as soon as you offer them a serious topic, they take it with pleasure.

– People go to the theater and to the actress Olga Buzova.

– I do not know who it is, although no, I heard the name.

– Don't you think that Russians have started to go to the theater less?

– They didn’t go to the theater less often. Theater will always exist. Because it gives a live actor's emotion, born from a person here and now. No movie or computer can ever replace this. This is a human need. In large works, a light vector of art is laid.

Photo: SeverPost
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