Search for the crashed helicopter took off M

Mi-8 flew from Perm to Udmurtia in search of a crashed helicopter December 27, 2021, A helicopter crashed in Udmurtia December 27, 2021 | – Perm news

Permsky flew to Udmurtia in search of a crashed helicopter. According to investigators,

Permsky flew to Udmurtia in search of a crashed helicopter

Search for the crashed helicopter took off M

The incident was reported by the Central Interregional Investigation Department on Transport of the Investigative Committee of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation. According to investigators, the incident occurred around 14:00 Moscow time.

– A helicopter belonging to the Kazan Aviation Enterprise took off at 12:00 Moscow time from the airfield of the city of Izhevsk and circled the oil pipeline. There were two people on board, investigators said. – Immediately before the loss of communication with the helicopter, the aircraft commander reported an emergency situation. Investigators of the Central Interregional Investigation Department for Transport of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation went to the scene, an inspection is being carried out, all the circumstances of the incident are being clarified.

He went to help the crew of M, they said in the Federal Air Transport Agency. “A helicopter with a parachute group of the Perm Regional Search and Rescue Base, a branch of the FKU Ural Aviation Search and Rescue Center of the Federal Air Transport Agency, took off from Perm to carry out a search and rescue operation,” they said. Now rescuers are looking for an aircraft.

Telegram channels report that the crew members of the helicopter survived, but were seriously injured. The commander of the aircraft allegedly got in touch with the rescuers, but there have been no messages from him lately.