L-CARD Development and production of electronic equipment|

Advantages Focusing on the advanced trends of the industry, as well as on its accumulated potential, L-CARD develops measuring equipment from scratch, implementing the most daring ideas


Focusing on the advanced trends of the industry, as well as on its accumulated potential, L-CARD develops measuring equipment from scratch, implementing the most daring ideas into finished serial products. The basis of our approach to development is innovation and technology, which allows us to create in-demand and unique products that are maximally adapted to the specialized requirements of each Client.

Own production

An important component of the company's success is its own production, which is a modern and technological enterprise with well-equipped departments and highly qualified personnel. Close interaction between development and production centers allows for effective coordination of organizational and technological processes within the company, which, in turn, has a positive effect on the speed and quality of order fulfillment.

30 years on the market

Over a long period of work, the company has demonstrated stability regardless of changing external conditions, so our Clients can be confident in the reliability and professionalism of L-CARD.

More than 5000 clients in Russia and abroad

L-CARD clients are large industrial and research organizations operating in a wide variety of industries. The geography of distribution of our products includes such countries as Belarus, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Romania, Moldova, Ukraine, Latvia, Estonia, countries of the Middle East and Asia.

Development of Apple-compatible products

Our company is one of the first and few in Russia – a developer licensed by Apple. With the MFi Development License, we develop hardware and software compatible with iPhone and iPad.

Equipment under your brand

We turn the idea of ​​our Clients into a ready-made technological solution using our own scientific, technical and production facilities. Combining your ideas and our capabilities allows us to implement the most ambitious projects as efficiently as possible.