Irt news

Irt news

Without Kevordo

The company is one of the most important instruments of the “fourth power” in the city of Ust-Ilimsk and includes the Ilim Regional Television, RA “Providence”, “Hold the format”, “What is Ust-Ilimsk” and the newspaper “Evening Ust-Ilim” .

Mon. – Th. 9:00 – 18:00
PT. 9:00 – 17:00

Saturday is a day off Sunday is a day off

The network publication Ilim Regional Television (16+) is registered by the Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technologies and Mass Communications on 09.24.2021. Certificate of registration of the media EL No. FS 77 – 81921.

Founder – Limited Liability Company Advertising Agency Promotion . The editor -in -chief is K.V. Bachin. Editor's phone: +7 (39535) 6-45-55. Email address: [email protected]

All rights to any materials published on the site are protected in accordance with Russian and international author's law and related rights. Any use of textual, photo, audio and video materials is possible only with the consent of the copyright holder (IRT).